chapter 13

Moon light came through the forest canopy upon a stone door in the side of a mountain. The carvings on it were ancient depicting the moon, above an alter with worshipers around it.

The door opened slowly dust and debris gently fell as the moonlight filled the hallway within. Moss and overgrowth within seemed to be a slight silver color. a gentle breeze passed through the hallway as a shadow walked across wall... the shadow of a large wolf.

Tony enters the unusual temple and calmly follows where the shadow went, while examining its structure. The hallway seemed to be built from a refined pieces of grey stone. the moss and overgrowth seeming to shimmer in the moonlight from the doorway.

He looks up to see old torches, none were lit. Except for one at the far end of the hall, he walked towards it. patches of moss on the stone floor somewhat muffled the sound of his footsteps. he got closer to the torch. He noticed that the torch itself was different than the others.

It had three silver fangs on its rim that encircled the strange ghostly white flame that was burning within it. between the handles and the rim of the torch that had 3 silver fangs, two brass and silver rings wrapped around it with an inscription engraved within the metal of the torch.

Tony lifted the torch from its bracket twas a bit heavy but not much, and he took a closer look at the engraved description. It read

" Lonely vengeful flame, calm by nature. desire of peace but given sacrifice, the name of the soul is the price for living"

He read it in silence as the Flame within the torch suddenly sputtered and there was a low growl as a pair of dense oak doors braced with iron bolts swung open slowly. The ghostly white flame within the torch suddenly stopped sputtering and went out. the moonlight from the halway he was in filled the room beyond the oak doors.

He cautiously walked through the doorway and into a circular room of stone. In the center was an alter was a massive basin with four troughs each angled down towards the basin with a small platform in the center.

As he approaches the alter the massive shadow of a wolf passses through the moonlight and a low growl can be heard. He tries to find the wolf but to no avail, he then turns back to the alter just to see a massive wolf standing between him and the alter. The wolf was 5 feet tall at least its eyes were electric blue, and its fur was black. the moonlight shown through the roof and it glistened beautifully on the wolfs black fur.

"Hello my master. Whenever you are in danger as long as you have my stone with you, I will be there to protect you" the wolf said to him but not through mouth but by mind.

Everything then began to fade as tony began to seemingly fall into darkness and suddenly towers of black and purple flames erupt all around him and the same laughter from his memories echoes through the roar of the flames as a dark figure begins to emerge from the flames.

It spoke just one phrase....

"Give me the stone"