Let's be happy

"Don't ever leave me..." He said four simple words that made Mia suddenly fall silent.

 Varell waited, he waited for Mia's response because Mia's face suddenly changed. She didn't answer, she just looked at Varell with a look he couldn't predict.

 Varell's heart warmed up... He prayed silently that his hunch was wrong.

 And a second later...

 His heart warmed, Mia didn't answer but she kissed him instead, gently right on his lips without a sip, only two lips that fused, flowing sincere affection.

 Varell's eyes closed as Mia slowly started sucking his lips deeply before finally letting go.

 Mia smiled gently at Varell, a softness that made Varell lulled and felt his heart at ease.

 The wind blew slowly as if the wind pushed Mia to kiss Varell again, this time Varell was not silent.