
"What did she put in the river?" Ceros thought aloud as she reached the riverbank. She scanned the top of the river to find anything out of the ordinary. She was even debating on diving into the water to check.

"I have to call Cecilia. I wonder if she caught up to that mysterious woman." Ceros picked up her smartphone and tried scrolling through her contacts.

"Eh?" She frantically was checking her phone for Cecilia's phone number. She slapped her forehead in disbelief, "I forgot to ask…"

At the shipyard Cecilia had her gun pointed at the woman's forehead. "I want you to tell me everything you know?"

The woman rubbed her eyes. "You cops finally caught me, huh?"

"What are you talkin about? I ain't no cop. This is a favour for an acquaintance of mine." She pushed the gun at her forehead tapping it.

"Hehehehe..interesting.." The woman was chuckling.

Cecilia could feel immense pressure from her. She began shaking.

"What are you doing??" Cecilia was struggling to stand.

"I…am..sickk…of this BULLSHITT!!" With her shaky arm she aimed her gun at the woman who had her eyes closed.

'Forgive me honey.'


"Dammit. I missed" Cecilia with the last of her strength dropped to her knees.

The woman opened her eyes and walked towards the helpless Cecilia. She grabbed her hair and dragged her towards the side of the building where the sign fell.

"You're a very pretty woman…." With her other hand she stroked the side of her face. "I wonder what you would taste like…"

"Fuck off" Cecilia kicked the woman in the stomach but she didn't release the grip on her hair. The woman's grip started to tighten and she looked straight into Cecilia's eyes. The darkness made it hard to see but as she leaned forward Cecilia headbutted her.


The woman let go and she fell on floor to cover her face.

Cecilia got her gun and aimed it at the woman sprawling on the floor.

"S L E E P."

Cecilia's vision was getting foggy. Her gun dropped on the floor and she fell to her knees.

'What is going on? What is that smell?… You stupid…' She fell fast asleep.

The woman held onto her chest as she got up. She was on all fours and she started coughing. She covered her mouth but as she removed it she began seeing blood on her hand.

'I need to leave… I can't stay here any longer...' The woman slowly got up and escaped into the darkness.

On the shore of the river Mio tried calling Alucard to see if she knew where Cecilia was.

"Mastah, I don't have Cecilia's number and she went after the killer."

On the other end Alucard slapped her forehead and sighed. "Darling, I thought you would've asked her as soon as you met her. Anyways here is her number that she uses, assuming she didn't change it. Good luck finding her and stay safe."

"I will." Ceros quickly inputted the number and tried calling.

Ceros put the phone to her ear and after a few rings it went straight to her voicemail. Ceros slowly put her phone in her pocket and blindly ran towards the direction of where she last seen Cecilia.

'I hope you're alright.' Ceros worriedly thought as she ran.

At some point along the main road she noticed dirt marks across a hill near a shipyard.

'It looks a like someone skidded down the hill.'

Ceros ran towards the bottom where the entrance of the shipyard was and she saw Cecilia slumped against a building. She quickly ran towards her and checked if she was still breathing.

'Thank goodness. She's just sleeping.' Ceros hugged Cecilia and she quickly got her phone to call Alucard.

"Mastah we are at the shipyard and Cecilia is hurt. Can you come pick us up? She's hurt and it seems we lost the woman…"

"I'll arrange a driver to arrive at your GPS coordinates."

At the facility Alucard sighed and slumped into her chair and picked up a picture frame on her desk.

'I'm sorry…Cecilia…'

In the morning Louis was at a Café drinking his morning coffee while reading the newspaper.

'Dammit! This bitch keeps on going doesn't she.' Louis was ruffling the papers in frustration.

The door opened and a bell rang. Louis engrossed in his paper didn't notice but a woman was calling out to him. The mysterious woman pulled his paper from his eyes to get his attention. "How long are you gonna keep reading that?"

"Do you mind-Oh! Sophia! I-I-I didn't mean that at all. T-take a seat. Hehehe."

Louis ran and pulled out the chair for Sophia to sit down.

"Thank you. Never knew you were a gentleman." Sophia was laughing mid sentence.

She then proceeded to take out a couple folders from her bag.

"Word on the street says that in a couple of days the director will take the special division off this case."

Louis was surprised. "That's strange. Any reason as to why? The police department has its handful on local cases?"

"Well the only thing I've been told is that our director said that it's now not worth our time. An odd reason but, orders are orders." Sophia passed the folders on the table to Louis.

"Take a look. This is what we were able to uncover at the Club."

"I have to buy you dinner next time. This is some good shit you got here. I wouldn't even imagine myself trying to figure out how to get this." Louis was flipping through the folder looking at the pictures of the crime scene along with reports of the description of the crime. He was shocked to find a picture of a man brutally murdered in the men's washroom of the club.

"I don't know what to say. This has been extremely helpful. I-I-I am at a lost for words." Louis was having trouble processing his thoughts.

"Don't worry, as long you can get this freak it will be all worth it." Sophia smiled.

