Gravity Manipulation

Lin Fan sighed as over three hundred Apotheosis stage experts surrounded him. He wasn't going to be able to blow all of them up, and couldn't turn on the Blaze Fire Generator yet without turning Forbidden Valley into a wasteland.

Gin Ran was in Forbidden Valley and he obviously wouldn't like it if something comparable to a nuclear explosion blew the wall off one of Lin Fan's top hotels. He'd been staying at the Bunny Service Inn and the last thing Lin Fan wanted to was anger his potential father in law.

His options were limited though to either activating the Blaze Fire Generator now, or trying to fight three hundred people that were each at least two times his superior. He could only rely on his mind to get him out of this situation, and even that seemed like a stretch.

"We respect you Lin Fan for trying to protect Chen Long, however, if you get in our way we'll kill you..."

"About that... I have 100 seventh grade treasures here... I made them as a gift for my father in law... Raise your hand if you want one..."

Lin Fan took out a hundred [Night Force Bombs] and prepared to pass them out before a blur slashed towards his face and hit him on the cheek. He sighed and held his cheek before his metal overlord dragon spun around his body and growled.

"You... you don't want one? I guess I'll remember your face so I can reward you later..."

"Just... answer the question..." A Dragon Kin sighed and pointed at Chen Long... "Give us permission to stop his tribulation or we'll kill you..."

"I think... I think I like the third option... You take my Night Force Pleasure Globe... It helps you find women who you are attracted to you... Please... give it a try?"

"We just saw you kill someone with that!" Win Ling said as he activated the law of fire and began to grow three times the size into a scary looking dragon with black scales and red eyes. "You... you... you are only alive still because Gin Ran likes you! After he leaves, we can exchange pleasantries..."

"Threatening me... How about if I kick your ass 1 v 1... You all leave..." Lin Fan rubbed his cheek with a look of annoyance as the Dragon Kin smiled and gestured his men to fly forward. The Fan Sect Sun Warship had barely made it more than 2 miles and needed to get a hundred miles away before Lin Fan could activate the Blaze Ring generator...

It was so slow he couldn't help but bemoan his fat as three powerful cultivators tried to fly past him.

"Sorry, but... you can't go there... Women are taking showers..." Lin Fan caused three walls of metal to branch out with twines twisting out of them while creating a barrier... "If you want to pass, you have to pay the toll... One life each..."

"Tough, but I won't be magnanimous forever..." Win Lang prepared to slash towards Lin Fan before suddenly a large women appeared by his side. The gravity in the area rapidly increased as Ha Kong manifested the peak of her gravity control as Fan Kong appeared with her on his opposite side.

"Can you beat him now... Lin Fan?" Ha Rock said as her gigantic body glowed yellow as her white body suit grew larger with her. "We of the Undying Night Organization don't like our targets dying without getting a fair chance..."

"You... you guys are a little outmatched..." Win Lang began to grow even larger as he activated the law of fire he had in his control to push back the law of space as it surrounded him on all sides. A cloud of fire looked like it was pushing against a yellow wave as lines from gravity manipulation spread out across the sky.

Lin Fan smiled and nodded his head at Ha Kan and Fan Kan before his right arm sped forward towards Win Lang like a bullet three times the speed of sound. It smashed into his faced and turned him into a blur of light as hundreds of Apotheosis Stage cultivators all burst towards Lin Fan.

Lin Fan smiled and nodded his head at Fan Kan as he activated [Mirage Domain] and caused hundred of each of them to appear and spread out. Even with elementalization, these were hard to pick up as they seemed to keep duplicating in the sky.

The gravity also increased for the Apotheosis stage cultivators as Grain Kan also appeared in the Fan Sect with his arms crossed. There was something about being human that transcended his mission. Something about having watched thousands of horrible events take place on a slew of worlds that brought him to Lin Fan's side...

"You... you're nice..." Mimi Fan said as she sat down by Grain Kan as he held out his hand and helped control the gravity form a distance... "Can I talk you into not killing Chicken Man? I'll cook you a dinner and do something amazing for you if you want..."

"Little one... Are you using the eye of insurrection..." Grain Kan said as Lin Fan smashed his hand into an Apotheosis stage cultivator... 'Are you doing your daily training?"

"I don't care about that! I care about making this ship faster... Is there anything you can do..."

Grain Kan sighed and looked down at the Fan Sect Sun Warship before he touched it and caused a yellow light to spread out across the floating Eight Clan Mountain. Suddenly, it seemed to go from a snails pace to the pace of an extremely fast Fan Sect Bunny.

Lin Fan nodded his head over at Ha Kong as he grabbed her small hand and spun to kick one of the Apotheosis stage cultivators in the face. If it wasn't for the decrease in gravity around his body, he would've been crushed a thousand times already.

However, with gravity control, came complete domination... He was almost sure Fan Kong took it easy on him today as he activated [Fire Ancient Fist] and smashed his hand into a wanton cultivator. Like a missile, the man crashed into the ocean in the distance as Lin Fan looked at Fan Kong...

"Can... can you use an illusion to keep them confused for long enough for us to reach the Fan Sect Sun Warship?"

"Do... do you have any camera's recording..." Fan Kong sighed... "I would've used this on you today if the cameras weren't recording..."

"A secret technique..." Ha Kong added as suddenly all the cultivators in the sky seemed to freeze and strike at the point right in front of them... "You'll have to face it in the finals... Hopefully, you'll survive against Grain Kan...'

"Let's go before I get any ideas about that large body of yours..." Lin Fan blushed and burst into the distance as he pulled out the remote to the Blaze Fire Generator... He landed in the center of the sect as he looked out at hundreds of Apotheosis Stage Cultivators in range...

A lightning bolt struck down at the Fan Sect and hit Chen Long as Lin Fan pressed the button. Immediately, dozens of sun rays caused the night to turn to day as the water beneath the Fan Sect Sun warship evaporated.

A large cloud of dust spread out in every direction as the Apotheosis Stage cultivators all gained lucidity as they noticed thousands of lines of hot light pierching towards them. A moment later, all that remained was bones as Lin Fan sat down and crossed his arms...

"Well, that's going to start a war..." Lin Fan sighed as the dust of bones flew into the wind... "Chen Long... I think you're going to be my servant for the next ten years... Sounds fair?"

"Deal..." Chen Long smiled as the last part of the tribulation tore apart the clouds... "I don't even have to worry about the tribulation anymore... Your generator will take care of it..."

"You... you really thought this through..." Lin Fan sighed as he looked down at his blueprints... "If you don't mind, shut the generator off when your tribulation is done... I don't want it to be bright out when I'm trying to sleep..."

"Deal..." Chen Long bowed as his body glowed... Grain Kan sighed and shook his head before he muttered the words... "Idiot..."

"He starts a war and all he does is look at blueprints..." Grain Kan said to Ha Kong as she sat down by his side... "Do you like him, step-sister? you think he'd be good for the Undying Night Organization?"

"I... I don't know... Can I go check out his workshop?" Ha Kong said with a smile... "Since we're stuck in here anyway, why don't we go check out the Fan Sect?"

"Just don't give away any of our secrets..." Grain Kan winked as Mimi Fan sat down by him as the nuclear explosion receded into the distance... "I... I can't believe what a mess he left... He really needs to create a more effective generator..."