-16- Classrooms and Meetings

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my OC


Next day school is looking like nothing happened and apperantly Xenovia became a devil huh who would have thought it is as if she's a harem member (hmm) and apperantly Rias got permission for her first bishop to be unsealed i wonder how that shut in vampire looks like, and it appears ORC will clean the pool but unfortunately i have to prepare for the Class visiting day sigh.

Next day i got some questionable photos from Issei asking what to do (He woke up inside a pile of girls) telling him go crazy since he will get cockblocked anyway i make my way to distillery it's been two days and my mutagen is ready this is phoenix it has no downsides to it neither any mediocre ability, it took Azazel a possible war to give it to me so it's valuable, stinging the needle i drop on the ground in flames it's not bad as with the others i guess quality effects the other factors as well looking at myself and my magic circle i see that my flames became blue much to my joy and cutting my hand a bit i was glad to see i have a slight improvement in regeneration i can't regenerate limbs but re-connecting them should be possible and in time alongside my blank essence it will reach a really ridiculous level, looking at the clock i see that i have half an hour left and i quickly jump in my car and drive to school.


To my disappointment i have no classes with Rias and Sona today i wanted to see them get embarrassed but apart from that the class visiting day has going good there was a bit commotion about Rias's nude model made by Issei, i mean seriously sigh right when i was about to leave and go to the teachers lounge i heard something in gym and saw Serafall Leviathan doing poses in her magical girl outfit i have no idea what to say about her it's just so abnormal to a point you just accept and move on otherwise you might go crazy, i see Genshirou trying to make Sera leave he doesn't even know who she is.

Jacob"Didn't know you were coming Sera"

Yes i call her Sera it's a bother calling her Levia-tan or Serafall it's annoying.

Sera"Ohh Witcher how have you been"

Jacob"You know the usual contracts, monsters and stuff"

Saji"Sensei you know her"

Jacob"Yeah she's Sona's sister can't you see the resemblance"

He's gone pale and Sera has stars in her eyes after i said her sister looks like her after that an embarrassed Sona barged in alongside with Rias where Sera got Sona run away from embarrassment so i walked to side of Sirzechs and started to talk with him about the upcoming peace conference and the exact date it might be tomorrow night not sure yet they're waiting for Michael to answer. Saying a few nice things to Zeoticus and Grayfia i left for the ORC there's a vampire to bully, no sir i totally have no grudge against vampires no. _____________________

Coming in i see the vampire i know because my senses are telling me that he was a vampire before becoming devil but this, this, i can't bully him he's the generic trap character

Koneko"Sensei are you okay"

Ignoring Koneko i took out my Fez and wore my glasses that allows me to see demonic energy waves i pull out my analyzer that looks like a certain screwdriver i scan him and yes.

Jacob"100% male"

i hear Issei and Saji cry i don't even know when they came and even Kiba looking at me strangely.

Kiba"Sensei are you doing okay"

Jacob"I can't bully him*sniff*"

Kiba"I am going to ignore that part but why can't you bully him"

Pointing at the Koneko holding a bag of garlic and Xenovia taking out Durandal.

Jacob"He already has enough on his plate"

i said sagely.


After learning about his problem i gave him the idea of using soap bubbles they won't scare him and they are moving targets they could upgrade to the Durandal wielding knight chasing him around later, during their training Azazel popped in to give some pointers while pissing off Rias yeah after my call Issei realized that his best customer was Azazel, yeah she was pissed off, after getting confirmation from Azazel about the updated time of the conference i drive to home there's always trouble if the protagonist is joining i want to be rested.


At the conference day i wore a something simple no need to go wear ridiculous stuff like Sirzechs's pauldrons, this time i decided to walk and saw Vali flying while looking at the school giving him a wink much to his anger and a curious glance at the little girl next to him, somehow she has no visible aura or anything that indicates that she's a threat even my medallion is quiet but something tells me that she's could be extremely dangerous, while making a mental note to look into that girl i got in the school there's bunch of stuff to prepare.


Vali"How is it Ophis do you want him in ?"

Ophis"He has a dangerous aura but it almost feels like he hasn't hatched yet."

Vali"What do you mean he's stronger than me and he hasn't even..."

Ophis"He hasn't even tapped into his potential yes, let's watch him hatch and grow"


It's time, everyone came with their troops and ready to fight if things go south looking at the table i see 5 chairs and go stand in a corner after getting some amused chuckles from faction leaders i learned that the extra chair was mine

Jacob"I didn't think i deserved the seat"

Azazel"You are the last of your race, i think that gets you some points"

I rolled my eyes.

