It wasn't easy to get to the coast. Lianas came up close to the low city wall. Lots of swampy snakes and flying bloodsuckers prevented them from moving along the wall. Dan and Pussy had no difficulty, the sinner was annoyed by the fighting. They kept him from looking at the sea as soon as possible.
They went out to the beach and stopped. The cat looked indifferently at the sand, the rocks, and the boundless seawater. She was more interested in the inhabitants of the coast. The crabs were 32 levels, and the sinner let her go hunting. Dan did not experience any excitement from the sea view. The gray sky and the grey waters didn't please the eye. The quiet rain did not add to the mood. He thought that Samantha should have been sent to this town. There wasn't enough weak sunlight in this place.
Pussy brought him a torn limb of a dead crab. She knew about her master's habit of eating the meat of all kinds. The crab meat was good and delicious. Dan looked at the coast. There were a lot of crabs, but not enough to distract him from the streets. He needed to find a temporary rebirth point. Without it, he risked a long journey again.
He spent the whole day looking for the right place. There were seven gates to the port. The sinner knew he had to walk down the street to find a rebirth point. He quietly lured the monsters and killed the victims quickly enough.
The most unpleasant thing was meeting a flying succubus. When Dan saw that monster, he didn't take any chances and immediately applied the 'Autodafe' skill. He didn't feel any curse from the enemy and didn't experience any problems killing Harlot, the 421 points reserve of spirit helped him to cope with the magical attack.
Type: normal
Level: 38
Life: 42000
Damage: 1200-2800
Protection: 600
Together with a cat, they quickly finished off beauty with wings. Dan had a bad feeling after he won. That monster looked almost like a normal woman. A very beautiful woman with wings. She showed no aggression, the sinner clearly understood that Harlot was reasonable. He saw her girlfriends in the sky, and on distant rooftops. He had no desire to lure them into battle. He called this Harlot to fight to know exactly the fighting qualities of a monster.
With flying beauties, he decided not to get involved. When he started cleaning the street from the monsters, these monsters went straight up in the air and flew on.
It was only in the evening that he could find a point of revival. It was on Fifth Street, very close to the gate. Dan made a binding and decided to go further down the street before dark and check every house well. But he left Swarm for the final day of work. It was stupid to get in touch with that monster. Only the terrible 'Chains of Sins' and Invincibility can help him fight hundreds of small insects.
Dan has withdrawn Pussy, if she is covered with insects from all sides, she will die quickly and will have no support in battle. The sinner climbed to the second floor of one of the houses and saw the enemy. Swarm was on the next roof, a large dark cloud constantly changing shape but not moving.
Type: normal
Level: 32
Life: 36000
Dan used an activator and saw dozens of magic chains flying from his body to the enemy. But then he saw a picture of the failure of an attack. The chains flew through a cluster of insects, and Swarm rose higher and slowly flew toward the sinner.
The insects kill someone and they're sinless! Are you kidding me? I'll believe a little mosquito has no brain. But there are hundreds of them and they're somehow organized, Dan thought and got ready for battle.
Swarm flew to the roof on which the sinner was standing. Dan applied the 'Nemesis' skill, fully enhanced the character, and activated the 'Hammer of Witches'.
And at that moment, he realized he was an idiot. The 'Hammer of Witches' was the only simple and true solution to his problem. The Inquisitor dealt 4210 points of damage every second to any monster that was approaching him. Little mosquitoes were so small, even monster recognition skills didn't take them into account. And that monster had no brains. Dan was standing there angry at himself. Swarm was shrinking before his eyes, Hundreds of insects flew up to the player and immediately flashed and burned in the bright magic flames of the inquisitor skill. And why did he spend the two strongest skills? To gain useful experience.
Soon, Swarm died completely. Before Dan called the cat, he was too busy criticizing himself. But then he was distracted by a new event. He heard a quiet rustle and words behind his back.
"It's an interesting spell. Greetings, warrior. I come with love. I want to talk to you."
Dan instinctively summoned a sword from his inventory and turned to the voice. On the opposite side of the roof stood the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen in his life. Dan just froze from the brilliance and perfection of her beauty. Her naked body was covered in elegant women's armor. The breastplate wasn't hiding the top half of her breasts. The most remarkable feature of her face was the color of her eyes. When the sinner saw the color of her hair, he immediately thought of platinum. And the beauty's eyes glowed like a shade of dark silver. And he also remembered Samantha. These ladies had similar hairstyles. Beauty's long straight hair covered her forehead and was neatly and evenly trimmed on her eyebrows.
