1s and 2s

'Child tear and rip her to shreds,' a voice echoed in Mio's head.

'I can't...' Mio replied

'You must heed to your desires, you are desperate aren't you? You wished for strength didn't you?" The voice was pressuring her.

In Mio's consciousness the black fog was beginning to cloud her mind with murderous intent.

'Child you are in danger. I must do what must be done.'

Mio then pleaded to the spirit, 'No!!!! Wait!!!'

The cosplayer who held the gun to Mio's head began to notice the change in Mio's overall appearance. Black markings began crawling up from her neck unto her face and her eyes turned blood red.

"Finally you will show me your true strength." She began giggling.

With her demonic force she pushed the girl off of her and she skidded a few feet back.

"UmU mastah will be proud of me" she said with a pose.

Mio was breathing heavily. She was wielding the cursed blade in her right hand. Even in the evening it shone brightly. She began running at the cosplayer with a malicious intent that the young girl could feel.

The girl kept her distance from Mio who then began swinging her blade wildly at her. The girl was doing aerial acrobatics dodging her sword swings. When she got far enough away she started shooting her guns at Mio.

"Number 001 - Gun Blaster shotto!! Number 002 - Chaos Destroyaaaah!!"

Mio dodged, deflected and even sliced each of the bullets that were coming at her. When Mio closed the gap the girl tried shooting at her point blank. She wasn't able to get a clear shot but was able to graze her cheek with the bullet.

Mio was screaming in agony, "VILE HUMAN!! T H E B L A D E MUst FEEEdDD!"

The cosplayer wasn't fazed, "She's like a berserker or something? Not too much for a Star Protector to handle."

Mio began swinging her sword wildly, it was like she was using the blade like an axe trying to chop down a tree. She would also alternate to different styles using one hand or two hands but, it wasn't very effective. The girl was watching Mio's movements closely. She was able to move out of the way fairly easy. Frankly she was surprised.

"Nee-san isn't really a good fighter isn't she?"

She put her guns back into the holsters of her stockings after. She then tugged on the end of her pink gloves that she was wearing and looked at Mio. "I don't think I need to even waste bullets anymore."

She was in a fighting stance and she signaled Mio to come closer, taunting her with her unfazed expression. Mio then began running at her while dragging the black blade on the ground. She swung left and the girl dodged right, she swung right and dodged left. She was evading Mio's attacks with ease, she was toying with her.

"Your moves are very predictable."

It was almost like she was dancing, evading her moves with grace and poise. None of Mio's attacks were working all she was doing in that moment was cut through air. In one moment the girl saw an opening. Mio did a downward slash but she sidestepped out of the way and kneed her the stomach while her sword was coming down. Mio dropped the chaos blade and she kicked it away. Mio was slumped to the floor with cuts on her cheek, thigh and blood coming from her mouth. She lifted Mio from her collar with her right hand.

"You need more training--"

As she was going for a smackdown Mio butted her head to the girl's head before she could reach her face. She dropped Mio to the floor and fell on her back. Mio scurried to find the sword which then turned into a dagger. She picked it up and ran again at the girl. The girl touched her forehead and saw the blood on her fingers. She checked if her costume was still in tact as she was picking herself back up.

'Blood? This hurts...' she thought to herself.

She shook her head and bumped her fist together, "Time to finish this. You may have injured me villain but the hero always wins in the end. Justice always prevails. Star Protectors 4ever"

Mio and the girl clashed for what lasted 10 minutes, exchanging blows left and right. Mio was getting hit with a flurry of punches while the girl was getting scratched here and there with the blade.

"I've had enough fun but this is it."

She grabbed Mio's knife and hit her with a 1-2 combo, punching her stomach again and her face once more. She fell to the floor and dropped the blade. The metal clamor of the blade was heard when hit the floor but then immediately dissipated into a black smoke. The girl rose to her fist in the air and struck a pose with a piece sign.

"Oh my goodness. I almost forgot."

