
"Are you sure, honey?" Ask Kevin to make sure. Currently, they are at Luna's father's residence and Luna's gestational age is almost nine months.

Luna nodded as if she was sure.

Kevin swallowed his saliva and sweat dripped down his forehead, nervousness and fear haunted him now.

"Isn't this going to put my life in danger, honey?" Kevin asked again.

Luna started to frown now and rubbed her stomach, "Son, we just ask uncle Juna for help, your father doesn't want to fight for you." said Luna. She became annoyed that Kevin would not comply with her request.

Wiping the sweat off his forehead and taking a deep breath, Kevin convinced himself to show his courage.

"Okay, you wait here, honey." Kevin said, then gently rubbed Luna's distended stomach and whispered "Son, don't ask for something like this again, okay..."

Luna smiled happily because Kevin was willing to comply with her request.