Blue Monarch Butterfly Knife versus Metal Overlord Sword

Lin Fan nodded his head with a smile as he took out his two six star diamond hammers. They were the most expensive items he'd gotten from Ja Ran before he was captured by his father. They were a gift from Ja Ran for completing the Empyrean Temple Blacksmith Legend Challenge.

The Empyrean Temple Legend Blacksmith Challenge was a hidden challenge that Ja Ran had never had to give a reward out for. In the Empyrean Temple, between the Purple Lightning Pagoda and the Summoning Gates, there was a single metal table with an anvil, two hammers, and a forge.

Those who tempered metal inside of the temple and got it to reach the fifth rank, or utilized a legendary blacksmith aura were allowed to receive these two six star diamond hammers. Each hammer weighed roughly one hundred pounds, but such a weight was like a single pound hammer to Lin Fan.

He had gotten used to using them, and had damaged part of the diamond top of the hammer as he repeatedly worked the metal in front of the judges. They were watching him carefully and studying his technique as Ind Quin competed with him. They were competing to be the first to 1000 forge the metal.

One of them planned to work on a six star design, and the other has aspirations for a seven star design. The seven star design was actually in Ind Ran's hand and was called the Blue Monarch Butterfly Dagger. It was the easiest of all seven star blacksmith designs, and was normally not allowed for the promotion test for seven star blacksmiths.

The thing was though was that Ind Quin realized that Lin Fan was a six star blacksmith at least when he saw the warship, and this was his only way to victory. He could tell that Lin Fan had ambitions to win this competition, and if he did then he'd be able to marry Yan Ran right on the spot.

Gin Ran was watching in the background as he kept his arm around Yan Ran as she tried her hardest to escape to the kitchen. However, he wouldn't let her take her eyes of Lin Fan for a second.

"Daughter... These two are competing to try and earn your heart... Aren't you proud that you don't have to cook to watch them?"

"I think I can cook and watch at the same time..." Yan Ran had come prepared with a small pot normally used for alchemy to try and cook outside of the kitchen. Her father hadn't allowed her in the kitchen for several days and she was getting impatient... "Are you really going to not let me cook a special meal for Lin Fan! I want him to do well against the Empyrean Youth League..."

"If the food is too good, that would be cheating..." Gin Ran laughed awkwardly as Yan ran sighed and turned to Lin Fan. He wiped the sweat off his hand, hammering quickly, as the rings on the metal turned to a halo...

"5th grade metal... He needs 7th grade metal to make a sixth grade treasure..." Gin Ran said as he nodded his head in approval to his potential son in law... "He got here early and even used the rules against Han Zhou... I can tell that elf doesn't like Lin Fan, but I think he's pretty brave..."

"Why? Do you see something in him?" Yan Ran slyly tried to reach for an ingredient as she answered her father... "I bet if you turn around for one second.. You'll change your mind about him..."

"What's that smell... It smells like death..." Gin Ran scratched his head as Yan Ran sighed and stopped trying to cook as Lin Fan caused the halo on his metal to turn into a radiant shimmering. This was called a radiant overlay and meant that his metal had reached the seventh stage!

"Truly spectacular!" An announcer said out loud as the stadium watched with awe at Lin Fan's rapid pounding of the rather poor Eight Vein Metal... "He has turned the horrible Eight Vein Metal into an extremely expensive piece of shit!"

"Stop it..." Mimi Fan screamed and tossed a carrot at the announcer as she looked on from a distance... "Respect him, or I'll go down there and give you a headache!"

"He's not listening..." Su Fan said with a smile as she looked at the spectacular state of Lin Fan's mind through the Eye of Insurrection... "He's reached the state of a legendary blacksmith, the immersion horizon mindset..."

"Immersion horizon mindset?" Mimi Fan smiled as Lin Fan indeed seemed to ignore the judges as they went about insulting the materials he'd chosen. His forge was only a second star forge, and because it was so low quality he'd to arrive early.

The judges made sure to tell the audience about that as Lin Fan put the metal on the anvil and started to hammer the sword at a quick tempo. An extremely ear pounding din could be heard as each of his hits against the metal caused a minor shockwave through the arena.

A sword soon started to manifest from that metal as Lin Fan's completely focused mind started following the blueprint down to the smallest detail. He first made the hilt of the blade and then the sword tip as his hands moved like lightning in front of the audience's incredulous eyes.

How did this person exist?

His legendary blacksmith aura destroyed all doubt that Lin Fan was an amateur blacksmith! In under thirty minutes from the start of the competition, he finished the sixth grade design of the Metal Overlord Sword.

All that was left to do was to dip this sword into the water and make sure that the metal power crystals worked that were on the hilt. He sent a sliver of the metal law into the sword and dipped it into the water, causing steam to rise into the air.

To the surprise of the judges, the purple power crystals lit up, meaning his sword's inscriptions were done to the level of a six star blacksmith! The audience broke out into a cheer as Mimi Fan came down and smiled as she wrapped her arms around her father...

"I knew you'd win, daddy..." Mimi Fan smiled as the judges went over to look at his sword... "You're my chicken man... Anyone who thinks they are better then you, has yet to feel your mighty fist!"

"Are you okay today, Mimi Fan? You seem worried..." He rubbed his head against Mimi Fan as he put down the Metal Overlord Sword... "What happened to you? Did you see Little Quin again?"

"He's scared of me..." Mimi Fan pointed over at Ind Quin and the little prince next to him... "I'm just afraid you getting attacked last night was my fault... Chicken Man shouldn't have to deal with a bad daughter!"

"You're the best..." Lin Fan smiled and kissed her on the head before Ind Quin turned around and passed a small dagger to the judges.

It was a dagger roughly the size of a nail, and literally was about as impressive as a fork. However, the judges looked stunned as they took out a magnifying glass and examined the patterns on the Blue Monarch Butterfly dagger.

"The first round winner of the Elite Legend Blacksmith Tournament goes to Ind Quin!"