The Creation


"Any problem?"

"But I want to make the wish, not you~ I never heard of a genie who made a wish for himself."

"Have you ever seen a genuine genie?"

".... No."

"Then I'm one of those genuine geniuses who makes a wish for himself. I'm pretty unique and the only one in this world.'

"Well, you're right, I never heard that kind of genie."

"Good, then I will make a wish."

"Please tell me your wish- wait for a second, I feel something's not right… hmmm but i can't remember what's wrong right now?'

Lou inwardly smiled, the clueless thing did not realize what was happening.

"'Can I make a wish now?'

'Wait let me think first! Awah~ I don't know what to do.'

'Calm down, take a deep breath.'

"Hooooo~ haaa~"

"Hooooo~ haaa~"

"Hooooo~ haaa~"


"I'm ready, now tell me your wish."

"Follow me"

"... Pardon?"

"I said, follow me."

"... So you're the same as them….."

"No, I'm different."

"Then tell me what's the difference between you and them?"

"I want to save you from them. By coming to me, we can prevent anyone from being used. I don't have any great plans or goals and I don't like troubles."

"But I bring huge trouble."

"Trust me, I can help you." Lou sincerely said.

"..... Then let me trust you one."


"Good, for now on I will follow you as you wish for me, I will trust you once so please don't fail my expectation of you."

"Good, let's start." Lou then jumps to get closer to the ancient weapon, jumping above her head and touching the top of her.

'System, let's start.'

System:' Good.'

A huge formation starts to appear above the cloud, the formation enclosing the whole palace and the gigantic girl sitting.

System,' Use all your mana.'

Lou nodded and started to pour all of his hand to the magic circle that appeared on his hand.

Slowly, the miasma from the giant body slowly disappears until it shows the true face and features of the giant weapon.


Ding! Universal Petrified Start!


The giant girl starts to turn into stone, starting from head then to his face until she finally turns to a gigantic stone statue.

System,' Use your Divine Power to pull her consciousness from this broken body,'

Lou slowly uses his Divine Power to track the consciousness of the ancient weapon, it's not hard to find her because she is actually in front of Lou.

System:' Pull her!'

Lou slowly pulls her from the petrified body, slowly and carefully to prevent some mishap from happening.

Because he is careful this time, Lou uses almost half an hour just to pull the consciousness outside.

Right now, Lou is holding the body of a woman in a form of light particles covered with his own Divine Magic.


Ding! Insitacte Life Support Taboo Magic!


Out of nowhere, Lou's heart starts to beat like a drum, a huge amount of vitality starts to come out from his pores transferring to the light particles on his hand.

Lou visibly sees a ball of light starting to form inside of the light body and slowly the ball of light starts to throb like crazy.


Ding! Body Reconstruction Start!


System,' Host I will take some of your flesh and immortal herbs from your inventory to create the body for this consciousness.'


Slowly, Lou felt that his flesh is benign and ripped apart, it's not in the palace but all over his body in pain.

There's even a visible sign of sunken skin on his body because of the missing flesh but it returns back after regenerating.

The process lasts until half an hour and of course, the pain also lasts for half an hour for Lou.


System,' Not yet, we need time for the body to self-heal and complete the process, Host please use your Time and Space Magic to accelerate the process.'

Lou nodded and cast a spell.

"Space Stop"

"Tiem Magic: Time Displacement"

"Time Magic: Flash-Forward"

"Time Magic: Time Acceleration"

"Sand of Time"

"Order of Time"

System,' Not enough, use your artifact, summon it Host.'

"Summon: Time God's Scythe"

A dark-colored scythe appears on Lou's hand then cuts towards the body that the System created.


By using the Time God's Scythe the process becomes more faster and efficient, you can already see the fast-changing face of the man-made body ignorant of Lou.

After a couple of hours~~

System,' Push that consciousness to this body to start the last process,'

Lou slowly pushes the light body towards the body that they just created and then something starts to change again.

The space starts to crack and a bony hand comes out from the space, the body hand starts to reach towards the body that they created but You already walk in front.

"Stop, this is mine,"

"Thou shall not be given..."