Tony walks up the gravel drive way that goes up to his house. As he drew closer to the house he could start to hear Bonzo and his gang up ahead. They were a rowdy bunch of ass holes that were full of it. Bonzo however never cared about anyone else but himself and his gang. It was always best to avoid them whenever possible, because no matter who or what you are. If you ever crossed their path they would force you to give them whatever you had on you then push you around beat you to an to the point where you would wish you were dead.
The only people that Bonzo and his group never touched unless they had a good reason to do so. Was the Undertaker and Christa, even though he was the most respected person in the whole town. Tony was one of the people that Bonzo would take advantage of although he never did because Tony would always be able to slip away.
Tony got to the front step of his house but was blocked by Bonzo who was sitting right in front of the door.
"Hey there you little shit" Bonzo said as he got up and looked at Tony with a look of disgust.
He was wearing a black tank top and gray pants with a leather belt. He had black sneakers with white laces, the sneakers were dusty. He had black hair that was like tough wire.
"Bonzo, please move I want to get to bed" Tony asked him politely without looking at him.
"no way man, you aint going no where" Bonzo said to him.
"I don't have time for this, now please move" Tony said still not looking at him.
"Listen here you little shit" Bonzo growled as he grabbed Tony by the front of his shirt and pulled him closer.
"I'm here cuz two of my guys came back to me covered in bruises blood and a limp. And do you want to know what they told me what happened. They said that you had gone and beat them instead of paying up." He said angrily.
"Well if any of you guys had any brains in those thick skulls of yours..." Tony said calmly.
"Maybe you would actually go and look for jobs to get paid instead of going around town like the dumb asses that you guys are to take what doesn't belong to you" he said calmly looking up with a slight smile on his face.
Before Bonzo even knew what happened, he found himself being flung to the side and landed face first into the dirt.
"I don't have time for this Bonzo I'm going to bed" Tony said as he had thrown Bonzo from the front step.
He was about unlock the door when suddenly. SHUNK!!! What looked like a large rapier with a chain attached to its hilt impaled the wall and cracks spread from the force of the impact. Tony paused for a few moments looking at the blade. He turned around to see who had thrown the blade. His face adopted a bored face when he saw the origin of the blade and chain.
A child wearing a slightly tattered black cloak was holding the other end of the chain. Tony couldn't see the kid's face because the hood cast the kids face shadows. The kid had tattered pale brown shorts that used a chain as a belt, the kid was wearing what seemed to be a pair of old sneakers although the front of the shoes had steel on the outside. The child had black fingerless gloves, and on his back he carried something large and slim.
"the hell do you want kid?" Tony asked the kid.
"I came to collect what these weaklings owe" replied the child with a hollow tone.
"If that's true then take you blade out of my wall and leave me out of it" Tony said with an annoyed tone.
"That's not possible for me to do sir" said the child pulling on the chain and the blade came out of the wall and the child caught it.
"why not?" Tony asked the kid.
"because you....." the kid begins to say as he looks at Tony and the kid's face begins to show.
"you also have something that I must collect" the kid tears off the cloak to reveal himself.
Aside from the shorts the kid was wearing. From the waist and up he was shirtless. There were a few scars and stitches along his chest, stomach, neck, and arms. His face had stitches that went through the middle of his face and went under his left eye and continued down the side of his neck. His right eye was silver and his left eye was a sapphire red. He smiled at Tony and reached over his shoulder for what he had on his back that he had secured to himself with a chain.
Sensing a dangerous vibe from the kid Tony reached into his pocket and pulled out two metal cylinders. He held both in each hand, and adopted a defensive stance. The boy pulls the object from behind him and a large cloth falls off of it as he brings it forward. It was like an oversized black kitchen knife with an extended blade that acted as a guard that came down next to the handle.
The boy gave Tony a dark smile. Then he said something that caught Tony completely off guard.
"I'm here for you..... Big brother"