
In the study hall at the university Mio is working tirelessly on an assignment.

'Damn it. I should've done this yesterday instead of goofin off at the apartment.' She thought to herself as she was pounding the keys on her laptop as fast as she can. She saw a notification pop up on her computer screen as she was typing. She quickly checked it since it was part of her school email.

'What's this? A girl from our school has been murdered?'

The emailed entailed details of a University student being murdered outside of a nightclub called Tender Night. The nightclub was a couple blocks from the university so its a popular destination for students.

Mio vaguely remembered the night she obtained the Chaos Blade. Where a student was killed before her very eyes. During that night she was traumatized by the events and didn't think about telling Alucard or Archette about the incident. Eventually when she returned to the university nobody spoke about the night afterwards. It felt like a dream or more so a nightmare.

'Hopefully the university or police do something about this.'

Mio checks the time and panics once more.

'No way! I got to go fast the assignment is due in 20 minutes.'

She once again furiously types on her laptop.

On the outside of the classroom of the university there is a bunch of tables where students were sitting waiting for their class to start. Then came a group of students looking to find a seat.

"There are two tables for the three of us." A short-haired boy said as he put his bag on the chair.

"Awesome!" A cheery girl exclaimed.

The three of them were sitting and chatting until they noticed a girl running to the class in front of their table.

"Look at her go." The cheery girl said.

"She zoomin." said the short-haired boy.

The other member of their group was a handsome young man. He was staring at her for quite a while until the girl caught him slacking. She pushed his shoulder and he quickly snapped back to reality.

"Whatchu looking at? Such a player huh?"

He shrugged her off, "I told you its not like that."

The boy quickly got up and headed to class as soon as the other students from the previous class started pouring out of the lecture hall. As soon as the trio found their seat he quickly searched for her once more and even during the lecture he kept catching glimpses of her.


Mio was relieved to find her seat at the back just to open up her laptop and relax for a bit. During the lecture she had a weird feeling that someone was watching her. Since she was at the back of the lecture hall she could see most of the people in front of her but, she still couldn't tell so she just ignored it for now.

About halfway into the lecture they had about a 10 minute break. Mio had her phone in front of her laptop until she was distracted by a couple girls sitting in the front. They were pointing and whispering to themselves. Mio decided to eavesdrop on the girls whispering.

"Look at the guy over there. The short-haired boy a couple rows in front of us." said a black-haired girl with a ponytail.

"What about him?" Her curly haired friend was curious.

"He's pretty cute dontcha think? You think I have a shot?" She started prodding her friend's shoulder.

"Ooooh, I give him a solid 7/10. You can talk to him after class if you want to. I'll back you up if you want?"

Mio looked at the same boy they were looking at. 'He looks okay...I guess?' Mio wasn't too sure about the whole dating scene and love in general but, she always wondered what it was like to be with someone.

At the end of the class she saw the two girls approach the boy. She walked slowly to see what happened next. Mio wasn't looking where she was going and bumped into somebody while she was focused on the two girls.


"Be careful, your gonna put me in retirement." An elderly said as the professor dropped his papers on the floor.

"I-I-I'm s-s-sorry about that. I'll pick them up for you." Mio frantically picked up all the paper and handed to the elderly professor and quickly walked away.

The boy looked at her once more and continued his conversation with the two girls.

It was about noon at the police department and Detective Louis was typing away at his computer until the Chief of Police plopped more papers on his desk. It made a loud thud that startled Louis as he slightly jumped out of his chair.

"Chief, what's this?" Louis said as he was flipping through the papers.

"Another murder, this time at a nightclub near a downtown university. You might wanna take a look." The chief gave Louis a pat on the back and left.

Louis leaned back in his chair and let out an audible groan. The other detectives looked at him and started whispering to themselves.

"I feel bad for him." One detective said to another.

"Damn, what a sucker." Another police officer prodded his buddy.

'I can hear you, you bastards.' Louis muttered under his breath.

His friend who had his desk next to his put a hand on his shoulder to reassure him.

"Don't worry about them. Just focus on whatchu gotta do. I'll be around if you need any help."

"Thanks Richard." He felt a little relief as he looked at the preliminary files for the new murder case.

'This case looks fairly new so maybe I got a chance to scout the scene before anybody else.' He looked at his watch. 'About 1 pm...I gotta leave now.'

Louis got out of his chair and put on his coat. He then went in his police cruiser and drove to the scene.

At Tender Night, Alucard and a couple of police officers were already investigating at the scene. The body of the girl was in an alleyway outside of the nightclub. From the looks of it the body was torn apart and blood splatter was sprayed on the side of the Nightclub. It was a similar sight to the murder at Laqueur so Alucard knew they were dealing with the same perpetrator.

