Kuonji Siblings

"For the whole day, Lou is going to attend to me."

"Huh? Isn't Yumi's idea all of this?"

"She is right, Nee-san, you're being unreasonable today!"

"Silence, as Older Sister, this is my privilege."

"What did you say!?"

"That's not fair!"

Lou helpless sighs, he looks at the three young girls fighting in front of the table, they are his master for today after completing his job yesterday.

They are the Kuonji Siblings.

Shinra Kuonji is the eldest of the Kuonji siblings.

Shinra has dark green hair and brown eyes. Her attire consists of mostly black and dark colors. She wears gray leggings and loose pointy black boots each with a gold ring wrapped around the middle.

She wears a gold-rimmed black shirt, which has a gold streak that runs from the top to the bottom, in the front. The shirt's white-collar is fastened with a single red button that has white ribbons hanging from. A chain of red gems and gold plates is worn around her waist and a waist-length cloak, which has golden decorated corners, is draped over her shoulders.

A glossy black band is worn on her head that divides her sideburns and fringe from the rest of her hair. Two white strings are tied in ribbons on either side of her head.

Miyu is the second sister of the Kuonji siblings/

She is often treated like a child and is often called a loli. Even though she does look like a child she is twenty three years old. She has long yellow pigtails and blue eyes. She is usually shown wearing a short white dress with red buttons. She wears black knee-high socks with brown shoes. She also has white and black ties holding her pigtails in place.

Yume Kuonji is the youngest sister of the Kuonji siblings.

Yume is usually shown wearing a school uniform, consisting of a white shirt with blue highlights, a yellow bow around her neck, a short blue skirt, long white socks, and some blue and white tennis shoes. She also wears a hairpin and two yellow bows in her hair. She has fair skin with blue eyes, and pink hair. She has a slim waist and her breasts are average-sized.

"My decision is final, Lou will become my butler for the whole day, if you want him to work on you then take another day," Shinra said.

"But I'm the one who takes Lou in, I should be the one who gets him right?" Yume said.

"Yume youtube is too young to be an alien with Lou, it's better for you to stay with Natose," Miyu said.

Natose is Yume's personal maid and also the head of security for the Kuonji Mansion.

She has blue hair and wears an eyepatch over her right eye. When in battle she takes a Muay Thai stance. She has a great love for food and is shown to have superhuman abilities when it comes to obtaining it.


"No, "but" I want to see what kind of magic this man can do, I heard that even Nagi's pet is scared of him."

"Also~ also~ Miyuki-sama also strongly recommended him to everyone."

"Well never mind, you test hi first nee-san."

"By the way, your next concert is already near, don't tell me you want Lou to handle all miscellaneous chores since you'll be busy until your concert right?"

"You are right, I will test him if he is professional enough."

"I see, then it can be helped, Lou please take care of Shin Onee 0chan today."

"As you order."

And then, Lou's busy day starts.

First, he follows Shinra to Nanahama Hall for her rehearsal for the upcoming concert.

Followed by a meeting, interviews, and photo session for the Nagahama Port Memorial Concert.

After that, they appear on TV promotion for the incoming concert.

Then lastly, Lou and Shinra attend a charity drive at night.

Everything ends at midnight, it's a hectic day that drains Lou dry.

Opening the door, he lets Shinra enter after the charity drive ends.

"You must be tired today."

"No, I'm fine, I'm just not mentally prepared for this kind of work."

"That's natural, after all, you're just a normal student a couple of days ago."

"Say, what do you think of my performance today." Shinra suddenly said after entering the car.

Lou looks at her in the mirror." I think I have the privilege to tell you about this thing."

"Just tell me, i notice that you're shaking your head just now when i'm practicing, do you see any problem with my performance?"

"..... Do you want to hear the truth or lie?"

"I want to hear the truth."

"Even you will get hurt if you ask my opinion?"

".... Yes."

Lou watches outside as the whole car turns into silence, he then answers." It's terrible."

After answering that question, Lou can visibly feel the anger of the Head Butler but he only gets angry and does not do anything at all.

".... Can you tell me what's wrong about my performance?" Shinra said.

"Your performance is like an auto-play recorder, I cant feel any emotion, any improvement even you do it a couple of times today and lastly I feel terrible just hearing the whole music."

"Isn't rehearsal about doing the things again and again?"

"Your right, rehearsal is about checking if your performance is right, but do you not realize that doing rehearsal is also a form of opportunity to tune up your own melody?"

Lou looked at her in the mirror and said," But you're different, the rehearsal just now is like a monotone that you practice hundreds of times, there's no soul in what you're doing….. Now tell me, do you think the music you produce is already enough?"

Shinra suddenly become silent, she never say any words even until they had already arrived back home, Lou only heard that he will going to overtime with her.

Lou thought,' Is she going to trouble me because of my comment?'


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