
"So….. what are you doing here?" Lou looks at Karen who is sitting in front of him, he doesn't know how this girl finds his room.

"I failed and defeated, my life is yours from now on."


"I shall accept you, who defeated me as my master. She flustered."


"But keep it mind, i will strike you if ever i see your guard down so be prepared." Her face then turns vicious and serious.

"B-But…. Before that… Y-You can use me however you want…"

"..... That's dangerous, you almost made me do something dangerous, don't say that word again okay?" Lou nervously said.

"And why?" She was confused.

"Not all boys are as gentlemanly as me. If you ever encounter a pervert one ( me ) you will surely regret what you just said."

"I don't care, you just need to prepare. After I defeat you, I will make you my dog, or maybe a bird or something like a pet….. By the way, what is that?" Karen said, pointing something on Lou's lap.

"What do you mean "What is that?"."

"I mean who is that little girl?"

"She? Wait- why are you getting close? Get ready, hey don't poke her, you are going to leave a mark on her cheek!"

"You're selfish! I will just touch her if she is real."

Karen then gaze at Hakua who sitting on Lou's lap/

She slowly crawls and pulls Hakua slowly, she then hugs her with an expressionless face while touching her head.

"H-How pointless~"

She then hug, rub and even start to pinch Haqua continuously while whispering some stupid words.

"How cute, how pointless~"

"So soft, how pointless."

"This is really pointless!"

Hakua tries to fight back but the gap from their strength is so huge, but still she escapes from Karen's demonic palm and hides behind Lou.

"Ha…. ha….. Ha… ha…."

Looking at her perverted expression, Lou seems to see that expression somewhere, he just doesn't remember where and when.

"Stop, don't cause trouble here."

"Don't worry, I will not cause you trouble, and besides, didn't I say I'm yours."

"What!" ( Background )

"So i will going to stay by your side as much as possible, and then-"

She then looked expressionless at Lou while holding her katana.

"The moment I am convinced I can win, I will kill you."

"What!" ( Background again )

"That's impossible, your hundred years too early to win against me."

"Then be ready."

Lou then heard a strange noise coming from behind, he then heard Hakua" My blood sugar is low."

"So you're hungry?"


"Wait a minute, i will get something for you," Lou then took some cookies and cheap tea from his stash and put it on the table, then prepared some hot water for them.

He then prepared four cups and placed them on the table and thought,' Four cups?'

After giving them tea, he then starts to feed Hakua who is already sitting back on his lap again.

Feeding Hakua is like feeding birds or squirrels, she nibbles the food like small animals, she is so cute that he already sees Karen who is blazing full of jealousy.

"Her some tea."

"Then, i gladly accept it," Karen.

"Wow, a commoners tea," ( Background again )

After a couple of minutes of feeding Hakua, it seems Karen can stop herself, she tries to feed Haku but only gets a cold shoulder from her.

She can only helplessly look at her while angry glare at Lou.

"Why Are you straight at me? Want to fight?"

"H-How..... Pointless….."

"You want another cup?"

".... Sure… thank you."


"By the way, what katana do you carry? Is that even legal?"


"Of course, i have the papers to carry this,"

"Well, that's good, I thought you just waved it without even thinking."

"O-Of course no!" Karen evasive reply.


Lou looks behind and is surprised to see someone actually with them right now, he can't help but to ask," You're here?!"

"Do you want to get beaten! I'm here from the very start!" Aika angrily shouts.