On her magical girl uniform where her Star Protector Badge was had a small pocket where she kept her phone. She immediately dialed a number.

"Mastah, I got Nee-san. She was super tough and dangerous. She pulled out the powerful sword like in my mangas I read. She was sooo OP!! Sometimes I don't like those stories with an overpowered item but Nee-san seems different dontcha think?? Ne Ne?"

"Tell me all about it when you reach the base okay sweetie." An older woman's seductive voice can be heard through the girl's phone.

"Mastah where is the car? I will bring her back to base put I think someone will see me," she said in a concerned voice.

"Darling, I have a car parked behind some houses. One of the associates will drop you off at the base. Stay safe bye-bye."

"Wuv U ~~Kyun~kyun," she replied in a cutsey voice.

She hung up her phone. She then proceeded to look left and right. She could hear someone coming towards her. She was surprised that no one came until now after making all of that noise. For some odd reason the neighbors didn't hear either.

A couple of dudes were walking in a direction where Mio's body was still laid out on the floor.

The girl panicked for a quick second,"Nee-san, you are gonna come with me."

She looked at her environment and saw that this path had a bench besides the street lamp as well as some trees behind the street lamp surrounded by grass. She looked at the tree behind the lamp and chose to hide behind it till the close was clear. She picked Mio up and laid her on the tree. She looked closely and watched.

There were a group of four dudes. They all wore similar clothing, baggy jeans variations of baseball caps with their favorite sports teams and they wore puffy jackets. One that stood out was a dude randomly carrying a large boombox on their shoulder like he was from the 90s or something.

"Ayo! Why you always carrying that damned boombox when we livin in the 2020s?" A guy with a red baseball cap with a black puffy jacket began complaining about his friend.

"Bruh, why you gotta do me like dat? It's like you always grillin me? It's just for aesthetics ya feel?"

The boombox guy was mildly agitated by his friend's comment.

"Damn, sorry I asked. That shitz looks ridiculous. You don't even play any music!!"

They began chillin on the bench and didn't look like that they were gonna move anytime soon.

Another dude from the group started to join in as well, "Cause he a headass."

He put his boombox down. "You guys suck."

The group started laughing at him.

'I don't have time for this' she thought to herself as she was observing the group of guys.

She was holding onto Mio with her left hand while she pulled out her gun from its holster on her stocking.

"Ayo real shit, do you ever just beat your meat and just be like 'Why am I beating my meat?'"

Their yellow puffer jacket friend was waiting for their response in a serious manner. He even had his arms. They all looked at him with some weird looks on their faces.

The boombox guy was confused and disgusted by his question, "Bruh, what the fuck??"

The red-cap wearing guy jumped in too, "Don't say shit like that again."

Their black hoodie wearing friend then responded quietly, "sometimes I doo..."

They began arguing with each other afterwards.

All of a sudden they hear a loud bang. They immediately ducked.

"Some muthafuka be shootin," said the red baseball cap wearing friend.

The boombox guy picked up his boombox, "Ayo, let's get the fuck outta here I don't want no smoke."

The group nodded in agreement and they ran the direction they came.

She put her gun into her holster and heard the coasts was clear, "Finally".

She carried Mio to what seems to be a black car parked in an alley way that connected to the path that lead to a main road. As soon as the guy in the car saw the girl carrying Mio he immediately stepped out. She opened the door and took Mio off of her hands. He then placed her in the seat beside the girl and drove off.

The man was dressed in a military getup he then asked the girl some questions. "Are you okay madam? Any bruises or scratches? The commander is worried about you."

The girl responded in a monotone voice, different from what we seen before, "Just a couple cuts here and there. Just drive, I want to see the commander."

"My apologies."

"But first can you turn on the radio? I want to listen to some music on my way back to the base."

"As you wish."

The man turned on the radio and he tuned in to a pop station.

"Welcome to SCC Radio!! You are now listening to the Number 1 girl group, Z-forever's hit single, Star Protector."

The girl began humming along to the tune as they drove off into the night illuminated by the lights of the city.