Only look at you

The atmosphere on the streets this morning looks relaxed, it's still not six in the morning and the sun hasn't even shone clearly as the rainbow-colored vans lined up neatly like steam trains down the still-free road.

 Luna and Kevin rode a fiery red van with white stripes on almost half of its body, as if to symbolize the red-hot love of the two couples, while Roger and Belle rode a cloud-blue van with flower and butterfly stickers on the side, age did not hinder it at all. the spirit of the two elderly couples who firmly wanted to drive their van.

 While Mia and Varell themselves were in a yellow Van with a large sunflower image almost filling half of Van's body, bright and shining like two young couples who were beaming open the door of the heart, but unfortunately Varell was silent most of the way and made Mia feel uncomfortable.

 Mia seemed to have touched the wound in Varell's heart until his mood turned dark even his eyes didn't sparkle at all.