Help for Desperate Girl

"Ouch!" You don't know why he fell from a great height, but still it's pretty good that he fell to a sand dune.

Looking around he felt he came to a gloomy and eerie place, looking above it seems daytime.

"So where am i?" Lou asked.

System,' You will know-"



From a distance a huge beam of light hit Lou but he easily blocked it but still, he got pushed making him sink into the ground.

"What the heck! What's that! Where am i!" Lou looked at the place where the attack just came and dazed seeing the two people standing on the top of the stone tower.

One is a young man with a lean build, peach skin and orange spiky hair.

While the other one is a monster-like thing that resembles a devil.

Seeing a huge hole in the young man's chest, Lou knows that this kid is gone, with that kind of injury it's impossible to heal unless you're undead like him.

A fatal wound that can only give instant death for anyone.

It seems the devil notices Lou's presence so he throws the dead man away while curious looking at him.


He appears in front of Lou with incredible speed and asks," Who are you and what are you doing here?"

"I'm Lou, I'm here to find a person, or maybe a Hallow."

"This is not the palace for you to come as you please, get out before I change my mind." The man coldly said, he then tried to punch Lou but he easily dodged it.

"No need to be angry, I came just to find someone, I will leave after that."

The man looks at Lou silently and then replies." You're not easy, i can't sense any human energy from you,"

"Noo!" A scream of grief suddenly resounds, making Lou get a notice that there are more people around.

He saw a young girl holding the corpse of the young boy crying, seeing this made Lou wonder,' It seems I see him somewhere?'

The devil suddenly moved and appeared in front of the woman, the expressionless man said," it's no use, you won't be able to connect his life with your level of power even if you use all your effort."

Then a young man appears and starts fighting the devil again, but based on what Lou senses, the gap is so huge that it's impossible for them to win.

Walking beside the woman, he now finally clearly sees the face of the unknown people and realizes where he is right now.

The young woman who is full of tears and sorrow looks at Lou who just arrived beside her.

"You can't save him, only himself can save his life,"

"B-But…. I want to save him...… can you help me?" The girl pleaded, asking Lou to feel sorrow for her.

He wants to help but he doesn't know any healing magic or ability, he can only lean down and wipe the tears from her cheeks.

"Is he your boyfriend?"

The woman shook her head," No…. but he is one of my friends who always saves me…. But I can't help him in the end...."

"I don't understand... I don't know what to do…. What should I do?

Looking at the girl who seems about to have a mental breakdown, Lou helplessly sighs, if he only has the ability to help him.

She then looks at Lou again but this time, her eyes finally become dead from sorrow, the thing that Lou thinks finally comes, her feeble heartbreaks.

"Help me... please."

Her voice is like a strand of hair that she tries to cling begging for help, her face even made Lou feel guilty and sad.


Ding! You recessive Special Quest: Helping Hand

Special Quest: Helping Hand

You stumble upon something tragic that made a young girl heartbroken, seeing her like this made your heart decide to help her but the help doesn't come without a price.


Revive the Youngman


New Summon Being

Fail: World Punishment +100%

Warning: Reviving someone using your current ability will make the world angry with you, please be prepared for a bunch of debuffs that are coming.


'System, I can't do this Quest! I don't have a healing ability!" Lou helplessly said.

System,' Don't worry Host, I can help you with this quest but you will receive more debuffs if we do this so do you want to try.'

Of course, Lou doesn't want to try, failing will enhance the world's debuff by 100% but the consequence from helping this kid is surely not easy for sure.

But even if You don't want to accept the quest, just looking at the miserable face of the girl beside him made him take a bite and accept it.

"Let's do it.'

Ding! "Immortality" Ability temporarily removed!

Lou felt something come out from his body and slowly fall to the young man's body.

He then sees that the huge home on that man's chest slowly heals but still, his life energy is not going back at all.

But still, Lou knows that the System will never do something impossible to accomplish, and right now, to complete the quest, it seems the first punishment is about to arrive.