Sarrisa Temptress
Type: normal
Status: Head of Coven
Level: 61
Life: 120000
Damage: 2400-4300
Protection: 952
Overview: The semblance of a powerful demoness who was killed in battle. Temptress is the most dangerous opponent and enemy of all living things. Temptress has a constant craving for blood, especially her taste of male blood. It is particularly beneficial to her development. Temptress is strong and uses a variety of physical attacks. She is very fast in combat and kills the victim with strong claw strokes, she is a master of using the whip.
Attention! Temptress can do a variety of magical damage. Temptress also uses a variety of curses. Usually Temptress weakens its victim with a curse from a distance. The curse makes the victim fall asleep and quickly loses his life. A curse can take lives [50% at Temptress level]. Temptress can use a special curse that takes mana and lives when used. When this terrible curse is cast on you, try to find a priest to break the curse as quickly as possible.
Dan did not feel any aggression from the temptress, but the unexpected guest did not inspire confidence, and he did not remove the sword.
"Greetings to Sarrisa. I came with the sword, but we can talk before the fight."
She wrapped her hands around his elegant arms and turned her palms to his side. The show of peaceful intentions was complemented by a lovely smile on her face.
"I don't want to just talk to the warrior. I want to make a deal with you. You're an unusual immortal. And I hope we can come to an agreement."
Dan wouldn't answer anything. His game was already different from other people he knew. He was dealing with dead hunters. But now he was facing a monster. She looked like the embodiment of female beauty, but she was a monster. The sinner nodded his head. Sarrisa smiled and continued the conversation with an unexpected suggestion.
"I'm sorry we're not having a meeting at my residence. The provision obliges me to observe decency. Please don't worry, my daughters will not hurt you. We'll talk in a more comfortable environment."
She slowly put her hands together and clapped her hands. It was a team for her entourage. Dan saw some harlots take off from adjacent rooftops and fly to them. He was preparing to activate his fighting skills. The harlots flew closer, and Dan shook his head. It was getting more and more fun. The harlots brought a rug, a table, two chairs, and tableware. They quickly spread out the rug, set the table and chairs, and put two glasses and a pitcher on the table. Then they went to the edge of the roof, opened its wings, and soared away on the neighboring roofs.
Sarrisa went up to the table and sat down in the chair. Dan noticed her wings folded behind her back. When the temptress's wings were folded, they looked like a strange cloak. The temptress had shoulder arms on her shoulders. Above them were two claws on either side of the head, which grew from the edge of the wings and served as weapons to the monster.
She took a pitcher and filled the glasses with red wine. Dan sensed the pleasant aroma of this wine. The temptress took one glass, leaned over the back of the chair, and took a sip. Her face was even more beautiful, shining with pleasure and enjoyment of life.
"Please, warrior, sit down next to me, drink some wine. The wine is not poisoned. I came with love."
Dan grinned and sat down in the chair. He tasted the wine. The taste seemed familiar to him. Hunters sometimes pampered themselves with the most valuable wine from the vault. Drinking such wines was like drinking liquid gold.
The sinner was waiting for serious words to begin. The temptress was perfectly able to read people's emotions and moods.
"I've seen you fight. A strong warrior, a wise warrior. And I liked your pet. You killed my daughters. I want to talk about it."
Sarrisa took a sip of wine. Her eyes looked seriously and carefully at the sinner.
"I have no doubt you're capable of killing every monster in the streets of abandoned Avrin. You can kill me and all my daughters. I won't let that happen."
She took a sip and looked away, into the sky above the sea.
"Look at her, warrior. This is my girlfriend Rory. If you kill me, she'll fly away with all the daughters to a new safe place."
Dan turned his head and saw another temptress. Her figure was floating over the waves. The wings had a purple tint. Dan admired the painting and was silent. Sarrisa continued her speech.
"We don't oppose the destruction of monsters. We'd be happy to have you destroy them. Monsters aren't dangerous to us, but they interfere with our development. From the city of Dor, wealth seekers and adventurers come to the ruins of Avrin. We are glad to meet strong and brave men. We use men for our development. But we always pay for it. Many adventurers come back to Dor with our gifts. But many men are killed by monsters. You're an immortal monster hunter, you don't care about ordinary people. Kill monsters. I ask you not to touch our Coven."
