Ascent Rank

One day later,

Lin Fan had never spent so many hours without sleep, and hadn't had a day in a long time when he spent more sadist points then he made. However, after talking with Ja Ran it was clear that his girls were his greatest weakness, and keeping them alive would take a lot of work.

However, since Lin Fan had started making blueprints as a blacksmith, he began to get more and more bold with the items he wanted to use to protect the Sect. He even began to extend his defensive plans to all of Eight Clan Mountain. He didn't want to see innocent women tied up again and used as leverage just so he could go on some journey to a distant place.

He was also aware that the Light Elves would be back and when they came back even Ja Ran wouldn't be enough to stop them. However, because of this he also decided to finally use the treasures Ja Ran had in his ring, and by use he meant take apart.

Lin Fan was extremely interested in how treasures past the Horizon Rank worked, and started looking at Cloud Rank, and Nightingale Rank Treasures. There was even a few Ascent Rank treasures which were meant for demi-gods, and one of them in particular had an ability to defend from attacks at the Demi-God Realm for three minutes.

'If I take this apart, and make a larger scale version of this, using what I've learned about metallurgy from the Dragon Kin, and what I learned about soft and hard states from girl's butts... I should be able to make a defensive perimeter that can't be broken for over ten minutes!'

'However, as I learned from my brief stint studying the black smith arts, I mean downloading them, it requires a lot of supplies to scale something up in size, and it's an exponential increase in three dimensions!'

'There is 1000 Ascent Rank Treasures in this ring, and if I use all of them I can make one shield that can protect the entire mountain... However, if it doesn't work, everyone might explode, so I have to make sure none of my favorite girls are in the mountain when I try it...'

Lin Fan began to shiver as he remembered how his underwear trap back fired when Ban Fan returned to the sect. Rather then attracting the bunnies he was hoping for, Ban Fan merely got sent flying into the sky as his wife tried to wave hi to him from the distance.

As for Ban Fan, he was still recovering, but Lin Fan didn't plan to make the shield of the Fan Sect from scratch. He was basing it on an extremely well known Ascent Treasure, one of the Empyrean's best treasures, the Empyrean Conflict Shield!

Ja Ran had told Lin Fan that he kept the Empyrean Conflict Shield in his ring to give to each one of his women. Lin Fan could've just done that, but he wanted to protect his entire mountain! Every piece of grass when put in the right context could be used to threaten someone! Every stone that wasn't turned could be a treasure someone could steal from his land!

He wanted to build a mountain that was completely perfect in defense against someone under the Demi-God Realm! He even wanted to make a small one for his bedroom, so people would stop showing up at the best moments!

'I'll start drawing now, and when I'm done I'll give it to An Moe... She just needs to build the generator, and if everything goes right, it won't explode!'

Lin Fan's hands grabbed a Blaze Rank Diamond Pen and began to draw one of the designs he had for the generator. He even surprised himself as he knew what a capacitor was and even knew where the red and the green wires had to go. As for the core, he left the design of that to An Moe. What really mattered were the crystals that were going to be used to power the generator.

'I'll get Ja Ran to take apart the Empyrean Conflict Shield... He already considers me part of the family, and if he tries anything I'll have hundreds of bunnies around him to stop him from leaving...'

Lin Fan nodded his head as Princess Mane walked in the room and leaned on his back. She gently kissed his head as Lin Fan passionately grabbed her butt. However, the entire time he didn't look at her... Princess Mane could only do her best to copy Mimi Fan's voice...

"I'm sorry daughter!" Lin Fan jumped up and accidentally broke his Blaze Rank Diamond Pen. Many blacksmiths would cry if they flagrantly broke such an expensive pen, but Lin Fan had hundreds of such pens...

"I... I'm good at imitating voices... Want to hear what other sounds I can make?" Princess Mane spun her blonde hair around in her fingers as she changed to Su Fan's voice, and then to Yan Ran's voice... "I'm not just someone that you can throw away because I gave you my blessing..."

"I... It's true I've been spending time unequally with girls..." LIn Fan was somewhat concerned as he didn't remember the last time he saw Jan Fan..."Would you go around and use my voice to tell them I care about them?"

"You... you're too much..." Princess Mane bit her lip and kissed Lin Fan on the lips as he pulled out another pen... "If you didn't try so hard to protect me, I think I'd have to strike that head of yours with my entire body..."

"I think you got it backwards..." Lin Fan smiled and spun Princess Mane around... "I'm the one who's going to treat you tonight... It's going to be a big surprise that we're going to watch from a safe distance... If it doesn't work, we can always repopulate the mountain...

"Oh brother... A boy and his toys is like a girl and her thoughts..." Princess Mane winked and gently rubbed Lin Fan's belly before she changed to his voice... "I'll go tell the girls you love them, hubby... Don't go blowing us all up..."

"It's a promise... We won't die only they might..." Lin Fan smiled and sat down.

He had to finish the blueprint and spent the next five hours working on the blueprints as he scratched his head. He heard his own voice with Su Fan, and they appeared to be getting him points... Was Princess Mane impersonating him, and should he be upset?

"The design is finished... Let's go take it to An Moe... If it doesn't explode, my girls will finally be safe!"