The Awakening

She woke up in the middle of the night. She was having trouble sleeping. All she could think about was the previous night when she obtained the blade.

"God Dammit! My head hurts like hell."

She rushed to bathroom to splash some water on her face. As she rubbed her face with a towel she noticed a mark on her arms and face. Black marks covered her eyes and went all the way to her arms.

"What the fuck? How did this happen?"

Then her head started to ring.

"I need... to lay down."

She leaned against her bed. She tried to recall what happened the night of the orientation.

It got really hazy when I grabbed the blade from Charlotte.

[FlashBack Sequence]

When I grabbed the blade from Charlotte my hands were cut. The blood from my hands made the blade glow a bright red.

For a second she could see a black cloud arise from the blade. Her vision was all red for a brief moment. She felt like she was hallucinating when she saw the black fog. The black fog consumed her. In the fog she had a vision implanted in her. She could see an angelic figure hand her a weapon. The next one was same figure being consumed by the same fog that held her bonded. The angel was screaming in pain. It was transforming into something sinful. The wings changed from white to a pitch black and the halo shattered and horns have formed. The angel turned into a demon and tried to reach out toward her. As she tried to move away she realized that it was aiming for the sword in her hand. What she did not notice before is that it was the same blade that Charlotte had.

She awaken from her vision and the black fog whispered.

"You are now the owner of this blade..."

She was confused at this somewhat momentous occasion.

"Why?? I have nothing to do with this. She's the one that attacked me."

"No matter. Your anger and resentment for her has shown that you will be the new vessel for this blade of fate."


These vices will consume your entire does not mean to truly be alive. It matters only that you may live to your heart desires.... Humanity always seems to forget that....

The power that lies within this blade is only meant for the holy only at one time. Power is relevant to those that need it and you may draw upon that power as it has done so for many centuries and beyond time..."

The black fog was choking her. She had much more to say to the mysterious voice. She was afraid at what she just done.

"This weapon can be called a blessing or a curse. Those who have the will be drawn deep into darkness where it will crush your soul....

I'll shall leave the mark of darkness on your body. These are the limiters of the power that those who may be willing to seek. If those seals are removed the blade will overwhelm you and destroy your body and soul.

Child what is your name?"


"Very well. I hope you live long enough to learn the truth....."

The voice faded away with black fog that gripped her throat and held her in her consciousness within the blade.

Her eyes rolled back into her skull. She could feel immense power coming from her whole being. She looked at Charlotte and had a smile that seem oh so familiar.

Mio could feel something overwhelming her entire body. It was the same feeling she had when the black fog from the blade consumed her consciousness.

The voice spoke again.

"Heed to your desires. Tear, rip her to shreds."

The black marks on her body grabbed and began to glow and stitched into her skin. She felt a sharp pain surging throughout her entire body. She thought this pain was unbearable.

Her appearance almost looked demon-like her shadow is reminiscent of a predator devouring its prey. The horrifying gaze on Charlotte's face gave away the power that the blade has given Mio.

She grabbed Charlotte from her collar and stared deep into her eyes. She could see the sadistic smile fade away into a terrified hopeless little girl. Mio threw her on the ground. Charlotte did not even struggle she knew the power of this blade more than she did but she did not let that show. If cried and begged it would be same thing that Charlotte was doing to all the innocent students.

Mio raised the sword and sliced Charlotte's head clean off. Her severed head dropped on the floor of the basement and blood was gushing from her headless body. The other seven members were in shock and complete horror at what happened to their new leader. She did not know how to explain it but all seven of them came at them wondering how the blade was not eating away at her body.

Mio in her demonized state was somewhat in a chaotic craze, she was able to tell the members off to keep her from killing them as well.


She snarled and screamed and ran out the door with her blood stained clothes.

[End of Flashback]

The members were confused as what to do. They lost both their leaders. Until one member saw something on the ground amongst the mutilated bodies of the attendees.

" A sword fragment..."

"Hey don't touch that. It might have aids or somethin'."

"I don't think so. This seems to be something that has to do with the sword that Leader Charlotte had."

They looked at it and held toward the dim candles.

"There seems to be an encryption..."

'Lust for power'

"I'll keep this for now. Lets not tell the others."

The member put it in his pocket and walked towards the group.

"What should I not tell the others about?"

This member was fairly tall. He was probably standing at a mere 7'. Amongst the others they looked liked children.

He pulled off his hood and it showed the same marks as it shown on Mio's face but a different pattern. It had a goat and serpent type of marking surrounding his face.

"Master wouldn't like secrets. Master would be angry."

"We weren't hiding anything. Nothing is going on..."

"Liar. Me no like liars. Liars are bad. Master do not like liars."

"I swear. Goliath we weren't hiding anything. You can trust us. We are your friends right??"

"I have no friends. Master is everything to me..."

He paused.

"I sense the fragment of the chaos blade near you."

"Wait.. i was just playin' everything is a joke right? HaHa Ha."

"No funny. You need to be punished."

He knocked them out with a single smash of his fist. He took the fragment and went to the others.

"What were they doing?"

"Nothing they went to sleep."