
Lin Fan awoke in the Fan Sect two days after increasing his physique to the demi-god realm. He immediately lurched forward in shock as Mimi Fan smiled and kissed him on the forehead.

"You were glowing gold, Chicken Man when I found you passed out! Do you know how heavy you were to carry back!" Mimi Fan smiled and hugged Lin Fan as he screamed at sharp pain in his arm. He smiled and looked over at Su Fan as she floated next to him while sleeping in the air.

He stretched and got out of bed before he walked outside and saw the sunlight shinning. He was glad to see that the Fan Sect hadn't been destroyed, and that the only thing that seemed different was three new cannons.

Glenn Kong had clearly hurried up the production of the machines after Pox Ran made them shut down the barriers. The only thing that seemed different when Lin Fan looked into the distance was that they were no longer by Forbidden City...

Han Zhou had decided to bring them over the North Hills where the sects would be safer. Lin Fan smiled and walked over to Han Zhou as he sat back against the rocks and looked up at the sky.

"Lin Fan... You... you should've told me you were trying to promote your body to the demi-god realm... I would've given you a few pills... It's a shame you didn't tell me..."

"You're my friend not, but we still started as enemies..." Lin Fan smiled and patted him on the back... "However, I think someone gave me some pills... They literally made it so I couldn't fall asleep for three days..."

"How many bones did you complete?" Han Zhou said shocked as he looked at Lin Fan... "Three days of turning your body into the demi-god realm... That must mean you got over 50 right? That's not bad... With that you can probably stand a chance against Pox Ran..."

"Just forty five..." Lin Fan smiled and stretched over his head... "I think that's not too bad right? what's the average?"

"The average is ten, but I assumed with the pills you'd make at least 50... That's still a top tier here, but over sixty would make your body the strongest in the planet... I think Pox Ran completed 85 bone augmentations before he fell asleep... Tough bastard..."

Lin Fan had truthfully completed a hundred bones, but decided not to say anything about it. He didn't have a problem with Han Zhou, but had a problem with his Ocean Rank soldiers.

He sighed and walked over to the Fan Sect Workshop afterwards.

He was greeted by Gue Fan with a big kiss on the lips as her white blouse fell into his shirt. He felt her face smooshed into his and smiled before he slid her hands down her back. He found a small skirt on and thought about pulling it off before Yan Ran tugged on him.

She kissed him as well and smiled as she gently carressed his skin...

"We... we need you to check your point meter... We think we found out why you got so many points..." Su Fan said as she smiled and floated over to Lin Fan...

"Apparently, the Dragon Kin's top treasure was stolen by Glenn Kong and they think you have it... It's apparently a treasure that was given to them by an Overlord who descended from here..."

"I hope that Overlord doesn't care..." Lin Fan had a bad feeling but ignored it... "Anyways, I was hoping to make points the old fashioned way for a few minutes... Su Fan... you mind joining me in the darkness..."

"We can't today... Han Zhou might have not told you, but someone from Radiant Palace is coming to visit..."

"Why? How are they even able to get here without the Empyrean Temples?"

"Na Ran... She has a small temple with her still..." Yan Ran said as she kissed Lin Fan on the cheek... "However, witih Pox Ran interfering she contacted them to see if they could do anything to strengthen us..."

"Of course, I don't want to piss off father, but please just here what they have to say..."

Su Fan kissed him on the lips as he sighed and looked over at Na Ran as she calibrated some strange device in the Fan Sect Outskirts...

All he wanted to do right now was share the love with his girls...

"Su Fan... I don't suppose we have three minutes?" Lin Fan smiled at her and grabbed her hand... "Let's go make sure your fiance still works!"