First night

"You're big-hearted..."

 "Not big-hearted, but heartless."

"My mom married my dad because of an arranged marriage and slowly she fell in love with my father and gave all her love only to my dad but he didn't look at my mom at all, maybe having me was a mistake from my dad that he even had the heart to sell me. And now I'm married to a man who loves another woman... My heart hurts even though I don't love you right now but I'm so scared to end up like my mother." Mia looked down to hold back her tears.

Varell felt pity, he could only gently rub Mia's back.

"I won't hurt you, I won't leave you if you don't ask me to leave." Said Varell.

"I don't want to trap you in my troubles..." Mia was no longer able to hold back her tears so she slowly started to cry.

Luckily they were seated far enough away from the guests and their families that no one would overhear their conversation.