Dragon Zen's Final Meal

Lin Fan looked down at Dragon Zen and Hanna Lin as Wan Lin pleaded on her knees for Lin Fan to let them go free. However, no matter how alluring Wan Lin looked he knew the importance of showing his strength to others.

Thousands were here from the Water Race as well as the Dragon Kin Race, and many of them were in the Enchanted Realm. Ja Ran had scared all of them from attacking him by threatening them at the Empyrean Temple entrance, which was part of the Empyrean Oath. However, since Hanna Lin attacked and Ja Ran wasn't anywhere to be seen, that meant that there could soon be a rebellion.

Of course, that was if he didn't have Ja Ran put on a show that required him to deal no damage. There was nothing Lin Fan couldn't do, at this moment, besides get Yan Ran off his back. She was like carrying two tons of extra weight, especially when she was sleeping. Because her husband got in a fight with a scary looking Dragon Kin, she told him that she couldn't just let him sleep alone, and then clutched onto his back.

However, Yan Ran was in the Demi-God Realm at least, but gave off the feeling of someone that was meek and mild. Judging by the things she said when she tossed and turned, if he ever got her angry her father would not be the worst outcome...

"Lin Fan... Why are you sleeping with so many women... I thought I killed them yesterday..." Yan Ran muttered in her sleep as Lin Fan looked down at the quivering legs of Wan Lin. She seemed to have lost her pants in the water, and he could see her blue and thin legs as well as her rather strange shorts. They looked like they had spike stuck in her body, but the spikes were somewhat transparent, showing a pair of pink underwear with dogs on it underneath...

"I... I know this looks weird, but it's not what you imagine! My father isn't a sadist! I just wear this to help control myself when I'm in social situations!"

"That's interesting... However, that still doesn't explain why your short Lolita sister tried to steal Gue Fan! Do you know how hard it is to find a good cook! I can't lose her or what will happen to the Sect?"

"Thousands come from far and wide not just for the temple, but for Gue Fan's famous Blood Oxen Stew! You... you can't just come here and try and ruin my business..."

"Lin Fan! What's this soft thing..." Su Fan could be heard screaming in the distance as she flied around in the clouds at a quick tempo. Pluffs of smoke trailed behind her as she finally got control of her Divine Ethereal Body. However, occasionally, she'd bump into a bird, and a loud

"OW" would be heard.

"Come up and get me already! I miss my ropes! It's not fun floating around without ropes..."

"I'll get my step mom..." Mimi Fan blushed before her cute little dress started to take off the ground as she cutely kicked her feet and began dancing up towards the sky... "Grand Dragon Veros taught me how to fly two weeks ago, but I'm still barely able to do it..."

"You.,.. you do look older..." Lin Fan smacked Dragon Zen in the face to make sure he was awake... "However, what about you Lightning Woo? How does it feel the first Lightning Wolf to take control of a killer parasite..."

"It was okay, brother, but the thing is we saw another version of you, and he had a system as well! Great Dragon Varos told us if you kill him... You should be able to download his skills... Apparently, it has something to do with dimensional resonance!"

"I... I... I can't believe there is more than one of me..." Lin Fan said with a disappointed look. "If he was here right now, I wouldn't have to kill this beautiful little girl... What's your name again..."

"Hanna Lin..." She coughed and looked up with puppy dog eyes at Lin Fan as she gave a meek smile. "However, can I just tell you the truth first before you kill me! I have a reason why I wanted to get revenge..."

"I already realized it the moment I saw you... You had a brother, right?" Lin Fan knew that one day the Water Race would send someone to try and kill him, however, he didn't think she'd have such a hot sister... "However, why risk it all when you did so much research on me..."

Lin Fan pulled out a book that had everything about Lin Fan from his height to the size of his boxers... It was extremely detailed, and had all his attacks listed including the Eternal Lightning Body skill and even the mortal grade skills like [Brash Ignition Fist]. It was strange to even see the name of that skill. If he used it now, it be like a small dot on the map compared to his new skills.

