Seeds of Victory

Lin Fan immediately activated [Lightning Horizon] and [Metal Overlord Body] as he watched a yellow light emit from the cracks on the stadium floor. His body immediately was pulled down as both Fan Kong and Ha Kong came at him from his left and right side.

Zhou Ra wasn't able to handle three opponents, and had to let Ha Kong by as he received lashes from the other two members of the Undying Night Organization. Because of this, the pressure on Lin Fan increased as Fan Kong lifted his hand and sent a few tiles up into the air. It seemed he was using telekinesis, but this was just one of the perks of gravity manipulation that came with the law of space!

Lin Fan didn't think much of those tiles until they seemed to duplicate and turn into hundreds of tiles in front of his eyes. He immediately became aware that an illusion technique called [Mirror Domain] was being used thanks to some of the extra information he got from Ag Kan's body. He swerved to the right and turned into a blur as he activated the lightning law to combat the fluctuations in gravity occuring all around him.

At the same time, he activated [Fire Cloud Domain] and caused the tiles to disintegrate as Ha Kong approached him like a bullet shot out of a gun. She immediately did a spin kick and caused the space around Lin Fan to bend and slow him down to a crawl for just an instant. This was a move called [Space Restriction] and Lin Fan instantly disappeared and split into three as a wooden branch grew out of the floor and latched around Ha Kongs leg.

Thorns bristled up her body and caused her to drip to the surprise of the judges. Han Zhou immediately recognized Lin Fan had gained insights into the law of wood, and slammed his hand down as his sister showed up in his mind.

Lo Zhou had disappeared on the night she encounted Lin Fan, and he assumed Lin Fan had brutally murdered her until he saw that branch bifurcating and spreading up Ha Kong's body. It looked like tentacles that hardened and constricted around her beautiful from as Lin Fan appeared in front of Fan Kong.

Fan Kong's entire body had turned completely yellow and gave off the feeling of complete domination as he stepped back and abruptly punched with his right hand. What appeared to be the image of a dragon shot out of his thrusting arm before it seemed to split into ten and roar towards Lin Fan's Metal Overlord Dragon.

Lin Fan immediately activated [Lightning Horizon] and turned into a cloud of smoke as his metal overlord dragon hit against Fan Kong's own two dragons. Sweat fell off his head so slowly he practically felt at one with the universe as they quickly squared up in front of each other.

Lin Fan instantly sent a blur towards Fan Kong's face as the latter seemed to stop time and parry with a few attacks as well. What appeared to be dozens of invisible attacks began to manifest to the audience as the so dodged and attacked at speeds that were hard to register. Lin Fan finally smirked and sent out an attack that hit Fan Kong in the face before he turned and saw a much larger Ha Kong running towards him.

Her body seemed to have grown to ten times its size with her gigantic breasts and butt creating a ding as she unleashed an extremely powerful right hook.

Lin Fan was so shocked all he could do was lift his fist, but soon was sent bursting into the ground as Zhou Ra jumped to his side... He also was shocked by the sheer beauty and power of the gigantic Ha Kong...

"That's a big woman... Wow... They do exist that large..." Zhou Ra said as he helped Lin Fan up... "After this, we go celebrate and talk about how rare such a site is..."

"Just keep them busy..." Lin Fan wiped the blood off his mouth before he once again turned into a purple like moving rapidly through the stage. He was hoping to leave some cards hidden in his pocket, but found it impossible as space once again warped. A thousand invisible hands seemed to be pulling him down as Fan Kong activated [Spike Luster Domain] using the space law in combination with the element of metal.

The entire stadium seemed to turn into a pair of spikes before something in Lin Fan snapped. He instantly accelerated at three times the speed he was just heading, and bypassed all the spikes only to appear in front of Fan Kong.

His body seemed to turn into a tornado before his foot slashed into Fan Kong's right cheek. However, as he hit Fan Kong in the right cheek, the gravity around his body seemed to stop Lin Fan in his tracks.

All he could do was use all his knowledge of laws to push his foot forward in that split second.

To the audience, it looked like Lin Fan hadn't hit Fan Kong and Han Zhou smiled in relief before Fan Kong fell down onto his knee and as dozens of cuts spread across his face. He seemed like he just got hit by a hundred invisible attacks as Lin Fan jumped back and took a deep breath.

Ha Kong instantly ran over to Fan Kong as he shook his head and smirked... He could tell Lin Fan was hiding something, and looked over at Grain Kan as he nodded his head...

"You have your hidden weapons, and I have mine..." Fan Kong suddenly caused his body to begin to swirl in flames as the stadiums tiles once again began to rise... "You... you can't think everyone is as pathetic as Blare Ron... Some of us work hard so we don't get passed by people like you Lin Fan..."

"I'm sorry, but you already lost..." Lin Fan snapped his fingers as the little seeds he placed on Fan Kong's body burst into a gigantic set of twines that caused Fan Kong and Ha Kong to fall... "If you don't mind Zhou Ra... Kick them out for me will you?"

Zhou Ra smiled and shot like an onion out of the ground right in front of Fan Kong and Ha Kong before he twisted his body and kicked the two trapped figures in each of their backs. They instantly flew out the ring as the Undying Night Secondary Organizations remaining teammates looked at each other and nodded their heads...

"We surrender..."

"Thanks for taking it easy on them Lin Fan..." The two remaining opponents bowed and jumped off the stage... They both were aware that Lin Fan could've caused those seeds to tear apart their bodies, but he decided not to and instead merely trapped them in a cage...

The law of wood was a primary law and as such was an extremely scary law when used by certain individuals. Since it allowed you to create things not able to be sensed by your opponents, it allowed for certain hidden attacks. The seeds as such remained hidden while things like fire and water were sensed by everyone...

"Winner... Fan Sect..." Han Zhou said as his entire body burned with rage... "However, where did you learn how to use the wood law brat? I think it's about time me and you have a talk..."

"Calm down... Han Zhou..." Gin Ran smiled as he lightly clapped... "You're forgetting I'm the guest here and you're the servant... Leave Lin Fan alone... Unless he broke a law, there is no reason to be upset..."

"Sorry, It's just my sister went missing, and she was last seen with Lin Fan..."

"Oh, you mean the beautiful white haired high elf..." Yan Ran said with a smile... "Lin Fan plays with her every night and I love waking up to the sound of her beautiful voice! It seems like she really enjoys his company!"

"Sister... Somethings shouldn't be said..." Na Ran sighed as Han Zhou suddenly turned extremely enraged... "We don't know if that's his sister... You're just assuming it..."

"I... I think... I think I'll be going to the Fan Sect tonight to see my sister..." Han Zhou said as he lowered his head to Gin Ran... "With your permission... I want to make sure she's still alright... She's very beautiful, but very inexperienced..."

"I'm just a visitor..." Gin Ran said as he nodded his head... "You're free to do whatever you want to the Fan Sect as long as it doesn't keep Lin Fan from showing up in the tournament..."