The Chase

Quarter to 6 (5:45 p.m.) , Interstate 95, Manhattan, New York

Riding my personal Toyota RAV 4, we were headed to New Jersey. We began our journey on the interstate 95. Our travel destination was Philadelphia. We had to cross the border twice. Once to cross New Jersey, the second to reach Pennsylvania.

We had a 5 minute head start. However, with a top speed of 42 miles per hour (68 kmph), reaching the destination in one drive was impossible. We had to switch cars. 8 of us were present. Thus we required 2 sedans on a minimum. Nicking a car was our only option. I exited the car near Times Square. A large crowd harbouring a large amount of cars. We divided ourselves into two groups. I led the first group. I commanded Ashley to lead the other. Along with the three assassins in my team, we began scavenging for a good sedan.

I found a Mazda situated dead centre of the Times in a showroom. I advanced towards the dealership. The three assassins followed. As I entered through the glass door I immediately asked, "May I have a test of the fabled four cylinder Mazda 3 engine?"

The salesman I was looking towards replied, "Yes sir. Just give me one moment."

He handed over the key of the car. "Sir, please do be careful. The car's starting speed may slightly exceed the brake system."

As the driver walked across the back of the car to reach the passengers seat, one of the assassins sat in the shotgun*. The other two had already placed themselves at the back. I accelerated the car, and smashed through the glass door. Riding through the crowd with an average speed, I managed to exit the Times Square.

We reentered the interstate 95. Steering at 55 mph (88 kmph), the car showed no problems. Except for the broken front grille, the car was functioning as normal. After a few minutes we caught up to the second group. Ashley was driving a Honda. As we were about to cross the Hudson river, we heard sirens. The cops had finally caught up to us.

I looked through the rear view mirror. Two Ford Crown Victoria's were behind us. We increased our speed. I was riding slightly ahead of Ashley.

We had to find a way to ditch the cops. A two hour drive wasn't the problem anymore. If the NYPD contacted the New Jersey police department, we would be apprehended before reaching Philadelphia. I ordered the two assassins at the back to start firing at the tires. As the firing started, the police took out their handguns. During the crossfire, one of the two assassins was shot in the head. The other assassin used his dead body for cover.

5 minutes after the incident, the tires of our car were punctured. Our speed was decreasing drastically. The plan had backfired. Ashley continued driving. Of the two Fords, one chased the Honda, the other was waiting for us to stop. I put a brake on the car. I had a Glock in a sock and a cheap SOG F041TN throwing knife in the other. I pulled the dead assassin from the back seat and used him as cover. The police stopped their firing. I exited the car with the corpse in one hand and the knife in the other.

The two cops exited the car. One of them yelled, "Drop your weapon!". I started progressing rapidly towards the cops. They resumed firing. They focused all their bullets towards me. After the sixth bullet, they both began to reload. Before I could throw the knife, one of the assassins fired twice at the cops. The officers were gravely injured. We snatched their weapons after burying the dead assassin in the river.

Now we had three Glock G43s, 2 Glock 22s , 4 knives and a SOG throwing knife. I looked at my right leg. I noticed that I was shot. Consequently, I started limping. One of the assassins offered a hand. We walked through the rest of the highway. After walking for 15 minutes, we reached Union City, New Jersey.

Author's Notes:

1. Shotgun: the passengers seat (the seat next to the driver).

2. The salesman was heading over to the passengers seat to explain the features of the car. While giving the protagonist the keys to the car, he expected the protagonist to only start the car to check it's engine.

3. To deal with any confusion regarding the regions referred to, use a map.