Miserly boss

"Dear Kevin, let's go for a sport..." The familiar voice manages to shock Luna and Kevin.

Not without reason because that screeching voice is Elsa's signature voice.

Mrs. Wijaya who is none other than Kevin's biological mother who always looks eccentric and also dynamic is filled with a lot of fun but she also does not hesitate to nag even on Luna even as if Luna is also her daughter.

And now she is standing sculpting complete with bright pink sportswear, his mouth is wide open because it is still at half-past six in the morning and Kevin is standing while holding a hairdryer and also Luna's wet hair.

"Oh, my God! What are you fucking doing so early?" Ask Elsa to squeal in her sweat-undated tracksuit.

Elsa intends to take Kevin to exercise with her but seeing Kevin drying Luna's hair makes her very surprised and her head suddenly dizzy.

Did her son just make a scandal with his secretary? Elsa didn't think much of it at all.

Elsa then walks towards Luna and Kevin with curiosity while continuing to hold her head which is starting to feel heavy now.

Seeing Elsa approaching, Kevin immediately puts the hairdryer he is holding on the table and Luna immediately straightens her hair as they sit next to each other with a tense feeling.

"G... G... Good morning Mrs.Elsa." Luna tries to say hello with a fearful smile, it feels like Luna's tongue is suddenly frozen this is not the first time they meet but this atmosphere is very strange at this time makes Luna become nervous half-dead especially when Elsa stares at her suspiciously.

"Are you staying here Luna?" Luna winks at Elsa's question, does she look like someone who can stay at a man's house?

Luna then looks back at her current appearance, and it's not uncommon for Elsa to ask her that kind of thing because she does look like she's having sex with Kevin.

But the reality is not like that, Luna doesn't want her reputation to be bad then she immediately explains but just now she opens her mouth to explain Elsa like she can't wait to hear then she quickly interrupts Luna's explanation.

"Never thought, you both shocked me." Luna and Kevin haven't had time to explain what happened but Elsa cuts off a sentence that hasn't been spoken by them.

"Oh, my God, it's like catching a newlywed in the morning."

Luna and Kevin are surprised by what Elsa throws back casually before she finally decides to leave Kevin's house.

"Don't try to give me a grandchild before you get married." Threaten Elsa before she gets out of Kevin's door.

Elsa's spoken sentence manages to create an awkward atmosphere, Kevin and Luna slowly sit away from each other.

Granddaughter, did she say?

Kevin suddenly becomes tense, he immediately wakes up before he shows his nervousness.

"Let's just discuss the meeting on the plane later, quickly pack your stuff!" Kevin said before walking to his room.

"The plane?" Luna immediately wakes up and walks quickly to Kevin who stops his move, she wants to ask where they are, but Kevin turns around with a creepy stare that makes Luna unable to ask again.

"Are you deaf?" Ask Kevin, his face looks so scary that it makes Luna wrinkle but then Kevin approaches and touches Luna's hand.

"Or do you want to make a grandchild for my mother with me?"

Luna immediately pulls her hand before Kevin manages to kiss the back of her hand,

Kevin smiles thinly, he is very happy to see Luna's blushing face and also shy. Kevin knows that Luna didn't turn him down completely.

But Luna has left and Kevin can't bother her anymore so she steps back towards her room while Luna is still silent sculpting behind the special room Kevin gave her, certainly for such a moment when Kevin tells her to come without knowing the time and unfortunately Luna's heart can't stop pounding.

"Our plane leaves in fifteen minutes if we leave. Then your salary that I cut to reimburse the cost of the flight, so hurries up." Kevin yells at the door and Luna will complain to him so he immediately closes the door of his room tightly.

And Luna indeed went straight out of her room to protest, but unfortunately, Kevin locked the door to her room.

"The plane? Oh, my God, this is going to be a long day." Luna grunts.

"Damn boss! He's taking my time off again! "


While on the plane they were serious about discussing documents for a later meeting. This is a great opportunity to spread the wings of Kevin's furniture company, the company has been very advanced although the opportunity to cooperate with the King's hotel will make his company stronger in the top position. Hotel Kings has branches almost all over the world so Furniture K, Kevin company name will be more advanced and the company's products will be easier to enter the overseas market.

'I think this is a favorable option for both parties. Most likely they will accept our proposal." Said Luna, Kevin agrees with Luna's opinion, and the tension in her heart is slightly reduced.

"All right, we have to do well," Kevin replied with a nod and Luna's wry smile.

"Is there anything more to discuss?" Ask Luna carefully.

"Nothing!" Answer Kevin briefly.

"Then I'll wear makeup now." Said Luna enthusiastically pulled out her make-up kit and started polishing her face.

"You're beautiful even without make-up!" praised Kevin slowly making Luna turn and blush.

"Really?" Asked Luna happily, Kevin then smiled

"Of course I'm lying, your face looks like a granny when you're not wearing make-up" Kevin laughs.

Kevin's words make Luna glance annoyed but she does not want to reply to this annoying man next to her, and continues to polish her make-up and not finished Luna apply lipstick on her lips suddenly the plane experience turbulence makes the plane shaken quite violently, Luna is so scared and unknowingly grasps Kevin's hand tightly, Kevin realizes that and can only hide his smile.

"Are we going to die?" Tanya Luna trembles because she is so anxious and scared.

"Take it easy." Kevin caresses Luna's hair to calm Luna down a little until the shock stops but Luna hasn't let go of Kevin's hand yet.

"You like to steal opportunities in times of crisis!" Kevin again teases Luna but Luna is unaware of Kevin's innuendo until Kevin tightens with his eyes towards his hand which Luna holds tightly.

"I'm sorry sir, I ... I... I'm just a little scared!" said a nervous Luna, her face blushing now and within seconds Kevin was photographing luna's face with lipstick scratched wavy on her smooth cheeks.

"Why are you take my photo?" Ask Luna confused.

"Because you're beautiful!"


"Of course not! I'm just in case you suddenly disappear I just have to post this and you'll come as fast as lightning." Kevin laughs again while showing a photo of Luna who successfully made Luna's eyes bulge perfectly, yes teasing Luna is very fun indeed.

"You Bastard!!" Luna screams annoyed she wants to scold Kevin but her voice is enough to make the other passengers disturbed and make Luna squeal her voice.

"Delete that picture now!" said Luna tightening her teeth holding back the upset in her heart.

"A million dollars and I'll delete it!"

Luna again glared at Kevin as if his eyes wanted to come out and punch Kevin in the face but she was helpless.

"MISERLY BOSS! save it as you please, I will never disappear from your life!" Luna's squeal is annoyed before finally turning her face because the upset is different from Kevin who looks very enjoying Luna's anger.
