Arc 1-2

After arriving at the party we greet by high level nobles.

While they were currying a favor I escaped from them and enter into less people area.

Hiding somewhere I bump into handsome boy who's body was so fragile causing him to faint.

And that boy is the male lead.

I carry his weightless body to his own room.

After 2 hours waiting he still asleep.

Anyway because he faint the engagement announcement delay so everyone at the party left except me.

Because I was her childhood

friend I had privilige to accompany him.

While she fell asleep Jason also woke up.He felt someone beside her.

"What a nice smell"

Her smell was different from any other girls.

It was a comfortable smell.

Only now he notice that this girl was familiar yet unfamiliar.

Like he known her before but now she look different.

Looking at the angelic face infront of her.

His heart who's start beating for female lead had start beating a little to the unknown girl.

He didnt stop his feelings nor he denied it.He just let it beat even though its only a little.

"What a cute little rabbit"he pat her head causing her to open her eyes.

"Hmm your the cute big rabbit also"she whispered.

But even its only a faint sound he heard it clearly causing him to avoid her looking.

"You're awake."

"Umm..."she look at his face who's cheek was red and said.


"Hmm?"he answered.

"Can I conquer your heart?"

This time its not just a little bit but his heart was beating faster to her words.

No..I need to stop.

"I have someone else I love"

He look at her coldly but didnt let her stop by talking.

"Then I'll be waiting,wait for the right time you fall inloved on me."looking at the determination in her eyes he couldnt help but touch by his words.

He neither agree nor disagree he just left in silence.

After the interaction with male lead I expect of what I expecting but I was not dissapointed.

Its normal for her specially when he was not over of his first loved.

As she said she will wait for the right time.

And because of what happened the male lead has a complicated feelings to the two girls.

At the mansion.Sleeping early I planned to study myself today.

Because it was summer I dont have important schedule to go.

I also spend my time to my grandma and grandpa.

All I did in this few months was study,eat,bathing and spending my time in the family.

There's a time too that I came to playground alone to play.

Seeing the boy was crying I comfort him by saying few words but that made him cry even more so I just said sorry and left.

I became close to the maids since the day I greet them back and because of that I then spend my time on then.

Now its finally the end of summer I was going to school so my mood was good.

I hope I got more friends.

As I entered the academy everyone look at my direction.

"Is that the new student?"boy 1

"Yes she is"boy 2

"So the rumours is true after all"girl 1

"Yeah she's a beauty"boy 2

Everyone gossips about the new beauty who entered the academy of course while everyone ad-mired her some were jealous and envious of her.

"Here comes slut"girl 2

"We got another victim"leader girl 3

"Ahuh...I know right"girl 4

Hearing those I frowned then I control my emotion.

After I entered the academy I avoid the bullies and made friends with others.

I also declared that I will court Jason S. Torress to everyone causing everyone who loves Jason to think of me as a rival.

looking at the direction I saw his red cheek on his face he didnt say anything and avoid eye contact

When I was looking at Jason in loving eyes I notice the female lead was glaring at me.

Some spread the rumours that I was a bitch and slut knowing that the prince has already courting the female lead I still try to stole him from her.

Still not many believe the rumours and still believe that I didnt stole the prince from female lead.

But some sharp eyesight notice that the prince was shy infront of me.

Causing the rumours to became facts.

Everyone who was so angry to female lead because the prince catch her attention was now angry at me.

Thats why when the prince was not around they bullied me..

And because of that I was here in the forest confronting the bully girls.

I try to protect myself but I was so weak when to came to few girls.

If only my enemy is one I can still fight but you see it was like 5v1.

Before they can beat me someone grab the hands of the girls and did taekwando on them.

Yes even though they were girls they were like gangsters who beat people like me.

Looking at the handsome boy with red hair and yellow eyes.

I couldnt help but look dazed in few seconds then came back to my original self.

Gosh thats was close.I calmed myself before thanking him.

"Thank you."

The boy didnt respond instead he slap the five bitches who bully me.

"Dont ever dare to hurt my woman"

When I heard those words I couldnt help but blush.

Woah this world has so many overprotected ikemen.

I so inlove with it ,I mean the game.



Since they had no enough strenght to fight the ikemen infront of them they didnt dare to fight anymore.

What she didnt know that the jealousy of the five rose when they see another handsome guy who protected her.

"Are you okay?"he asked gently.


He then carry me like a princess and go to the hospital to check my injuries.

"Hey let me go I said I was fine!"I struggle to get out on his hands.

But I failed because he is so strong.

"Just this once give me chance just this once"he whispered.

I stop struggling and look to his sincere eyes.

I couldnt help but felt touched.

This kind of a guy is what I liked.

Looking at her eyes I felt my strong desire but I stop it.

I am kagura Sae. Shiro everyone called me playboy.

But what they didnt know that it was just fake accusation.

The rumours started when I dump my girlfriend because she only want my wealth.

The girls said I dump her because I got bored and find another girl beside me.

But thats not true because of that every girl try to seduce knowing that I was a playboy.

I hate them they only want me because I was handsome they want me because of my wealth,position and got a good grades.

But there was one girl who didnt think me like those girls.

I saw her pure and innocent eyes as she comfort me in the playground.

Its the time when I cried when anyone think of me like a tool.

I was 13 years old in summer.

I cried and cry she was just passing by.

Despite I was famous and goodlooking and wearing an expensive clothes.

She didnt have an ill intention she comfort me by saying 'are you okay?'

Those words were kept repeating in my ears

"Are you okay?"

It made me cry even more when she notice that she apologize to me because she though I cry cause she try to talk to me even though she was a stranger.

That day was the memorable in my life.

Looking at the 14 year old girl infront of me I skip one grade just to be the same class as her.

Even though I know she didnt love me I still.I will always still stay by her side.