Dan leaned on the back of his chair and thought about the temptress's proposal. It was a serious case. It could lead to new quests from a new kind of monster. But he hasn't seen any message about the new quest yet.
"Your words are just the words of a monster. You're right. I don't care about ordinary people, and I don't care about what monsters want. But unlike you, I don't kill people.
Sarris, what happens to adventurers if we make a deal? Ten adventurers are coming to Avrin. You'll get your sex and your development. They will take your artifacts and your gold to Dor. A hundred adventurers will come to these ruins in a month. I don't know how many of you there are in Avrin. Maybe a couple hundred of you. You'll be happy to meet a hundred strong and brave men in Dor. I didn't count your wealth, I'm sure you'll reward it well for love. But what will you do when a thousand adventurers come to Avrin? I will explain my thought, and ask you the main question. When are you going to start killing people?"
Sarrisa leaned her head against her shoulder and thought about the answer.
"A strong and wise warrior. You are a dangerous adversary. I must make a deal with you. You said you didn't care about people. We will take care of the welfare of ancient Avrin. This city has always had the patronage of my goddess. I don't want to leave this place. You have a heavenly patron. There's never been animosity between our gods. My goddess gives love. She's always been able to deal even with the One Who protects desperate warriors. What do you want from us?"
Dan smiled.
"What can you offer? I'm interested in knowledge."
"My knowledge is for women only," said the temptress in a voice full of regret.
"Your answer makes me unhappy. I don't think that women hunters I know will treat you as calmly as I do."
Sarrisa laughed and put a glass on the table.
"How interesting! It's very interesting, immortal. No disrespect, but you're a man and you'll never understand women to the end. Give me a chance, give me a chance to meet and talk to the hunters."
Dan laughed at that kind of turn in the conversation. The situation looked unattractive to him. He wouldn't kill that kind of monster. He's going to kill all the other monsters. With 'Chains of Sins' and 'Nemesis', he can handle any bosses on the streets. He'll gain his experience for development. Ancient ruins will be a great place for a burglar to work. The clan's vault will be filled with new artifacts and treasures. If the girls agree with these beauties, the clan will be reinforced. But he'll only get experience! This isn't fair. And no mission reports are coming in from the game. And he has an Oath of Faithfulness to the clan. He must help develop the clan.
The temptress was waiting for an answer. Dan realized he couldn't win anything. But he's also not losing anything.
"I am disappointed, Sarrisa. I have a commitment to my clan. Now I'm going to describe our situation to the hunters. You'll have to wait for their decision. It'll take a week to get to Avrin. You got yours. We had no agreement. I will kill monsters. Your daughters must not disturb me, and then I will not touch you."
Sarrisa looked angry and hurt. What hurt and humiliated Dan most was that she couldn't satisfy a man. The temptress stood up and opened her wings.
"I'm sorry, warrior. My daughters will not stand in your way. We will meet again."
She jumped in the air and waved black wings that looked like bat wings. The skin of the wings looked weird and beautiful, like suede. Dan knew right away that he wanted to touch those wings. He also realized that the flight of harlots and temptresses depended not only on the wings but was a special kind of magic. Sarrisa didn't fly away, she was hovering over the surface of the roof. It was a pleasure for her to show her worth. The wings moved slowly, something was fascinating about those movements. Suddenly, Dan remembered something important:
"I have an immodest question for you if you will. Did you magically paint your eyes that amazing color?"
"Dummy. It was easier for me to dye my hair," whispered Sarrisa and flew away.
He heard her.
Dan immediately wrote a message to Nick and gave information about possible cooperation with a new kind of monster. Nick responded immediately. Ranger called Dan a crazy, brainless sinner. He's the one who can deal with monsters, the dead and anyone. The rest of the players are just regular hunters. And there are no deals with monsters that hunters make. But girls may be interested in offering a special female skill. Nick doubted the girls would be tempted.
"Dan, the port of Arvin is very far away. We're a day away from home with great hunting opportunities. We found another nest of the Mantis in the north. In the morning, I will write the clan's answer."
Dan returned to the house with a temporary rebirth point, called a cat and went to bed. Before he went to bed, he was looking at different choices for the clan. The conclusion was strange and he took full responsibility for it. The sinner decided that he would have a difficult new day in the morning. Everything looked so simple. He wanted to quietly kill monsters and gain experience.