The Devil's Son

As they sat down, Luci kept his head fixed on his lap.

"Are you crying?" Nana questioned.

"I-I'm not crying!" Luci cried.

"Odd..." An unfamiliar voice began.

"I smell two human scents..."

Luci quickly looked up.

As he did, he was met with another face inches from his.

"GAH!" He cried, jumping backwards.

"D-don't scare me like that...!" He panted.

"Oh?" The girl backed away.

"My apologies, I didn't mean to frighten you." She said, taking a seat next to Luci.

"Randall?" She called.

"Are you sure he's the real deal...?" She questioned.

"'M afraid so." Randall said.

"Oi, what do you mean by afraid ya jerk," Luci asked, his eye twitching.

"If you really are one of Hell's many princes,"

"Which I am." Luci interrupted.

"Why would you-"

"Claudia," Lumi cleared her throat.

"Enough questions, curiosity killed the demon." She said.

"Save your questions for the meeting, which speaking of..." She sighed.

"Just where are Kat and the professor?" She huffed.

"I'm here miss Lumi." A voice called out.

Entering the room was a petite girl, who appeared to be in her teens.

"Thank you for joining us, Kat." Lumi smiled.

"Claudia," Kat began.

"I fact checked, turns out he really is one of the princes of Hell." Kat said, completely ignoring Luci's presence.

"O-OI!" Luci called out.

"I'M RIGHT HERE...!" He cried.

Kat looked him up and down, almost as if she were unimpressed.

"It seems you are." She said, taking a seat.

"Man..." Luci sighed.

"Tough crowd..." He grumbled.

"Kat, did you happen to see the professor on your way in?" Lumi asked, with a hint of annoyance.

Kat shook her head.

"Hey," a voice called out.

"Sorry I'm late, a student needed to see me after class."

Standing in the doorway was a tall, fit man wearing glasses.

"Please have a seat, Cedric." Lumi said, shutting the door.

"Sure." He nodded, taking a seat next to Nana.

Nana looked up at him.

As he turned to look down at her, Nana quickly looked away.

The professor smiled softly.

"So!" He clapped his hands together.

"Let's get this meeting going, shall we dance with the devil?" He asked.

"Or, rather...the devil's son?" He smirked.