Lightning Chains

Fan Sect

Three hours after Lightning Woo was taken by Hanna Lin, Jan Fan finally woke up from her three day slumber. She was staring at Lin Fan as he gently tied her up to the wall with an extremely impressive glower on his face.

Part of her insides started to boil as she realized she'd be receiving all the rage that Lin Fan felt about Lightning Woo being taken. She was so nervous that for the first time in her entire existence, she actually felt afraid of death. This was true even though she'd already died once, which showed just how impressive and domineering Lin Fan's eyes were as they flickered with anger and also perversion.

Part of him couldn't stop smiling which confused Jan Fan more and more and more. What exactly was going on in Lin Fan's head that he had to make a face that could both kill and at the same time melt a girls heart?

"I... I finally met Lightning Woo's sister..." Lin Fan said as he walked up and caressed Jan Fan's back... She was the first daughter of Jin Lan and was also the oldest out of all his children. However, when he met her, she looked no older than eighteen and had white hair that drizzled down her chest and pale skin. She happened to be as bountiful chest wise as Jan Fan, but as innocent looking as Su Fan when she bumped into a wall.

Overall, he was extremely excited about her power level as well. She seemed to have already entered into the Forbidden Realm, and even made him tingle in both fear and excitement. When she was his eyes, she was already aware that Jin Lan wanted them to mate, and start a new lineage that could rule Eight Clan Mountain.

Because of that sentiment, she looked at him with a mixture of meek love, and at the same time intense disbelief. She always thought her father wanted her to save her purity for all eternity, but when Lin Fan was around he practically threw them into each other's arms.

"So... Since you're technically my Reincarnation Slave, we don't require secrets to be held between us right Jun Fan? You promise not to betray your master even if I make you scream until you pass out from exhaustion?"

"Of course not... I rather like being tortured by you... It was the most terrifying experience to be in that silent world for over a hundred years... The pain makes me wake up from the terror beneath this world..."

"So, I guess that means you don't mind if I turn up your pain tolerance?" Lin Fan noticed a peculiar setting under Reincarnation Slave that let him increase the pain manifold. He was already using this on Li Rock on the Sadistic Farm. However, when he looked at Jan Fan, he wasn't sure she'd be able to handle more pain.

She was wearing a loose black gown that tripped down her hour glass hips and stopped right before her knees as sweat dripped against the cold silver chains. Her golden eyes looked azure as the sweet smell of her pheromones spread into the air tempting Li Fan to strike with an unmistakable dominance.

"Shit.... It's hard to get into this without Lightning Woo around... I shouldn't have let Owa Lan go by her self... What if something happens to my brother? Then I'll probably snap and end up killing thousands of innocent people..."

"I... I knew something was wrong... You don't like how I look tonight?" Jan Fan bit her lip as Lin Fan caught her off guard with a whip lash to her back. Suddenly, with her pain tolerance increased tears shot out of her eyes as Lin Fan whipped her with a distracted gaze.

"AHHH! It hurts so good..." Jan Fan screamed as she tried to free herself from the chains! "What are you doing? Hit me harder so you prove to me that I'm alive..."

"I'm sorry... It's just not as enjoyable without Lightning Woo..." Lin Fan sighed and put his hand on her back, sending a shock down a series of chains that were connected to Su Fan and Gue Fan... "You guys... I hope you don't mind, but I'm just going to leave the electric contraption on okay..."

Su Fan's legs trembled as she held Gue Fan's hand as both of them started to rapidly give Lin Fan points. Because he was angry, he didn't control his shock properly and both of them nearly passed out as Pluck walked in the room with a broken cast on his little wing...

"Father... I'm so sorry... It was my fault..." Mimi Fan walked in Lin Fan's bedroom with an extremely downcast expression as her eyes tenderly flashed with grief and suffering... "If you want, you can punish me too... I don't care as long as you turn back into the chicken man..."

"Do you know what a wolf has that I don't?" Lin Fan smiled as he pat Mimi Fan on the head as the girls screamed in the background from the constant electric shocks... "I don't have the nose, nor the experience to find my brother Lightning Woo without risking all you people here... However, Owa Lan is also extremely strong... She'll tear that Hanna Lin apart and then we can make little girls like you..."

"What about hitting me though? I can take it!" Mimi Fan reached for the electric chain before Lin Fan rapidly stopped her. He gently placed his hand on her head as he leaned down and looked into her cute, black eyes....

"Mimi Fan... I torture women to get points... However, little kids already suffer a lot when they turn into women.. I promise... The most horrible pain you can imagine will happen in three years... Even take a thousand whips to the back of an adult isn't as hard as being a growing women..."

"Wow, so you're saying I'll give you points just by growing up?" Mimi Fan smiled and fist pumped! "Yes, I can't wait until I grow up and suffer! I'm excited to help you chicken man..."

Lin Fan nodded his head, and sighed and he recalled Jin Lan introducing him to Owa Lan as her white hair nearly dragged against the gravel. Her every feature was in his head as well as her mellifluous voice.

They were introduced in the woods as Lin Fan talked to Jin Lan thirty minutes ago. She transformed right in front of his eyes and appeared with nothing but a small white dress...

"Lin Fan... Owa Lan is going to have lots of children with you... She's quite the site to see, right?" Jin Lan had said as Lin Fan watched some bunnies fighting over a pair of estranged panties... "However, she's even better when she's on all fours... She's quite the hunter..."

"Father... Where's Lightning Woo?" Owa Lan's sweet fragrance filled the air as she stretched her arms above her head... "He was supposed to come with me to Magic Beast Academy after I came to visit? However, I can't smell him anywhere..."

"He's been taken..." Jin Lan said as he minorly scowled... "However, since you arrived I trust you'll save him, however, this is Lin Fan... He will be the one controlling your body in the future..."

Both Lin Fan and Owa Lan looked at each other in disbelief before Owa Lan laughed and then rechecked her father's face...

Wait, he was being serious, and she had no idea why. Suddenly, she blushed and covered her special places with her arms.... She felt like she was in the presence of a monster, and for some reason Lin Fan had come over to sniff her butt!

"I... I'm... I'm afraid I'm not sure how this works..." Lin Fan said as he looked at her butt with a mixture of curiosity and perplexion... "Is it still the same as a humans?"

"Get... get down from there... You're... you're a stranger to me..." Owa Lan's skin got somewhat hot as Lin Fan brazenly knocked on her butt as he studied her figure... "Father, you can't be serious? Why would you want me to marry him?"

"I'm taking it..." Lin Fan got up and stared into Owa Lan's beautiful black eyes... "I know you're in school, but I promise when you're out we'll have the best times of your life..."

"You're also beautiful by the way, and smell really good... You don't mind that I have other wives either right?"

"Dad... Are you nuts? You can't be serious?" Owa Lan slammed her feet repeatedly into the ground like an angry machine as she looked into her father's eyes... "You... you sacrificed so much to get me into Magic Beast Academy, and you want me to... with him?"

"Lin Fan.... Lin Fan!" Jin Lan ignored Owa Lan as he smiled and walked over to his side... "Is she really alright? If you want, I can give you some gifts so you can take her off my hands..."

"Are you kidding me father..." Owa Lan sighed and accepted her fate... "I guess he isn't that bad looking, and I needed someone during those times of the year... However, where's lightning Woo? I miss his little ruffly fur and gorgeous eyes?"

"Go save him... Owa Lan..." Jin Lan smiled and licked Lin Fan's face as he thought of all the cute babies his daughter and Lin Fan would make together... "Hurry up and come back to your husband before he gets lonely!"