A Sudden Quest

After the ball game, Lou's normal life continues.

Of course, except for the not-so-good Debuff that he is getting constantly, everything is fine.

But not too long ago, a particular buff suddenly added that made Lou start to feel nervous.


Curse of Fate ( Fate Debuff )

Fate curses you, everything you do will be extremely hard, Fate is your mortal enemy at all times.


The Fate will try to change your Fate to the worst, it's unavoidable and irresistible.


'System, can this Debuff remove? For some reason, I started to feel uncertain and anxious these days.'

System,' Sorry Host, the Debuff is within the effect of your quest so i can't remove it until you complete your quest.'

'But isn't this dangerous? I can day anytime even thought in Immortal right?'

System.' Yes, you can die anytime because of this Debuff, that's why it's a dangerous Buff, but don't worry, I'm trying to minimize the effect of this Debuff.'

'Wait! I think I remember something! Is the thing like slipping, getting stung by a bee, getting wet for an unknown reason and getting hurt from time to time also the effect?'

System,' Your right host, every single one of them is the effect of this Debuff, it's irresistible and unavoidable, and most important of them all is, the effect will never stop.'

'... This sucks.'

System,' But don't worry Host, you need to wait a couple of months and you will successfully complete the quest, all the Debuff will automatically disappear after that.'

'The Debuff is only second to my worry, what i worry about most is my child that is about to be born, i don't even hear any news about Mafuyu these days.'

System,' if the quest is still active, it means the quest object is still alive so don't worry, i will give a Warning if something is going to happen.'

'Then I'm in your care.'

System,' As always.'

"Hey Lou, Principal Nobuna is calling you." One of his classmates said.


After hearing that Nobuna is calling him, Lou walks toward the Principal's Office.

"Hey, Nobuna, did you call me?"

"Wait a minute, Lou-sama, Nobuna-sama is currently finishing the paperwork." Machiyo who opened the door said.

"Okay, I will wait."

A couple of minutes later, Nobuna finally finishes what she doing and see Lou waiting for her.

"You are finally here."

"So why did you call me?"

"I want you to do something really important."

"If you're going to ask me to play again, better forget it, i won't play again."

"No, this time it's different," Nobuna serious said.

"Then tell me."

"Currently, Mafuyu-sensei is having a huge problem, a problem that even me and the other people around can't solve easily."

"... What kind of trouble?"

"See for yourself." Nobuna passes a report to Lou.

Lou took and read it carefully, after understanding everything, he looked at Nobana with dread on his face.

"Is this true?"

Nobuna helplessly nodded.

"When did things happen?"

"We discovered it accidentally."

"What do you mean by accident?"

"Well, it's Hakua-sama who discover it first when we visit Mafuyu, she felt something weird and what we found is that."


Curse of Fate

You are cursed by Fate itself, you are a cause, a huge anomaly, a dangerous thing that will alter everything and destroy the whole system.


Lou did not expect that not only him but also Mafuyu is being cursed by the Fate, he thought that only him but he didn't expect that also her.

It's fine if he is the only one who gets the curse, after all, he can't resist it because he has a System that is helping behind him but it's different when it comes to Mafuyu.

Mafuyu is not even high level like him, he doesn't have any defensive buff or anything, right now, she is in a dangerous situation.

"So what am I going to do?"

"We will send you to a Secret Realm, in the Underworld to find a Sacred Artifact."

"A Sacred Artifact?"

"You are going to find the "The Tunic of the Blessed Virgin" in the Underworld."

"..... I see, where are we going to leave?"

"Right now, we already prepared everything, and the portal is already waiting for you."

"The lets go."



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