Sirzechs"Anyway let's start with reports of my sister Rias Gremory and Sona Sitri"

Michael"That would be wonderful"


Owner of the voice happened to be an grey haired devil Grayfia's relative? how did they enter the barier ? and a black haired man after learning who they are i am surprised they appear to be lovers that supposedly died because of their forbidden love and heard about the peace treaty huh sure why not.

After that event Rias and Sona gave their reports, i told my version of events clarifying where i was during the attack and how Azazel hired me to take down kokabiel then sides argued who did what wrong until Azazel just accepted every blame and started his speech about how world goes on even without god then asked Vali how's he about peace dude straight up told he just wants to fight damn battle maniacs and Issei needed a perverted explanation to understand what's going on of course he chose peace and Issei went into why has Asia was excommunicated, Michael actually apologized from Asia and Xenovia for their situation, after that Irina and Xenovia had a moment where they apologized each other for the misunderstanding.

Michael"What about you Witcher what do you think about peace"

Jacob"Never liked fighting anyway I'm fine with peace i rather stay as a teacher... (Medallion ringing) sigh"

Like i said there's always trouble.

Azazel"what happened kid"

Jacob"Well there's an attack in coming from seeing the warning it's time based might be our resident shut in vampire"

At my words room got frozen i felt time energy in me breakout in a yellow blast and unfreeze the time in the room while messing up my insides.

Azazel"Shit kid how'd you do that that's the power of balance breaker"

Jacob"Can't hunt monsters without trump cards too bad it was just enough for the room troops are still frozen"

While i was feeling like a truck ran over me due to time energy hurting my body, Azazel sent Vali and the rest to fight the mages and Sirzechs sent Rias and Issei to save Koneko and Gasper after that Azazel explained that this guys are Khaos Brigade and how they are lead by Ophis the infinity dragon hah i knew we would fight one of the two eventually.

Michael"are you okay witcher you look a bit pale"

Jacob"Yeah just need some time to get a hold of myself"(Drinks a swallow)

Rest of the students already left to fight the magicans while Sera and Azazel fight this lady called Katerea while the rest hold up a barrier to protect their people, i just sat down and watched the fight i didn't expect that energy would act like that, it even hurt me if not for my regeneration i would be out of commission for tonight.


After Azazel sacrificed an arm to take out that women i saw Vali hitting Azazel damn this guy is totally Sasuke The Grey i bet he's going to have some sob story plus redemption arc and be one of the besties of the mc.

Azazel"So you got on their side what did they offer"

Vali"Like i said i just want to fight strong people this side merely was more enjoyable"

While he did all of that traditional villain monologue to Issei to piss him off i made my way to Azazel

Jacob"Need a hand wait sorry wasn't intentional"

Azazel"Nah just let Issei take care of it i'll rile him up with more breast talk"

Rile him up yeah dude went manic over the idea having breasts in the world getting smaller he did threatened your family you did not get this angry wtf.

As i was thinking how hopeless this student of mine has become i noticed a blond coming from the back unsheathing my sword i got in stance, as expected an enemy.

Arthur"Good evening Witcher i was eager to fight you my name is Arthur Pendragon"

Jacob"Damn battle maniacs"

After holding him for five minutes my sword broke like really i know it's old but i took good care of it looking at Arthur he seems like he's not going to attack.

Arthur"How unfortunate we shall continue later then but please aquire a better sword next time"

and dude just retreated with a beaten Vali alongside another monkey ? Yokai ?.

Azazel"Need materials for a new sword"

Jacob"BITCH BROKE MY SWORD and yes thank you"

after that we singed the treaty and i had to sing another one about not taking any contacts against the alliance also i saw Issei asking Michael to allow Asia and Xenovia pray maybe he's not that hopeless.


Jacob"Dude broke my sword Rose my beautiful sword*sniffing*"

Rose"It's fine you'll get another forged since you joined the alliance they could find someone to do it fast too"

After sobbing to my wife on the call and catching up i learned that Odin was invited to young devils gathering to watch the matches and to offer peace so i decided to tag along i missed my wife and i need another sword i might well ask Odin to find someone that could forge it since the best thing the alliance got at the moment is Kiba's Holy Demonic swords.
