Rampage Mode

Ten minutes ago, Brake Root Forest

A man that looked exactly like Lin Fan ran through the woods holding a bow in his hands as he chased after a gigantic beast. This man had the same black hair as Lin Fan and was about the same height with a muscular, toned physique.

However, compared to Lin Fan, the difference between their powers was the difference between night and day. A forbidden realm beast was running away from him like he it was a women running away from Lin Fan's whip. It charged with exceptional speed, so much speed that the green rosebush trees were breaking in the hundreds every second.

Still, that man that looked like Lin Fan suddenly twitched his wrist and out came a bright golden light. Suddenly, the large beast was stabbed in the back, sending it tumbling to the floor and spinning into the dirt.

His body tumbled and its black fur spun as it decimated hundreds of more trees. However, what really shocked this man, Gale Fan, was that a dragonkin was flying in the air at a breakneck speed. He instantly smiled and hopped into the air. He made it over 300 feet into the air like a blur as his left hand connected with the quiver on his back, and then his body began to glow a golden hue.

The next moment, a golden arrow shot across the sky as Dragon Zen felt the most terrible feeling of his life as he swerved to the left. Unfortunately, an arrow hit him straight in the eye, causing him to nearly fall out of the sky as hundreds, if not thousands of other golden arrows were sent bursting towards him.

'Father... I finally can shoot even dragons out of the sky...' Gale Fan said as he smiled and gave up on the dragonkin, finding its power to weak to even consider chasing after. 'However, you told me that after I finish killing the strongest creature in Break Root Forest that I should find my half brother...'

'You told me his name is Lin Fan and that he'd be in trouble if I didn't act against the dragons attacking him today... However, I don't know where brother is, so how can I help him...'

Jan Fan had no idea he'd already helped his brother, and just decided to eat the massive Dragon Beast he'd just slaughtered. The Dragon Beast was on the cusp of surpassing the forbidden realm, yet to Gale Fan it was like taking care of a baby, or in this case one of his father's many sons.

Lin Fan's father, actually, was probably an even more profligate ladies man than Lin Fan. Who knew how many women he had drop to their knees and beg for him to stay only to get saddled with a belly full of regret.

However, All Gale Fan could think about how his dad said save "Lin Fan". He sighed and began running in the opposite direction of Dragon Zen towards Forbidden Valley.

"I'm sure brother will be in the direction I'm sent! Otherwise, how would father be so sure I'd help him today... This means that any direction I choose will be the direction of the dragon kin...' However, he once again didn't consider the dragon he shot in the eye was actually more pissed because of him!

Lin Fan's bedroom

Lin Fan finally felt a sense of clarity as he heard Mimi Fan scream. No matter how much pain he was in, there was nothing he could do but become possessed by an inner devil as he heard Mimi Fan's voice.

He stood up, even as his bones broke and the white lights kept shinning. With Mimi Fan in danger, even if he had to feel all the pain of the earth, he'd probably try and deal with it.

"You... you really are going out there..." Lightning Woo said as he walked behind Lin Fan with his head down... "My father just sent me a message to flee... Lin Fan... You should come with me..."

"How did he do that? That young girl is so cute..." Lin Fan cracked his neck as his interface opened in front of him... "I... I think I'll have dragon for dinner and your father can eat with me if he wants..."

"Lin Fan... You're insane... I'm the dragon here... I'll deal with it..." Pluck said as he sat on Lightning Woo's back... "Come on... just toss me into the air and I'll pluck out his eyes!"

Lin Fan smiled and looked back at his crazy chicken and his best friend Lightning Woo. There was also Gue Fan and Princess Mane who were on their knees pleading for him not to go. However, he knew that there was no way he could lose.

[Sadist system has upgraded to version 3.0!]

[Physique has increased by 10000, and you've entered into the peak of the Ocean Realm!]

[However, according to the situation, it is recommended you increase your physique once more to break into the Forbidden Realm. Warning, the amount of pain you will feel from doing this will surpass anything you've ever felt...]

"I think it's okay... In order to be good at inflicting pain, I must be able to take pain..." Lin Fan smiled and increased his physique by 1000, using his 20,000 sadist points to break through the forbidden realm.

+ 200 sadist points

+ 300 sadist points

+ 500 sadist points

Lin Fan sighed and turned back and saw Gue Fan pleading on the floor for him to save her daughter as Princess Mane told him to stay put. She didn't just find this whip friendly man only to be torn out of his arms after connecting with him.

However, Lin Fan could only smile as his body suffused with blood and it began to drip out his pours. Damn, it really did hurt more then he thought possible. Still, with Mimi Fan's life on the line, he grinned and bore it...

- 50 points

- 100 points...

Lin Fan sighed and ignored the point loss before he smiled and screamed out. "What happened to your eye dumb dragon..." Suddenly, that dragon instantly appeared in front of him with Mimi Fan squirming in his arms...

[One new feature has been unlocked, Rampage Mode...]

[May be used once a month, and allows user to temporarily increase their strength at the cost of inflicting their loved ones pain... Because host has dominant role over Jan Fan and Princess Mane, they will feel the bulk of the pain...]

"You... you... you haven't answered me? What happened to your eye? Put that girl down so we can talk about it..."