"Ma'am we have taken several photos in and around the scene. Is there anything else you want us to do?" A crime scene photographer said as he tightly held his camera. He was also very nervous.

"Good work Darling. Just send the files to the woman in the tent near black cruiser in front of the nightclub."

"Y-yes Ma'am." The photographer had a big grin on his face. 'She's so pretty.'

The other police officers gave the photographer a death stare.

"Lucky bastard."

"I want her to call me darling." Another police officer said as he tighten his grip.

Alucard made a closer observation of the body. She noticed that the girl's neck had scratch marks. She looked again to find that the scratches were a lot deeper then she realized. It was if a rabid animal just clawed her neck as she was already dead. She looked at both of her hands and saw that she chipped her nails indicating a sign of a struggle. Alucard got up removed her gloves that she used and called someone on her phone.

'I hope she isn't busy with school.'

At Golden Sierra Secondary school Ceros was sleeping in class. Her teacher didn't really care because she was star of her school. A lot of boys and girls wouldn't bother to wake her up as they wanted to watch her sleep.

'She's sooo cuute' Her class collectively thought.

As her teacher was teaching Ceros' phone vibrated which jolted her awake. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and saw that the teacher was looking at her.

"Alright class, let's see if Ceros was paying attention."

"Ceros answer the problem on the board."

It was a calculus problem that she written out in hopes of catching her off guard but Ceros easily answered the problem and went back to her seat.

"Sensei is this right?" Ceros was yawning.

"Ummm...yes. Good j-job."

The entire class clapped and cheered as she sat down.

"Sensei, can I go to the washroom?" Ceros was shaking her legs underneath her desk signalling to the teacher that it was urgent.

"You may go."

Ceros walked out of the classroom and shut the door quietly behind her. She took her phone out and saw 4 missed calls. 'Mastah is calling.'

She found an empty stall in the washroom and sat on the covered toilet seat.

"Mastah, is there anything you need?"

"Darling, are you busy? If not I want you to do some reconnaissance on the recent murder investigation. I'll meet you at the base after your done school."

"Anything for you Mastah. I'll be waiting for your orders. Wuv you. UwU." Ceros began making kissing noises through her phone.

Detective Louis finally arrived at the scene but he noticed that he was already too late, someone else was investigating. He was standing in front of the police tape until a short brown-haired woman approached him.

"What are you doing here Dectective Louis?"

"Apparently I'm in charge of this murder case but, it doesn't seem like it from what I see." He glanced at a beautiful woman in skin tight leather outfit directing the various officers at the scene.

"Who is that?"

"Oh, that's Alucard. She's a military commander and overseer of the police department. Essentially the boss of your boss."

"Thanks Sophia. Is there anyway you can smuggle me information on the case?" Louis was pleading to her.

"Ummm, I'll see what I can do? No promises. Get outta of here before you get both of us in trouble." Sophia shooed him away and ran back.

Sophia ran back to her tent where a couple of officers who noticed the scene began teasing her. A lanky long-haired man and a slightly built short-haired guy both gave her a jab at her shoulder.

"Whose your boyfriend?" The lanky man said.

"Ooooh, Sophia got herself a man after all these years." Slightly built man said tauntingly.

"Stop it." Sophia was getting irritated.

It became quiet all of a sudden as they turned and saw Alucard peeking into the tent.

"Aiden!! Jerimiah!! Stop teasing Sophia and get back to work."

"YES Ma'am!!" They both said in unison as they quickly hurried out of the tent.

"Workin hard I see you." Alucard went closer to Sophia and whispered. "Love is a dangerous thing." She then gave Sophia a wink.

"A-a-alucard!!" Sophia's face was red. "Not you too.."

In the evening outside of Myra's apartment Myra was sitting on a bench smoking a cigarette while she was on her phone. She was browsing her phone until she heard footsteps approaching her. Her immediate reaction was to put it away until she noticed who the person was.

With a disgusted look on her face she let out an audible groan. "What do you want? Why do you keep following me?"

Sebastian pushed his glasses to his face and replied, "That's not very lady-like is it? Are you more seductive when you tear your victims apart?"

"Fuck off!" She waved Sebastian off.

Sebastian put his face closer to her's. "Listen here. It seems that the boss' warning wasn't enough. It seems even after you choose to run wild. I need to put you on a leash."

She stood up and stepped on her cigarette to put it out. "I don't need babysitting. My methods will work, this is just some stress relief before the real thing. See ya."

She waved Sebastian goodbye as she left him. After she was gone a young woman dressed in all black came walking behind Sebastian and immediately sat on the bench. She had short black hair and wore a black turtleneck with a black leather jacket.

"Keep tabs on her. This psychopath is gonna ruin everything for the boss if we lose sight of her. She might even reveal everything if we aren't careful."

"Sure thing. Sebby" The woman said playfully.