Still, something about Hanna Lin's situation also made Lin Fan feel some empathy. Considering that he'd literally killed Li Rock over a hundred times in the last hour, and used his points to revive him again, perhaps there was something they could make a deal with...

"What... what is it? Are you going to let Dragon Zen live? Are you going to spare my sister, and just kill me..." Hanna Lin began to cry before Lin Fan gently picked her up by the hair and caused her to scream...

+ 50 sadist points

Lin Fan spun her in his hands before he tossed her on the bed and sighed. This little girl needed to learn how to not lie and just tell the truth. There is no way she thought her simple three point plan would work. There had to be another reason she decided to come here, and was wearing such a brazen and rather beautiful outfit...

He jumped on her as Su Fan crashed into the roof and rolled down the tiles as she screamed "ow" once again. Lin Fan sighed and landed on top of Hanna Lin before he put his two arms over her shoulders. Her breath came out gently, rather then the scared expression he expected. At the same time, she rapidly reached and grabbed Lin Fan's hips before she closed her eyes....

"I... I couldn't get you out of my head... Something is wrong with me!" Hanna Lin smacked her self in the face as Lin Fan looked at her with a confused expression. "I... I wanted revenge for my brother at first, but then I realized you could revive him. However, then I started hating the strange thoughts I had about you, and decided to try and kill you for myself!"

"So, you like me?" Lin Fan kissed her on the head as he pulled on her tight white shirt... "You... you dare tell me you like me after you just tried to steal Mimi Fan's mother...? "She just got back, and you try to take her mother away from her...?"

"I... I couldn't find Su Fan..." Mimi Fan landed on the ground as she scratched her head. Turning back to find that Su Fan was dangling off the roof... "Oh, she's over there Chicken Man... Now... Who are these two and what did they want with my mothers?"

"I... I still can't believe you haven't imagined anything strange..." Wan Lin said as she jumped onto the bed and landed right next to her sister... "You... you must not be invulnerable to two sisters on a bed... Look at me and just imagine it already!"

"I... I was raised like a wolf for three years... I only think about that stuff when it's time to act... A Lightning Wolf must never get distracted, or the rabbit may come and steal your kill..."

"I thought rabbits got eaten by Lightning Wolves..." Mimi Fan scratched her head as Wan Lin and Hanna Lin waited for Lin Fan's verdict... "Anyways, what are you doing to do with them Chicken Man?"

"I think these two like me just enough that they can be the first to try out my new room... Now that you're back Mimi Fan... You want to build father some new torture contraptions..."

"You... you're really not going to kill us?" Hanna Lin rubbed Lin Fan's back as she blushed... "Does that mean all the things I imagined you doing to me were false? You really are just going to let me go..."

"Sister... I finally saw his imagination..." Wan Lin blushed as her legs began to quiver... "Please... please imagine that one more time... Please... I really want to see it one more time..."

Lin Fan smiled and sighed before he walked up to Dragon Zen and cut loose his rope. He hadn't had a chance to have a proper fight with this Dragon Kin,and he wanted to prove a point to all the suffering visitors currently giving him points...

"Dragon Zen... I'll give you three minutes to survive in a ring with me, if you live I'll let you go..."

"I understand.... You realized that if you don't put on a show all the Dragon Kin members and Water Race will go on a rampage and all your women will probably die... However, if you let me serve you, that could also be used as a point..."

"Two minutes... If you survive for two minutes, I'll have you go to a special farm... deal?" Lin Fan pat Dragon Zen on the back before he smiled and walked towards the new fighting ring... "However, I have to ask, how did her butt taste? Was it good?"

"The best last meal I could've asked for..." Dragon Zen laughed as he nodded his head at Lin Fan. "Take it easy on me... I was stupid my entire life and now am actually smart enough to realize I'm just an average Dragon Kin... However, I forgot to tell you, my father owns the Dragon Throne..."

"Let's make that fight a good one then..." Lin Fan gulped as he made sure that his ticket sales for the fight were just high enough to cause some pain to the guests... "If you die, I'm sure it'll take your father years to make another one of you..."