She's Really Developed

High Elf Territory, Mirror Valley

A landscape that looked like a shimmering, beautiful maze was only added to by a small city on top of the Blue Rock Hills. The city was completely covered with plants, ferns, and a few fecund Lin Fan bunnies that had made their way over the streams into the hidden lands.

One such bunny was looking at a window where a beautiful women with white pale skin and a downcast smile was currently waiting. She had a few more hours before she went out to find her mate, and return him to her manor.

This was a high elf that was related to Han Zhou, but she wasn't just a normal elf. The chances of her being born were one in a million, and the chance of her living to her hundredth birthday were in the billions.

The reason was because of her peculiar spiritual roots that randomly spread through her body like parasites. They were called Rose Parasite Spiritual Roots, and every day that went by they could either have killed her or made her stronger.

They also had the additional benefit of contaminating and spreading into anything she touched. All her maids had been killed over the years and were standing as rootless statues full of wooden bark membranes. The only thing that hadn't died around her yet was a single bunny, and she tried her hardest not to touch it, but she extremely craved to touch its skin.

Her mother had passed away because of her condition, and her father had to create an entire city to ensure she wouldn't kill anyone else in their lineage. However, tomorrow was her hundredth year birthday, and she'd finally be completely in control of her parasite spiritual roots.

This meant that she no longer had to worried about killing people with her touch, and that she could stop being confined in this room. However, she also knew that no man would dare want her, and her abilities. It had been for that reason she had the Light Elves try and capture Lin Fan a few weeks ago...

If she caught Lin Fan, she could've had someone that could download any abilities, and she'd worked hard studying how to make cultivation techniques. If he cultivated the immortal rose golden heart technique she made, he'd be able to have his way with her...

The only problem was it was an eternal technique and would take anyone else a thousand years to learn. Lin Fan was her only hope of getting touched without being judged or scared of making a mistake.

Her roots were considered one of the pinnacle weapons of the elves, and could kill anyone beneath the Demi-God Rank in moments as it turned flesh to sap for her body to absorb.

"Lin Fan... Please... please don't be afraid of me..." Lo Zhou said as she put on her gloves as she waited for her caravan to arrive... "Please... When I arrive tomorrow, if you're willing to learn my technique, I'll do the exact opposite of what my brother wants and always be yours..."

"He's an idiot to think I'd kill the one man who can touch me..." Lo Zhou didn't think Han Zhou was truly an idiot, but perhaps lacking in knowledge of a women's thoughts... "I promise to make him stronger every day of my life as long as he's willing to deal with my condition..."

Lo Zhou wiped off her tears as she walked up to the bunny as it ate a carrot. It looked at her with suspicion before she touched it with her eyes starting to water...

"I'm sorry, but I haven't touched anything in years..."

"Meh! Meh!" The little bunny started to glow orange as Lo Zhou wiped the tears off her eyes...

"Wait, you aren't dying? What's that orange light on your body..."

"Meh..." The rabbit didn't want to explain itself and quickly hopped off the balcony before it ran towards the river seperating the city from Forbidden Valley... In its ear, it could hear Mimi Fan's voice as she did her best to protect her father...

"Get back to base rabbit 10,026! Mission complete! Lets' get you some carrots!"

Forbidden Valley

Lin Fan looked down at his blue print and then looked at the Silver Heart Mimic him and An Moe had started making together.

The Silver Heart Mimic looked exactly like Lin Fan and had been created using a spiritual membrane overlay which perfectly cast a copy of his body. The spiritual circuits then had to be added as well as an entire circulatory system.

If he was right, he could only make one of these a day, and perhaps five by the end of the tournament. There would be one day of rest between every round, so he knew that he had to find a way to increase his productivity.

He needed something to make his hands move faster, and he needed something to increase his understanding.

"You... you haven't done anything to my ass and I'm practically shoving it in your face..." An Moe began to work on the bottom part of the Silver Heart Mimic... "You must be worried about the competition, but remember... You've faced harder situations before..."

"Your the one who gets it hard every night..." Lin Fan sighed as he looked at her ass and tried not to drool... "However, I've could've put that time to investing in increasing my strength... I would've gotten more points if I was rougher... Should I be more rough?"

"You... you remember when you met me and I was shy?" An Moe pushed back her red hair and winked at him as she worked on the final circuit for the Silver Heart mimic. "Now... I'm practically shoving my ass in your face... For a man, you've done tons of good things for me..."

"Really? You feel like you developed..." Lin Fan smiled and kissed her back as he finished putting in the transistors for the Silver Heart Mimic... "Well, at least we finished one in time for the first round... You mind skipping the match and working on--"

"Father! Reporting!" Mimi Fan walked into the room... "Something terrible is coming for you, and it has blonde hair!"