Heart of Time

[Hacking has partially failed on the [Heart of Time] Tome, but you've gained access to first twenty percent of the manual]

[Sentient Treasure's Favorability towards you has increased from [Hostile] to [Passive]. Downloading first twenty percent of [Heart of Time]...]

[Law of Time has increased to half a percent mastery... Please supply more sadist points to reach a higher mastery in the law of time...]

'You couldn't hack it properly the first time?' Lin Fan was quite annoyed as the sentient tome approached the bed and jumped to his side. 'However, at least this explains how an illusion could make it possible for people to freeze in place... Fan Kan and Grain Kan must be using an illusion with the law of time to cover their tracks...'

'Both Grain Kan and Fan Kong both know that the law of illusion can also stall someone in place, so are pretending they mastered a powerful illusion while meanwhile they are really messing with time...'

'However, before the demi-god stage they have to stay still to use the law of time without getting destroyed by the fabric of time. Hence, that's why they use an illusion... to make the person stay still after the law of time is shut off... They become confused by the law of time...'

Lin Fan could see the genius of Grain Kan's strategy as he pet the tome in one hand and Gue Fan in the other hand before he sent another gentle shock twisting around her body. She lightly smiled as her body trembled and quivered as he attempted to grab the book.

The book in response jumped back like an aggressive lightning wolf only to return when he tried to pet it again. This was not a good thing for Lin Fan because he was hoping to exchange back the ring he gave Ha Kong with all the original possessions tomorrow. The most dangerous thing would be if she checked her spatial ring and found out that her most important treasure was gone. She had treasures like eighth and even ninth grade weapons, but this book was clearly a sentient treasure. There was simply no comparison to a book on a primary law and a regular treasure from the Heaven's Chest List. He sighed and kept petting the book before he picked it up and returned to his blueprint... He walked back towards An Moe as information about the law of time kept swirling in his head.

"I really can't wait to see the look on Grain Kan's face when he fails to deceive me in the last round... However, I much more exited to use this to crush Boris Lang... After learning about what a dick you were to hundreds of girls, I think torturing you is going to be my favorite activity yet..."

Fan Sect, Morning

Lin Fan usually slept through the night, but because he was in the Forbidden Realm he didn't need to sleep. He stayed up all night and finally figured out how to make the [Lightning Horn Badge].

He was planning on making the [Burning Fire Armor], but decided against it after three hours of failure. The only good thing was that a few girls had volunteered to get hooked up to torture machines.

Su Fan was even going as far to sit down and meditate on all the ways Lin Fan would ingratiate her after the tournament was over. Her legs quivered as Lin Fan walked over to her and kissed her on the forehead...

"Chen Long is now under contract... You'll be safe here, however, I need you to stay and keep making me points..."

"Ow... don't be so rough, Lin Fan..." Su Fan was completely lost in the imagery as her eye brows blushed and her cheeks turned... "It's not going to earn you any points if I die!"

"Hey... Chicken Man... Can I help you get some points too?" Mimi Fan smiled as she scratched her head... "Mother told me she can't go to the competition today, because father needs her to do some hard work... Can I also work on something for you..."

"If you got hurt, it would hurt me..." Lin Fan kissed her on the forehead before he grabbed her into his arms... "Let's go... I have to be five hours early to the black smith competition, or I'll never finish in time!"

"Chicken Man... You... you better not lose me... If you do, you'll always regret it..." Mimi Fan kissed him on the forehead before he burst into the sky... Behind him, Lightning Woo followed in toe as did a rather bloated two meter tall dragon...