Activating The Eye of Insurrection

Su Fan smiled after Lin Fan won the match, and looked down at the small gift she'd been handed by Lin Fan. It was the eye of insurrection, and she smiled as she put it close to her heart.

The reason Lin Fan had given her the eye of insurrection was because it came with the benefit of seeing karmic intentions. This meant that even if she couldn't see fully, she'd be able to see the world in more than just black and white.

Putting it against her chest, she activated some spiritual energy as the Eye of Insurrection slowly disappeared from her hand and reappeared at the top of her head. She looked down and saw Mimi Fan on her lap clapping as Lin Fan walked towards them with a smile on his face.

Mimi Fan was glowing golden and Lin Fan's skin appeared to be pink while those around him appeared to be glowing red. From her understanding of the treasure, red meant someone had the intention to kill and pink meant they had the intention to love.

Lin Fan clearly wanted to share his love with her right now, and leaned into her as she saw the outline of his face. She could see a golden light circling around his eyes as one man walked up behind him with a sanguine color shimmering around his body.

Killing intent.

Su Fan instantly screamed "Watch out" to Lin Fan as a dagger went stabbing towards his chest. She immediately flew up into the air using her divine ethereal body only to discover that a fat man appeared to be behind Lin Fan.

Zhou Ra looked at Su Fan as he passed Lin Fan a Spiritual Root Onion. The onion was one of the only ways Lin Fan could strengthen his body past the Apotheosis Realm safely, and Zhou Ra wanted to give him an onion...

"Lin Fan... Who is that?" Su Fan said as her body shivered... "Why is he so fat and so full of bloodlust?"

"I just wanted to give him an onion..." Zhou Ra said as he shook his head. "What? Is there something wrong with me giving you an onion Lin Fan?"

"I... I just used the Eye of Insurrection Lin Fan, and I don't trust this fat man! His entire body looks like it's on fire with killing intent!"

"Oh..." Zhou Ra said as Lin Fan also stared back at Zhou Ra. He never imagined this Fatty would have any intentions to hurt him. In fact, he was perhaps the most placid person in the Fan Sect! "I... I was taught by my dad to always using a Killing Intent Aura when I feel like I'm in danger... I had no idea you had such a powerful treasure..."

"I trust Fatty..." Mimi Fan said as Lin Fan picked her up and put her on his shoulders... "Without him on Chicken Man's team, it would be much harder for us to win against those stupid Empyreans!"

"I agree... Don't worry about him Su Fan... Worry about tomorrow... Also, can you finally see me?"

Lin Fan's face turned golden to Su Fan as she nodded her head, and at the same time Zhou Ra started to turn white which was the color of mystery. It was also the color that someone turned into when the Eye of Insurrection couldn't register their emotion.

Who was this Zhou Ra, and why did that onion show up to her as a dagger?

"He's trying to mislead you..." Mimi Fan said with a smile... "Lin Fan is trying really hard to mislead you into his surprise new torture room that I helped him build!"

"I guess... I guess you're more handsome then I thought..." Su Fan bit her lip as Lin Fan leaned towards her face and kissed her gently... "Your energy is so ferocious though... Are you going to spare me tonight?"

"I have to make a few Silver Art Mimics to stand a chance against the Empyrean Youth League..." Lin Fan sighed as Zhou Ra leaned over to purchase some chicken wings from the bunny's operating the Fan Sect Stalls. "At the end of the tournament, though, there will be a fun night for you... I promise..."

"I can finally see, and I feel so confused..." Su Fan sighed as Lin Fan picked her up and began flying back to the warship. Zhou Ra followed afterwards, and once again began to glow with a sanguine blood lust that only Su Fan could see...

Fan Sect Sun Warship

Lin Fan yawned as him and the two An Moe's stayed up all night.

Su Fan had walked in a few times to give them energy with drinks that Yan Ran had provided.

Yan Ran was terrible at making food, but could be trusted with things like water on occasion. Princess Mane was also extremely excited because Lin Fan had already practically freed her sisters.

She hadn't been in much of the picture that was Lin Fan's life for weeks, but she was extremely submissive to him tonight. She was in a nightgown torturing herself in front of Lin Fan so he could get some points.

At the same time, her masochist bar had turned completely red. She was already willing to be his slave, but when the bar turned red it meant she really enjoyed the pain.

She couldn't help smiling as she used one of Lin Fan's new torture contraptions and rolled it against her lithe skin. At the same time, Lin Fan glanced over ocassioanlly and gave her a sly smile as he worked on two more Silver Art Mimics.

"I can't wait until my sisters are here to help us get you points..." Princess Mane blushed as she imagined Lin Fan in a room with her and her three sisters, taking care of them together... "I can't wait until we're finally under the same roof, and can make you scream and explode and enjoy yourself!"

"You're turning into a real masochist over there..." Lin Fan said with a smile as he walked over to Princess Mane... "I wasn't going to take a break, but it's hard when you're enjoying suffering so much..."

"Oh brother..." Mimi Fan said as she covered her eyes... "Let's hope when there's three Night Queens that father can get some work done..."