Fan Sect Sun Warship

Lin Fan pressed the button on the remote to deactivate the generator as everyone around him gasped. They never expected for Lin Fan's generator to work so well. Even Ja Ran felt genuine fear for that shield. He must have underestimated Lin Fan's ability as a black smith!

"I... I think that's the equivalent of a Perfect Ascent Treasure..." Ja Ran said as his lips trembled as the sect somehow remained floating up in the air as the shield deactivated. "If you showed the blueprints for those design in the Empyrean Capital, they might declare you a five star blacksmith!"

"I... I just don't understand why it's still floating?" Lin Fan scratched his head as he pointed at Eight Clan Mountain as it hovered above the ground. "What happened? An Moe? Do you know why it's still floating?"

"You must have created an atmosphere from the spiritual fusion that occured in the reactor... If it is a Perfect Ascent Treasure, that would be possible right Ja Ran?"

"It's not only possible... It's true... You can consider that mountain it's own world now, and that generator a shield that isolates it from this world... However, I didn't expect it to extend all the way to Eight Clan City..."

The entire Fan Sect had been picked off the ground and indeed in a way Lin Fan had literally made a world out of part of the East Continent. An almost 20 miles by 20 miles stretch of land was floating in the air as everyone on the surface of the Fan Sect had collapsed. Lin Fan felt smarter because of the books he downloaded, and exrtrapolated that was because of the gravitational force created when he made his planet...

Basically, when a women loved a man, sometimes he'd be a little too rough and could knock a women unconscious. the force created from the generator was like a really hardened man bashing too hard into its ladies. However, at least they were still in one piece unlike the ashes of the Light Elves and the Dragon Kin.

"Well... Chicken Man... It looks like your experiment sort of worked... However, what are we going to do to stop a war now? You literally just killed hundreds of people!"

"It was for science..." Lin Fan's lips trembled as he looked at his mountain... "Besides, who can hurt us if we have a warship? We can just use it to crash into them, and cause them to explode..."

"That... that generator is dangerous... extremely dangerous..." An Moe interrupted as Lin Fan raised his eye brow with suspicion... "According to my calculations, if we turn it on more than once a week, it will explode due to overheating the Empyrean Cores... Until I make a proper cooling system, we have to make sure we use it on a worst case basis..."

"I'm... I'm still happy... Now you girls can be considered safe... In a week, let's go pick a random territory and show them the power of the Fan Sect Sun Warship!"

"Chicken Man... Why don't you just take it to Forbidden Valley and not start a war with the entire planet... Remember the story of the hidden experts who only sleep until the day of war? Do you want to accidentally destroy where they are sleeping..."

Lin Fan nodded his head and agreed Mimi Fan had a point as Su Fan flew into his arms and hugged him. However, without intimidating the world, he would surely have accidentally just declared war on five races.

Normally, things like taking hostages, and kidnapping women were seen as trivial acts compared to murdering hundreds of high powered soldiers. The Light Elves last time made sure to not kill anyone, and even didn't try to chase after Lin Fan after his plan failed.

Lin Fan, on the other hand, was starting to get points from the people who just witnessed the atrocity. He could either A, look for everyone who saw it and kill them, or B... try and spread rumors that the generator backfired and he was sorry for their losses and would take care of their wives.

Of course, option B, take care of their wives sounded better. He nodded his head and shot down to the sect causing a cloud of dust to spread overhead.

"Well, let's take this thing to Forbidden Valley... Then we can talk about that hidden oath I made you swear..." Lin Fan said to Ja Ran as he landed on the ground with Lin Fan's family members. "You.... you thought you'd be done after this, but you still haven't kept all your promises..."

"I gave you all my treasures... My sister is on your back trying to lure you with her voluptuous body, and you really are keeping me Master? I feel like I've grown more mature under you, but I'm an Empyrean! my race it to serve no one but ourselves..."

"Don't act like you have a choice...;" Lin Fan smiled as he pushed a button and caused the Lin Fan Sun Warship to head to the Forbidden Valley... "Oh yeah, what happened to Li Rock?"