Offering Body for his Mind

Lin Fan worked for two days on the Hand Maiden for Chen Low, and made a few alterations to the blue print of the design. He wanted to make sure that he had security in case Chen Low decided to try and kill him after he accepted the treasure.

The treasure therefore had to be laced with an explosive that could kill someone in the peak of the Apotheosis Realm. It pained Lin Fan a lot to melt down his ten new Ascent Grade Treasures and turn them into the metal frame of a small one by one bomb.

Even though the bomb was small, though, it had enough force to create a small black hole from the sheer amount of explosive force it produced when it was detonated. Compared to his Blaze Fire Generator, it actually could do more damage to things in close proximity to the detonation spot.

The reason Lin Fan needed such a bomb was because he wanted to keep Chen Low around for when the Empyrean's left. There was a time limit Yan Ran had to get good at cooking, which meant she was indirectly telling him she had to leave soon. Lin Fan needed someone like him that he could blow up and revive at a moments notice if something hard to deal with hit the fan.

The reason he didn't try to kill him now though was because he'd cost millions of points to turn into a slave if not tens of millions of sadist points! He'd have better luck using those points to increase his physique then using it to revive such a heartless man.

"Lin Fan..." An Moe said as he skirt fluttered in the air from the fierce pressure she made when she swung her hammers... "This hand maiden is another five star blacksmith product! If you make a few of these, and put bombs in them, you can have something to control the entire continent!"

"I know.... which is why I had to make sure they couldn't find the bomb..." Lin Fan pointed to the most sensitive side of the beautiful hand maiden. The hand maiden looked like a real girl, but had light silver skin and was based almost completely on the fusion of Ha Rock and Owa Lin's nice bodies... It was almost too perfect, and made Lin Fan feel a little bit special as he lightly pulled it's hair... "I... I put the bomb in her left butt cheek... No one should check there unless they want to ruin this beautiful product..."

"You mean... you really think he won't notice because he's afraid of ruining her butt..." An Moe laughed and cheerfully smiled at Lin Fan... "You're too much... What if he has a thing about biting butts?"

"This... this is one of my finest products!" Lin Fan poked the hand maidens butt and showed that it was like elastic and at the same time nearly impossible to break. "Even if a thousand Apotheosis stage experts owned her in the future, they'd never dare hurt the outline of this work!"

"He's saying men are pervents, and he knows because he's one..." Mimi Fan smiled and walked in with a beautiful guest... "However, someone from the Jiang Super Sect is here to see you... They say that there about to get attacked..."

"Yes... Lin Fan..." the girl walked in and immediately got in her knees, putting her chest to the floor against what appeared to be red stains... Wait, was that blood... She immediately held her mouth as Lin Fan felt sorry for her... That was just tomatoes from Yan Ran's last failed project...

"Anyways..." the girl continued as she looked as she calmed down from the smell of tomatoes... "I wanted to give you all our supplies in request for you to make another blaze fire generator! If you do, we promise to connect our warship to your mountain!"

"You are saying you want me to waste my time helping the Jiang Super Clan... What have they ever done for me but run away?"

+ 30 sadist points

+ 100 sadist points

The girl started to tear as she began crawling towards Lin Fan with what the Jiang elder had told her... He'd said, "use your body to your advantage, and make sure he forgives us no matter what..."

Basically, that meant, if he says stuff a tomato in your mouth... you stuff a tomato in your mouth...

She smiled and put her mouth against the floor as Lin Fan sighed and looked at An Moe... He didn't have enough treasures as it was... How was he supposed to make another Blaze Fire Generator when he needed a thousand Ascent Rank Treasures for other various projects!

"I... I assure you... we have thousands of years of treasures in this ring... I'm also a treasure...." The girl Nan Jiang said as she began to lick the tomato juice that had sprayed on the floor... "I'm a treasure that has no equal, and keeps on giving... I... I'll do the most disgusting things if you just help us!"

"How many Ascent Grade treasures can you give me?"

"500... It doesn't have to be as strong as yours, and only needs to lift up a 3 mile mountain..."

"The exponential increase in distance doesn't necessarily effect the cost to produce the generator... In fact, if I had one more Empyrean Core, this entire continent could've been picked up by this generator!"

"What I'm saying is I need more treasure!" Lin Fan continued as An Moe saw through his bullshit with a quick cursory glance... "I need you to use whatever you can to get me more Ascent Grade Treasures..."

"All... All I have is my body and this ring... What can I possibly due to... Oh..." Suddenly, Nan Jiang realized all she had was her body and nodded her head... "Yes, I can... I can give you me too... The elder said his eldest daughter deserves someone like you... Powerful, strong, and..."

"Your appointment with me is next month... Come back after you go to the Metal Catalyst Mine in the Light Elves capital with ownership of one of their mines... If the Jiang Super Clan can't get me that, then I won't protect them..."

"Are you nuts? I'm only in the Ocean Realm..." Nan Jiang started to wipe her tears on Lin Fan's legs as he glumly looked down at her with a strange demeanor... "What can I offer them? I need to give you 500 Ascent Grade Treasures just as raw materials... The only raw thing I have left is my body!"

"Your clan elder has soldiers... he's about to get attacked by multiple races... The least he can do is win me one mine... Tell him that I need the metal catalyst mine by tomorrow and then I'll make him the generator..."

"I can't just... give you me?" She grabbed his pants as An Moe shook her head at her. The two shared a look and mutual understanding was reached in just a split second... Lin Fan had almost ten girls now, and needed her only once a month at most... She had to show him she was smart to join in the fun that was Lin Fan's bed room...

"Fine... I'll go talk to the head elder instead of using this head for your benefit..." Nan Jiang got up and turned to leave before Chen Low stopped in front of her face. Suddenly, she flushed white like she saw a monster. She ran off and headed back to the Jiang Sect with sweat dripping down her body...

She recognized Chen Low immediately and felt so scared her heart almost jumped out of her chest... The man that had killed thousands of villages was casually walking around in pajamas into Lin Fan's workshop! This man was much more powerful then she ever thought possible...

"Miss... Just warning you..." Mimi Fan floated in front of Nan Jiang with a sword in her hand... "If your sect is scheming to rob Lin Fan just remember, there is nothing stopping him from hurting you from a distance..."

Nan Jiang bowed and took off hovering into the air as Mimi Fan and Lightning Woo sighed and looked down at the tournament stadium... It appeared that in two days it was finally going to start...