Sharp through the heart

Mia walked limply after getting out of her car. Taking a deep breath, he smiled back.

 This is not the apartment where he lives but an old-fashioned house with a traditional feel and lots of shady trees in the yard, where his uncle and aunt live. They were the ones who had been taking care of him when his father never cared about him.

 Slowly though hesitantly, Mia knocked on the door of the house and waited for a while until the door finally opened and a woman who was forty years old was surprised to see the arrival of the figure she missed so much then without wasting time she hugged her tightly and smiled happily at Mia's arrival.

 "Mia... you're finally home, honey." A warm hug from her aunt warms Mia's heart and makes her feel sad again.

 "I miss you, aunt..." Mia smiled as she let go of her hug, she wiped her tears that couldn't fall.