Ethereal Heart Clock

Lin Fan didn't understand the Conqueror's Immortal Heart Technique well enough to turn Nina Ra back into her human form, but could tell both her and Zhou Ra were still alive. He took off their two Onion Lord Manner Bracelets after scanning their bodies, and then put them down in the corner of the Fan Sect Workshop.

When he had a much better understanding of the Conqueror's Immortal Heart Technique, he'd make sure to turn them back to their human form and turn them into his slaves. However, he had more troubling things to worry about than a perverted brother and sister pair. He needed to master the [Law of Time] manual as well as make sure he understood how to make the [Burning Fire Armor].

He looked at the book from Little Quin that he'd downloaded some knowledge about the echoing heart technique from, and then sighed as he looked at Mimi Fan training outside to get stronger. He wanted to help her, but he had the entire Fan Sect to worry about, and had to try and appease the [Law of Time] manual as it paced back and fourth in the room.

It occasionally went up to Nina Ra's statue and looked up her skirt before running over to Lin Fan's side to try and ascertain if it liked him or not. Lin Fan looked at his points remaining and cringed as he thought about trying to hack it one more time.

[Would you like to try and hack the Law of Time Manual. Cost 15 million points for second attempt... Total points remaining 16 million...]

Lin Fan had all of his girls working hard to get him points today, but with hesitation decided to try and hack the book one more time. He knew that Grain Kan had to have at least two percent mastery in the law of time judging but what he learned from the beginning parts of the Law of Time Manual. Hence, he spent the 15 million points and waited for the results.

[Hacking in progress...]

[Hacking has been been partially successful, but some of the points failed to change the heart of the sentient treasure... You've gained access to 50 percent of the Law of Time Manual...]

[Sentient Treasures status has changed from [Neutral] to [Mostly Favorable], and will feel at ease around you...]

[You've gained 3 percent mastery into the law of time...]

'Are you kidding me? This little thing cost 25 million points, and it's barely considering itself my friend? How much will it cost to tame higher level sentient treasures?'

[Sentient Treasures usually start off with a neutral bias towards the first person they meet, but can form relationships like real people. The fact that it had a bad opinion of you means that it was close with Ha Kong...]

[The treasure seems to like girls a lot, which could explain why it keeps looking up Nana Ra's skirt...]

'My first sentient treasure is a pervert like me... Why am I not surprised?'

Lin Fan put his hand against the [law of time] manual before it finally let him pet it. The book then jumped back and opened to a page as a bookmark came out with the Ice Goddess on it. The Ice Goddess bookmark seemed to also be in Ha Kong's book, and Lin Fan began to feel something nefarious about her. The Fire Goddess didn't seem like she only liked women, and either did Ha Kong... Could it be that the Ice Goddess was using an art to lure them into falling for her?

He pushed aside the Ice Goddess Bookmark that had her blowing a kiss in a black bra and red skirt and looked down at the page the manual had opened up to and put his finger on the page.

'Time Nuclei Arts... Seven Sacred Gifts of Time First Art?'

'Why did I spend so many points on this manual when I don't even know the moves that are written down inside of it?'

[A sentient Treasure needs each technique it holds to be downloaded individually unless you want to pay a premium fee to download all the skills it has together... The cost for all the skills in this manual will allow you to learn is five billion Sadist Points...]

Lin Fan sighed and clicked on the page as the [law of time] manual shook with glee as he put his finger on the technique. It almost seemed like the pages blushed like real skin before he a box appeared above the book floating in golden lettering.

[Seven Sacred Gifts of Time, First Art... Ethereal Heart Clock...]

[Distorts time and space around the user so that their time cannot be altered by another user for three minutes... Protects against the law of time while also slightly increasing speed...]

[Cost one million Sadist Points... Will get cheaper with higher favorability...]

"This thing is a scammer that likes girls... It's also more expensive than an army of girls... Fine..."

[You've downloaded the Seven Sacred Gifts of Time First Art... Ethereal Heart Clock...]

Lin Fan nodded his head as information about the skill went into his consciousness as the book smiled as it looked up at Lin Fan. You could tell it was smiling by the creases on the book pages before it once again jumped off the bed and ran to Nana Ra.

Lin Fan fell back on the bed and sighed, feeling like he just got used by the book. Gue Fan was next to him passed out from working hard at getting him points all day. She was laying with Su Fan who had her face firmly pressed against her thigh.

Lin Fan pet Su Fan's face as she snuggled closer to him and muttered his name. He was happy that she seemed so content, and looked at the braclet in his hand before he put his spiritual energy inside of it.

To his surprise, there were hundreds of spirit root onions growing in the clouds backwards with roots extending into the sky. The gravity seemed to be barely keeping them from falling from the clouds. He used his spiritual sense to pull out one of those onions before it appeared in his hand.

[Spirit Root Onion]

[Increases constitution, but is very spicy and tends to make your eyes water... Limit you can eat is five a day, but should increase your external energy at a quick rate...]

Lin Fan was happy that his system seemed to be giving him more information on things recently, which was a sign that he was getting stronger. He bit into the onion and suddenly felt a surge of energy. His physique increased by 20 points every bite, which meant that he was breaking the limits of a mortal body.

He smiled at himself and then finally looked down at the [Burning Fire Armor] blueprint.

'Tonight's going to be a long night... Tonight is going to be a very long night...'

"Lin Fan... I... I want you to spend more time with me...' Su Fan said as she snuggled on Gue Fan's leg as her mellefluous voice spread into his ear... 'Please.. After the tournament, show me what's so special about me being your fiance...'

"Thank you Su Fan... I think I will...' Lin Fan kissed her on the forehead before he got up and saw An Moe waiting for him at the door...

"I think I figured it out! How I'm going to win the alchemy competition!"