Thank you

"Fine then I will." He said with a serious face

"You will what? Rape me? Shoot me? Use me as a punching bag? Sell me? Or all of these things?" I asked looking at him but he didn't answer. "Where are we going anyway? You said I was going with you to a place." I asked him. "Doesn't matter now" he said as he got on the bed. I looked at him confused. " what are you doing?" I asked him. "What does it look like I'm doing?" Before i could answer that he pushed me hard against the bed and got on top of me

I said nothing because I knew what he was going to do, he was going to rape me, not like I hadn't thought he wouldn't but I guess I just hoped that he wouldn't. He started striping me and I closed my eyes not wanting to believe it. I had hoped he wouldn't have down this but I knew that he would. He stripped himself and started to kiss my body. I cried silently, I wanting to kill myself for giving him that idea, the idea that he could rape me. I cried and cried silently as he kissed me, he started from the top and started going down, I knew that when he was done kissing he would then rape me.

He stopped kissing me when he got down to my stomach, I looked confused but happy. "Your welcome. Your lucky I didn't rape you... Yet." He said acting all cocky

I rolled my eyes at him. "Thank you... but why...? Why would you be nice to me ? After I was rude to you, so why would you be nice to me ? It makes no sense... you must want something... so what do you want ?" I asked as I looked up at his face. "Nothing, we'll just say you owe me a favor." He said and he got up. "Why would I owe you a favor? You kinda own me now so, I'd have to do what you say,so this makes no sense... " I said.

"Hey, are you gonna sell me ? Or use me as a punching bag? Or am I just a sex slave ?" I asked. He stopped but didn't talk for a few minutes. "I don't know. You pick, punching bag, sex slave, or I can sell you." He said seeming to be nice for a bit. "Punching bag" I said as quick as possible. Since I didn't want to be a sex slave or sold because I could be sold to a guy that isn't so nice to me.