New Characters

Lou felt weird while looking at his food, he gazed at Miyuki as if he was asking for a reason about all of these things.

"A commoner food."

"A cup of ramen, a can of coffee and a loaf of bread?"

"Consideration for a commoner."

"I don't know if commoners eat this kind of food in the morning but at home, I never eat this in the morning, you even give me a cheap coffee from a vending machine."

"Really? I thought it's a premium coffee?"

"Don't pretend like food! I know that you know that my home owns a coffee shop, how can you easily fool me with your idiotic reason?"


"Did you just click your thoughts? You did, didn't you?"

"...." Miyuki only looked at him with her cold and expressionless face.

"Anyways, can you even get me proper food?"

After some trouble in the morning breakfast, the day finally started when Lou was finally introduced to everyone.

A simple introduction for what he is going to do and what they can learn from him, but at the same time, it's a q and a portion to let the girls ask anything they want or are confused about the outside world.

The Q & A sometimes is like this…. ( Note ) Only in an all-girls school for ladies of high-ranking family or clan.

"Commoners don't have maids?" One of the ladies asked.

"That's right, commoners are basically normal people who have a normal job so we don't have the luxury to hire maids, only for those who are rich Maids are available," Lou answered.

"T-Then how do you manage your daily life?"

"By myself of course, we do everything by ourselves."

Just from the answer made the girls feel amazed, well, Lou cant blame them, they are raised as rich ladies and everything they do or want is always supervised or managed by their own personal Maid.

Another girl raises her hand, Lou looks at her and feels that his girl is a huge trouble, why you ask, she is not like the ladies around, she is grinning towards.

That right, grinning, a typical face that you will never see to a lady if you know their nature.

"What's the matter?"

"Hello, I'm Ageha Kuki, can i ask you if the rumor is true, commoners can easily punch a hole on a train, break a rock with a kick, run in the water and eat a whole cow in one sitting."

Just like what Lou expected, this girl is pretty unique, just from her appearance, you can easily distinguish her from the rest of the girls.

She has a large scar on her forehead and has silver hair. She gives an aura of a man with a body of a beautiful woman.

"I don't know if commoners can do that but punching a train is good, breaking the government property will cause you to get imprisoned."

"What about you? Can you do it?"

Lou raises his hand, gives a single jab randomly and then replies." Nope."

".... Liar," Ageha replied back while smiling ferociously.

If a normal person sees that casual punch you can only see a feeble and lousy movement, but for the master, they can see the true strength behind Lou's punch, and Ageha clearly sees it.

Another one asked.

"Can commoners easily find their way?" The girl asks with a soft and kind voice, Lou cant even help but to look at the girl for a second time.

A young girl with long dark blue hair that is styled in a hime cut and that is up to her hip. She also has dark blue eyes and bangs that divide from the left and right sides of her face. She also wears a kimono while hiding her lips using the sleeve of her kimono.

A genuine Yamato Nadeshiko.

"Yes, a commoner can really find their way to where they want, you can see a bunch of signage everywhere so it's impossible to get lost, moreover, police everywhere so you can ask directions without getting lost."

"I see…."

"Let me ask oto." A lively girl shouted.

"Nagisa-chan, don't shout."

"Okay, what's your question?"

"Is it true that you can get pregnant if you touch a boy's hand?"



With her question, everybody starts clamoring, they worry, look at Lou while trying to distance themselves from him, even Miyuki starts to distance from Lou while grinning while watching everything happen.

'This black belly girl.' Lou inwardly said.

"Can i ask you first what is your name and where did you hear this senseless rumor?"

"I'm Nagi Sanzenin, I heard it from my friend," Nagi said.

Nagi is short in stature, she has long blond hair which is tied in two long twin tails, bangs, and she has green eyes.

"A friend? Is that the girl with the idiotic face, foolish personally and almost zero IQ?"

"Hey!" Aika.


"Don't believe her, if you believe her, you will also going to become ma fool,"


"That's right, always remember, believe in science, never believe in rumors or anything, if the science really proves it, then you can finally believe it."

"Okay…" Nagi nodded, while a hateful look at Aika who was trying to hide from her.