Not a dream wedding

"Where are you taking my daughter?"

 Mia's heart suddenly shrunk when Ardi's strong hand held the car door that she was about to open.

 Varell swiftly pulled Mia to his side, as well as Budi and Ida who immediately stood close to Mia so that Ardi could not take Mia away.

 "We will take Mia, you said they have to get married today then we will marry them in the village today." Said Budi.

 Ardi smirked, "Don't try to trick me! If you want to marry Mia to your son then just marry them here." Ardi said firmly as if he would not accept any opposition.

 Ardi still doesn't believe in the relationship between Mia and Varell so as soon as his bodyguard reports that Mia will go with Varell's parents, Ardi quickly arrives.

 Now Mia and Varell looked at each other confused, they had been caught in a situation they could not avoid.