Decision Making

"In order for us to collaborate most effectively, I believe it is in the best interests of the council for us to have a uniform base of understanding." Began the domain of knowledge. Its voice was calm, neutral, and authoritative, but in the sense that a trusted, respected teacher was authoritative. No one said anything, myself included, and I waited to see what information it planned to reveal to the people I had gathered.

"Looking around at the council that Althos has gathered, I see that the majority of beings here are mortals of different sorts. And in looking at you I can quickly learn what you all know. This is why I have decided to begin with the following declaration..." The domain continued, speaking dramatically. It seemed that it, like me, had a bit of a dramatic flair.

"Your strategies are... too small. None of you understand the true, in many ways terrifying, nature of Althos' power. In your minds, Althos is just an archdevil and a god, which is admittedly something you've never heard of aside from in the oldest myths about the power of the Dark Saint. But Althos, in actuality, is more than that." The domain stated, speaking bluntly.

This statement caused looks of confusion, awe, and fear to erupt onto the faces of the gathered creatures. They knew better than to disbelieve the strange creature before them, but to accept its words at face value meant that even the oldest beings here needed to wrap their minds around something a possibility they had never truly considered: the possibility of a sort of omni-higher-being.

"Althos has, since the beginning of his life, possessed an ability to be more than one type of higher-being. He is not just a god and an archdevil. He is also a demon lord, an elemental overlord, and an archfey. And in time he will become more things. Without knowing that your strategies concerning granting him more power will always be at least a little lacking." The domain stated, rather coldly. I audibly chuckled at its remarks. It was correct, but to hear it be so blunt was amusing to me.

One of the mortal sages in attendance rose a hand to ask the domain of knowledge in question. The domain turned to the sage, its almost illusionary head tilting as it looked at the creature. And then it chuckled.

"There are more types of higher beings than you realize, Qilin. Your understanding, even your race's understanding, of history is flawed. It is not just gods, archfey, and archdevils, demon lords, and elemental overlords." The domain stated, almost talking down to the elven sage.

"There are angel kings, spirit kings, archon queens, and in some cases such as with gods, there are even subcategories. For instance, among gods, there are the once dreaded and now largely forgotten, aside from by abominations, great old ones and the outer gods." The domain stated, revealing just little elven history had known of the unspeakably distant past. Its words also provoked a reaction from some of the creatures in the room.

Some of the devils in the room shuddered when they heard the term "Archon Queens", which caused me to look into their memories. That was a skill I had mastered long ago, so much so that I could do it to any being who wasn't a vestige. I absorbed many different memories and began to search for ones that included "Archon Queens".

My eyes momentarily flashed when I was able to find memories with these strange beings I had heard of from time to time throughout my life. The first memory I found featuring one of these beings began to play in my mind the second I absorbed it.


A vast battlefield stretched out before me, one that I, Althos, immediately recognized as Gehenna. I, or rather the body whose memory this was, dashed forward, sprinting as quickly as it could. In the distance before me, I could see an enormous army of assorted, good-aligned beings dashing at me.

Humanoid-like soldiers, powerful and celestial animals, and in the skies above an array of immensely powerful benevolent beings, all moved towards me and those behind me. That said, at the back of the army there was one truly astounding being.

In the distance, behind the army of celestial beings, stood a truly enormous creature. It towered, hundreds of meters tall. It had golden skin hidden behind gigantic scarlet armor. Each step it took caused the earth beneath it to shake. Its hands were raised in the air and it was buffing the beings it was leading with powerful support magic.

The creature had a vaguely humanoid body but on a truly gargantuan scale. It, befitting the term "Archon Queen", had a female-looking form, with a decidedly feminine body shape and proportions. The armor hugged its curves in a surprisingly attractive way, but the creature was also clearly a respectable tactician.

The being pointed one of its hands, and one of its fingers, in the direction of the devilish army that was approaching its forces. An instant later there was an enormous flash of searing, white light, and the sound of thousands of devils crying out in fiendish agony.


"Archon queens... The good-aligned equivalent of demon-lords and arch-devils." I mentally muttered. That was the first time I had sat down and paid true attention to them. They were evidently enormously powerful creatures, and seeing one of their kind annihilate an entire army of devils was a good reminder of just how powerful higher beings were.

"Ultimately the question we have to decide today is which route to power is more efficient. Is it better for Althos to delve into the second layer of Infernius, which is the first subterranean layer, or is it better for him to go and purpose the second tier of influence over the goodness domain, which would also grant him power over the neutrality domain?" The domain of knowledge stated, continuing to speak bluntly. It didn't mince words. Those remarks also provoked a response by one of the sage-devils who was present in the council.

"For the sake of ensuring our mortal and angelic peers are fully informed, allow me to volunteer some information. Infernius contains nine 'layers', with the surface of the dimension being one such 'layer'. Althos has already conquered this layer, Gehenna. The remaining eight are subterranean, and each contained vastly different environments and served different purposes back when we were a united dimension." The devilish sage informed its less knowledgeable, on this specific topic, peers.

