Selfish 2

"I divorced you, Mia..."

 What did he just say? Like an arrow spear with poison that pierced my heart, Mia fell silent when she heard those horrible words uttered by Varell's mouth.

 "If you're never happy with me... If I only give you pain. Then I won't force you to stay, and I won't stop you from leaving either."

 Mia's heart fell, crushed. She couldn't feel anything anymore now. Varell stepped away from her as his resistance collapsed which made her fall limply on the floor.

 Mia beat her chest many times which felt very tight. She was only angry because Varell had lied to her about Vinny, then about her pregnancy, she was just shocked and confused. It's not that she refused this pregnancy, she just didn't think why until Varell's unconscious state and made her confused like this.