Time passed and the two of them were just making conversation as they sipped their coffee and snacks they ordered from the café. Sophia looked at her watch. "Oh shoot! I lost track of time. Before I forget, here is something unusual at the club during the investigation." Sophia pulled out a clear bag with a wallet inside. "When you have time you can examine the contents inside." She placed the bag on the table and proceeded to stand up.

"Wait, you guys didn't examine the contents of the wallet?" Louis was genuinely confused at the Special Division's decisions.

"We did. I just want you to see the contents. It might surprise you." Sophia smiled and she got her coat and left. As she was leaving she waved goodbye at the door and she headed off.

Louis was staring at the bag. "Its obvious isn't. Why did she say it like that? She's pullin my leg isn't she?"

Louis also looked at the clock. "Dammit! I gotta get to the office. I don't want the chief to chew me out." Louis put his stuff away and headed out.

At the Blood Moon facility Cecilia was laying down on a hospital bed. When she had awoken she found Ceros fast asleep on the side of the bed. She then proceeded to pat her gently on her head.

"Thank you, honey…" She whispered quietly.

Cecilia's head was aching. She placed a hand on her forehead and took a deep sigh.

'This should've been the last time.'

In Alucard's office Shen was briefing Alucard on some new information.

"As you may know our jurisdiction of this case will come to an end tomorrow. This may cause problems but, having other members like Sophia, Jeremiah and Aiden can work for us and the local precinct at the same time."

Alucard was delighted but also annoyed. "Who forgot to tell us this information in the first place?"

"You might not want to hear this." Shen took a seat on the couch.

"What's not to hear? Spit it out." Alucard was dying to hear the answer.

"It's Madam Archette." Shen looked away from Alucard's glaring looks.

"Why would she do that?" Alucard continued to painfully stare at Shen.

"She...left that important detail on purpose..."


Alucard slammed her wooden desk in frustration. She took a deep sigh and slumped back into her chair.

"Now we can re-evaluate our options. Sophia, Aiden and Jeremiah can keep tabs on what the local precinct is up to and we can work with them without alerting the director."

"Ma'am, we have no control over what the roles or cases the police department gives them. If they are not on the same case than we're all out of luck." Shen was skeptical of the idea.

As they pondered at the thought Ceros brought Cecilia into her office. There was awkward silence as Ceros was tugging on her arm practically dragging her to come into the office. Cecilia was scanning the room looking around.

"Nice lil office you got here." Cecilia walked up to Alucard's desk and picked up a photograph.

"Hmph, surprised to see that you kept this photo. Wouldn't kill you to say hi to the girls once in a while."

Alucard couldn't find the words to say to her. She looked down and quietly apologized. "I'm... sorry I put you through this..."

Cecilia scoffed at Alucard's reponse.

Cecilia grabbed Alucard by her collar. "I didn't get this scar just for you to be shaking in your boots. You're a leader now. Stop acting so scared, I can see you shaking behind those cold eyes of yours."

Cecilia's face was close to Alucard's. She then proceeded to smoosh her cheeks. "Stop putting up that act when you know I can see right through you. You didn't ask my help without a given reason let's hear what you gotta say after your disciple informs you of what happened." Cecilia let go and Alucard sat right back in her chair.

Ceros explained the situation and covered what Cecilia had said prior to them coming into the office.

"We are dealing with something inhuman. Her abilities are no joke. We must proceed with caution." Shen was more anxious at the thought of the perpetrator having abilities.

"You are missing one more point." Alucard interjected.

"What is that?"

"Are you talking about..." Shen curiously took a wild guess.

"Yes it's exactly who you are talking about. Although it may be a gamble because of the restrictions but, I'm confident in her abilities."

"Interesting...she sounds like your secret weapon by the looks of it." Cecilia nodded in approval.

"She might as well be...and much more." Alucard said with a smile.

Mio was at the university paying attention to her lecture but during the lecture she felt something strange about it. She felt as if someone was staring at her.

'I feel like this has been going on for a couple days from now. Maybe I'm just overthinking these things.'

As her lecture ended she was approached by Leon on her way out the university building.

"Hey Mio, you doing anything after class?" Leon said somewhat nervously.

"Nothing, really." She tried to avoid contact after their previous confrontation. She felt uncomfortable talking to him.

"Aren't you supposed to meet up with Maria or something? You guys seem really close." Mio tried to not look at Leon in the face.

Leon smiled and maneuvered around her so that he would make eye contact with him. "She isn't here right now isn't she?"

"She might be close by. I thought I saw her in class?" Mio kept dodging his advances. She wanted to leave as soon as possible.

Leon stood in front of Mio who was in front of the escalator about to go down the building. He moved his head in front of hers and whispered. "She doesn't need to know..."

Mio speechless didn't know what to say.

"I want....you..."

"Excuse me. You are blocking the escalator!" A student said as the line towards the escalator grew.

Mio moved away from him and went down the escalator. Mio looked down at the escalator steps as she could feel the warmth of her face grow.