"Each layer has a guardian, a vestige, that lord over it to differing extents. This layer's guardian, who has already been slain by Althos, was Technos, a minor god of technology. The next layer, assuming that you're determined to tackle these layers in linear order is guarded by the vestige of a powerful god of death and necromancy. That said, as bad as that sounds there are some helpful differences between when you tackled this layer's guardian and when you will tackle that layer's guardian." The sage continued, turning to face me.

"You are recognized and celebrated as an archdevil now. That means that you will be supported by devils, including those in 'The Eternal Graveyard', the... nickname for that layer. That layer houses, or at least it did house the bodies of deceased devils. It's also a vast desert, inhabited in part by desert giants loyal to Afron, the vestige of death and necromancy." The sage declared.

That was also a true statement, I was indeed supported by devils throughout that layer, who ambitiously sought to be prompted to the next tier of the infernal hierarchy. However, the most interesting part of the layer's description was that it was a vast graveyard. I knew that there an abnormal about of bodies there, but I hadn't known why. Now that I was armed with knowledge, I was more suitably equipped to use necroscience and in doing so to gain a legion of incredibly loyal, resurrected devils. But that wasn't the most interesting tidbit I'd pick up either.

"The second layer of Infernius is also the birthplace of the faith of the Dark Saint, the overgod who once lorded over all of Infernius. If you conquer it... then you'll be able to increase your devilish worshipers significantly." The devilish sage revealed, smiling while he spoke. It was clear that he thought it was better that I prioritize taking over at least another part of Infernius before I do anything else. It was also true that that was a much more straightforward goal than gaining the second tier of influence over the domain of goodness.

"While those statements about the second layer of Infernius are true... There are valid reasons to go to the world of Ta Hendo, where the evil goddess Selena's vestige lives." The domain of knowledge informed me and the council.

"Among other things, gaining power over the domain of neutrality would allow Althos to become the lord of various dimensions, not the least of which would be the home dimension of the Leyes, Zenith which is the neutral-evil dimensional home of the pain bringers, and the elemental dimensions. Gaining power over neutrality is an essential task that must be completed." The domain of knowledge revealed, which brought a smile to my face.

I also suspected that the key to becoming a spirit king, an archon queen, and perhaps even an angel lord were tied to gaining greater alignment-based powers. Angel lords and spirit kings were seemingly neutral in alignment, or at least they were capable of belonging to any alignment, and I knew that archon queens were good in alignment.

"The choice that Althos is being asked to make here is to choose whether he wants to focus on increasing his existing powers or to diversify his abilities. Both are valid routes to go down, but Althos needs to be the one to make the choice. We are here to help him decide the best route." The domain stated, definitively.

"Either way your adventure will take you to new places, where you will encounter new friends, new foes, and gain opportunities to advance in strength and influence. The key to diversity, to neutrality, to expansion, lies beyond Infernius. But the key to personal power, to greater influence over things you already use, death, life, civilization, healing... They are all here, in Infernius." The domain said, even as it tilted its head to look at me.

This was the line that caused a flood of reactions. The statement that finally provoked a reaction from my advisors, those sages, heroes, devils, leyes, angels, and more I had brought here to advise me. For the next ten hours, we'd discuss the pros and cons of both choices. We argued about which strategy was the best for me.

Conversations were had about the empire itself. We talked about how it would grow or otherwise be affected by the choices before me. I rightfully pointed out that my powers weren't dependent on distance, and also demonstrated a few of the trickery abilities I possessed that would allow me to go on either adventure largely unnoticed.

And ultimately, a decision was made. One that would lead me down a long road. Towards the next great adventure in my life. When the council was dismissed and had returned home I found myself alone with the domain of knowledge. I glanced at the domain of knowledge and smiled. I wasn't sure how I knew this, but I strongly suspected that the domain smiled back at me.

I got up from the seat I was in, and I activated a power given to me by the virtue of diligence. With that power, I teleported away from my palace, and as I was between where I had been before teleported and where I was being teleported too, I wondered when the next time I'd see my palace would be.

When I arrived at my destination I was standing tall, in a human-like form. I didn't want to scare the people who were "summoning" me after all. I found myself on a beach, in a world that was new to me. I was inside of a summoning circle, and I could see my summoner, a tall, elderly, powerful magic-user who had used a legendary spell to try and summon a spirit, and as he stared at me I could see a lot of emotions on his face but none of them were disappointment or sadness.

He looked at me, stunned, and then slowly he began to bow, to gesture respect. I nodded a gentle smile on my face and studied him. As I did, I experienced his memories and in doing so felt a surge of excitement course through my veins. This world was very interesting, and I knew that in time I'd have a lot of fun here. But first, as I learned thanks to my "summoner's" memories, I had work I needed to do. This man's people were in danger. And I had been "brought" here, to protect them. Which I could definitely do.