Love that kills

"I miss you, but you don't..." Mia was delirious again as soon as Varell put her body on bed, the guilt came back to him.

He then sat next to Mia, rubbing his face gently then his gaze shifted to Mia's stomach.

Varell rubbed Mia's stomach gently and carefully not wanting to wake her up. Even though he just rubbed Mia's stomach but it made him smile, a warm feeling enveloped his heart again.

Unexpectedly Mia pulled Varell's hand which was still above her stomach and brought it into her arms.

Varell's heart was beating fast again, he changed his position by slightly laying his body facing Mia.

The scent of cherry blossoms wafted from Mia's hair, making him suddenly see the shadow of a sunflower bed and Mia's face smiling brightly at her.

Varell immediately withdrew, he sat with his back to Mia's body holding his aching head.