Love in pain

Luna opens the door of the sample room, a room that looks like a large hall containing samples of furniture produced by Furniture K from classic to modern.

All objects are neatly arranged, forming such as living room, dining room, even a bed there is also a family room all have been arranged according to their characteristics.

Every corner feels different, there are classic nuances there are also traditional nuances and minimalist all in their respective places with accessories that beautify the atmosphere.

"I didn't expect Furniture K to have this many products. You guys are providing this big room for really amazing samples." Praise Varell amazed, as an interior designer is in a room like this is a really happy thing because he can develop many new ideas.

"The lobby is traditional, right? I'll show you our treasure." Luna's say was greeted with a nod according to Varell.

"Kevin's father was amazing." Praise Varell when he sees a full of furniture with a thick Indonesian style from many areas.

"Kevin all happen. Mr. Wijaya is the founder of this company, he built this company with a solid foundation but Kevin developed and advanced this company until now." Said Luna, somehow Varell feels Luna was very excited when telling him about Kevin's greatness makes him a little annoyed because of jealousy but somehow Kevin is her boss maybe that's why Luna praises Kevin like that.

"This cabinet is huge." Praise Varell when looking at a large cabinet almost looks as big as a shelf in the library but this is a glass cabinet with strong carvings that are not only large but also high and wide beautiful and fragrant wood typical.

"This is a cabinet that is no longer produced. At that time we only made 3 closets like this. One is owned by Mr. Wijaya in his house, the other is in the state palace and the other is this." said Luna with straightforwardness.

"Wonderful.. this can be a treasure in the lobby hotel Kings, we can put hundreds of Indonesian characteristic objects in it such as statues and wayang golek will fill the largest part. You have to make it one for us so that we can make it treasure Hotel Kings Jakarta that is not in any other place." Varell said he was still amazed by the beauty of the cabinet in front of him.

"All right, we'll do our best." Luna smiled. Luna can see the success of Furniture K in front of her eyes at this time but Varell considers it another he thinks Luna smiles because she was happy to be with him.

"There's something in your hair." Varell wipes Luna's hair slowly, which is covered in dust.

"Thank you," Luna smiled. They then continued their journey around looking for other objects suitable for other corners that would decorate the Kings Hotel.


Kevin can't stand anymore, why they haven't finished yet when it's lunchtime, he decides to go looking for Luna and Varell but when he just comes out of his room he can see Monic walking towards his place.

"Damn..." Said Kevin Upset

"Kevin, have you felt my presence so much that you have to pick me up like this." Monic quickly walks up to Kevin and hugs him.

"I can feel your presence even at a distance of 1-kilo meter do you feel the same?" Asked Monic, Kevin gasping with toxic words coming out of Monic's mouth.

"Monic, Let me go." Kevin tries to let go of Monic's arms but Monic hugs him tightly.

"Why? we will be getting married soon." Reject Monic.


Monic let go of Kevin's arms when she heard Kevin say Luna's name. She smiled happily, without the hassle she could get them both in position as they are today.

Luna was in front of Kevin now, she has just returned to pick up her bag because Varell took her to lunch together.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb," Luna said, she then passed Kevin and Monic just like that. Her heart was broken now that she doubts Kevin's sincerity after what she saw recently, she becomes agitated and feels guilty because Luna sees him cuddling with Monic.

"Excuse me..." Luna says goodbye and walks quickly towards Varell who is waiting for her, Luna does not want to linger to witness the romance of those who will slowly kill her.


Luna secretly wipes away her tears as Varell arrives carrying food for them.

"Are you okay?" Ask Varell, Luna smiles and answers "Of course." lightly.

Her heart was cut off now, whether Kevin really loves her or indeed he just toyed with it all this time makes Luna's feelings chaotic.

"It looks like you like pasta," said Varell, they were at a restaurant near the company where Luna worked that provides western food but Luna ordered pasta like the last time they ate together.

