Sweet time together


 Varell turned towards the voice, and Mia was seen standing in the doorway of the laundry room. Without wasting any time, Varell ran and hugged Mia tightly.

 "I thought you left me!"

 "I'm so scared... I'm afraid you'll leave me!" Varell said again, he hugged Mia very tightly while continuing to cry, Mia could feel Varell's body shaking at this moment. Mia slowly stretched out her hand, she hugged Varell back gently.

 "I'm not going anywhere, Varell... I just did the laundry." Mia said reassuringly, Varell nodded but he didn't let go of his embrace. He was still overcome by the fear of losing Mia.

 "You don't want to let me go?" Asked Mia, although in doubt Varell slowly let go of his embrace but he still gripped Mia's shoulder tightly.