
That strange man gave me power beyond my wildest dreams. All I remember is being beaten by some random thugs for pocket change. Until he showed up...

He had a strange aura that distilled fear in those gangsters. I barely saw what he did but at the end of it they were on the floor laying in pools of their own blood.

My head hurt like hell and I was scuffed up from the beatings I took. He carried me to his place where he cared for me and raised me.

It was interesting I remember meeting other children in that house, six other kids some even older than I am. One thing that was weird is that he told us that these stones would give us power to protect ourselves and each other. Each one of us had our own unique power. It was like we were some kinda of hero....

"Each one of you will experience the power I use to protect all of you. I bestow upon you new salvation..."

Goliath had faintly remembered that he had something in his pocket. He ruffled through his robes to find one last stone that he saved for this very moment.

Mio's eyes widen as she slowly tried to get up after her slight chance to rest. A tremendous aura then filled the bank once more. The immense pressure from Goliath was unimaginable. Goliath began to roar like a giant beast. The piercing scream shattered the windows of the bank. The shards of glass sparkled as it fell on top of the people who had their heads covered by their arms while the ones who were killed had a slight sparkle to them from all the glass.

He yelled what could be his final scream. He began charging at Mio.

Mio's right arm began to glow even brighter. An immense feeling of pain was consuming her. It felt as if she was a lemon about to be squeezed for its juice.

She stood up once more. She did a two-handed sword stance with the sword held atop her head.

She waited for Goliath to come close.





Chaos blade form change.

Anger dwells within the heart of man. Consume the fires and rage of the undying. Punish those who stand in our way!!!

Chaos Blade First Form - Azazel's GIANT AXE

The chaos blade turned into a massive axe similar to a pole arm axe but with a bigger blade on the end. It had a familiar appearance of the axe that Goliath had when he held the blade. Its black color and design mimicked Mio's appearance with the markings on her body and the reddish-orange color of her eyes. The appearance made it seem like it weighed multiple times her body weight as it was almost twice the size of her body but, Mio felt like it weighed nothing at all. It felt like a long firm pillow.

In one fell swoop she swung the giant pole arm axe and was able to make a clean cut across Goliath's body. The blade left a gaping wound and he fell to his knees for the final time. He fell down face first. Unable to move he turned his head and spouted a few words.

"Mother....forgive me..."

She slumped down sitting on her knees exhausted.

"Its over..."

This is what the chaos blade can truly do. What an amazing power.

The chaos blade disappeared just like the previous time. She put her hands on her face and took a deep breath she didn't want to cry. After she gave herself a moment to collect herself she realized the scene around her and immediately ran out the back of the bank. She ran as far as she could from the scene and slumped next to an alleyway wall. As the adrenaline from the fight started to fade she then closed her eyes and the pain and fatigue that she felt suddenly began to disappear as though she was comforted by a motherly figure.

You've done well...

On the floor of the bank Goliath reverted back to his original form as black smoke dissipated from his body. His henchmen that were still alive disappeared from the scene as soon as possible. One henchman that was injured from the aftermath of the fight pulled out his phone from his pocket and dialled a number.

"Boss, Goliath has been defeated...the gurl now gots a new powah."

The person picked up even though he didnt answer. The thug knew what he had been told and hung up after he relayed his message. He passed out on the Bank floor soon after his conversation was finished.

The bank was in shambles, there were cracks on the floor, the ceilings and the walls. Pools of blood from the various patrons and random thugs spread around the bank, splattered like a painting. That's what it looked on the inside but on the outside the bank looked untouched. A hooded figure a distance away from the bank was casting a projection of the bank's appearance before the fight even started. When he noticed a van from across the street from the bank started to move he immediately stopped casting his spell and walked away.

The bank's true appearance began to show. The cracked windows and shards of glass remained from the fight. Onlookers began to gasp and peer into the building. Multiple cars began to show up as a response to this new found scene. A black car parked outside the bank that was different from the others opened its car doors to reveal two women come outside the vehicle. One was a beautiful woman with sunglasses with a skintight leather outfit while the other looked like a cosplayer. She was shorter than the woman with sunglasses and was fairly young. She wore a maid outfit and stood out among the rest.

"You should've wore something else."

"Nyah, nyah this suits me better you know that."

They went inside the bank and saw the scene. The first thing that caught their attention is the large man face down in the middle of the floor. They both knew who they we're dealing with.

"UmU mastah, I found one of the fragments, this time its bigger UwU."

She held a flat crystalline object in her hand. The older woman took the fragment and put it in her pocket. She patted the younger girl on the head and the girl turned away to hide her joy. Suddenly they heard a soft voice come from the man.

"Masterr...will crush you..The blade will be ours.."

"Where is the girl??!!"

"Power grows stronger.."

Before the older lady could do anything Goliath took a knife and stabbed himself. He began choking up blood for a brief moment and was then silent. She looked around amongst the rubble and saw many corpses.

"She might have not gone too far. Find her."

"Of course mastah."

With a bolt of speed she ran as fast as she could. She put her arms behind her back and she made weird noises that trailed as she left the bank.

A police officer came up to the woman with a cellphone, but it was a Nokia flip phone.

"Ma'am we found this on his body. He was passed out on the floor. He was the only one breathing."

"Good work. Tragic but maybe we can extract some information on that thug. We need to clean up the bodies here we have too many casualties."

"Yes, ma'am."

Two detectives were chatting while trying to move a victim's body.

"Who is that? She goodness. She straight-up a scrum diddlyuptious SnACC, if I ever seen one."

"She's the commander, the overall military and combat specialist of the police department."

"Say word?"

"I want her to step on me..."

He let out a slight moan.


He looked at the second detective with disgust."

"Come on man, have some decency."

"It is what it is."

Allucard took out a small cloth and she cleaned the blood-stained knife.

"Filthy. Soon they'll be more of them."


In the city streets the young woman cosplaying as a maid was making strange noises with her mouth, running with her arms behind her back. It was a sight to behold, as onlookers turned their head as she passed by, but she didn't care about the constant staring.

She stopped for a brief second to find a dot in the corner of her eye in a small alleyway. She squinted and made circles with her hands to resemble glasses.

"Kyun-kyun enhance. Hmmmm?"

She found Mio slumped, leaning against a wall. She walked closer to her to find her arm and head bleeding, and a large scratch across her face. She then pulled out her phone, it was a huge phone with a bunch of jewels on the back with a rabbit keychain dangling on the bottom.

"Mastah, I found her."

"Good job darling, we are pretty much finished on our end. Bring her to the facility we will take care of her there."

The cosplayer hung up and she gave out a big humpf and a sigh.

She was helping a young woman get up. She had a big bruise on her face.

The alluring woman asked a question "What is your name?"


"Alucard, it's gonna be alright."

"I faintly remembered being saved by this girl with a large black blade. I hope she is alright."

"She is in good hands."

"From what I saw from before, she almost looked like a hero."

Back in the alleyway. The cosplayer reached in her pockets and got out some fingerless gloves with a red flaming skull on the front of the gloves. She put them on did a couple of squats and tried to pick up Mio.

"Nee-san, you're really heavy. No worries I'm super strong. Up up and away."

With the unconscious girl on her back she zoomed off into the streets.