"Pasta is so delicious, it's one of two dishes I can make," Luna replies while eating her pasta she tries to relieve her sadness by eating her favorite food even though it doesn't help at all but it's better than she just shut up thinking about Kevin and getting hurt more and more.

"Can I taste your pasta you made later?" Ask Varell, he was very hopeful and Luna accepts it and luna casually nods her head making his heart flowery.

But unlike Varell, the flower in luna's heart has withered when it hasn't bloomed perfectly. She may laugh but in her heart, she cries.


Finally, in the afternoon. Kevin sits in his chair staring at his laptop screen which is playing CCTV where Luna and Varell are.

Kevin thinks hard, Monic always comes to him making the distance between himself and Luna even farther away, and even he can't think clearly to work because he was too busy thinking about Luna for fear of losing her.

If it continues like this, he won't win against his father, and the chances of his having to marry Luna are the least he wants.

If he can't save the company at least he can have Luna. He can live without his company, even he can open a new business from the beginning but he can't if he has to leave Luna, no one can replace Luna's position.

Kevin smiles, he has established his heart, if he can not get both then only Luna will hold him.

Kevin returns to being excited, his crumpled face transformed into a charming smile like he used to be.

Kevin walks fast, and passes through many greetings addressed to him, in his mind there was only Luna at this time everything is covered by Luna.

His slow pace became a quick step until finally he chose to run, he didn't want to waste his time even just one second. Just Luna, he just wants to quickly meet her and say everything and go with her wherever it comes from with Luna.

Kevin's breath gasped, he had just passed several floors by running on the stairs because the elevator felt long for him until finally he reached the front of the hall, he saw Luna laughing crisply, in front of the exit with Varell.

Kevin's eyes are flushed, his heart hurts so much watching Luna smile with another man even she laughs.

Is he slow and weak, does he have the right to be angry? Maybe this is what Luna felt when she saw him hugging Monic, even more so if he was so hurt just because he saw Luna laughing not with him, and then how luna felt.

He knows Luna loves him just as much as his relationship with Monic makes Luna doubt.

Then am I worthy of her?

Kevin sees Varell walking into the elevator but not with Luna. She rested herself against the wall and bowed her head. Luna is seen crying!

Kevin cries to see Luna crying in silence like that. He's been doing stupidity all along if only he'd been braver to make decisions from the start,

then Luna won't get hurt.

Kevin has been in front of Luna right now, but Luna doesn't realize it.

Kevin raises his head so that his tears don't drip, seeing Luna like this makes him destroyed.

Kevin really can't stand it, he then pulls Luna's hand which allows her to see Luna's red eyes and still hanging tears and wet cheeks.

like torture, Kevin didn't say anything, he just scolded himself in the heart how stupid he was to let the woman he loved be like this.

Luna tries to pull her hand, she was surprised and adds poignantly to her heart, Kevin sees her like this.

"Let me go!" Asked Luna with a hoarse voice, Kevin doesn't answer he just pulls Luna into his arms.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Luna!" Kevin cries hugging Luna tightly to hear Kevin's apology makes Luna's heart grows more broken, actually who's wrong here?

Why should they be in this position?

Is loving this hard? Does love feel this pain?

Luna cried sobbing, now she hugged Kevin back, bursting out her feelings.

"I miss you." Say Luna slowly.

Kevin tightens his arms further, he feels very guilty for Luna and can only apologize.

"I love you, Kevin!"

"I love you too, Luna... I love you so much!"

They cried like two fools while hugging unwilling to let go of each other.

This love was so deep, this feeling of longing was so enveloping even in a position like this even their longing does not pay off.

What should they do why is their love so hard, to begin with?

Their longing was like killing them, obviously, they love each other why it still feels like there was a great wall separating them today.

Should we give up...

Our love should end like this?

But we haven't even started yet, why does this pain come with a new love springing up?
