
Lin Fan was the reason the Water Race and the Merman now had a love hate relationship with each other...

They used to fight a war every five years in the Silver Sea, but now they were practicing tactics to try and prepare for the coming battle the day after tomorrow. They believed that since Pox Ran was in East Continent that there was no way Lin Fan would attack early before the day of the battle.

He also had the Battle Arena Network here waiting for the action with sets of thousands of floating cameras orbiting the sea keeping track of everyone's movements. The sheer fact that all this was set up made everyone pretty sure that Lin Fan would never dare act impetuously and ambush them.

Their plan was to actually ambush the human's main cities with the forces of the Dragon Kin while they were fighting in the Silver Sea. If everything went according to plan, even if Lin Fan won the battle he would lose the war.

Their main targets were going to be the human supply towns and merchant routes to cut off supplies to the main Super Clan's of the humans.

Two leaders of the Water Race and the Merman were sitting with someone from the Battle Arena network at this moment as they discussed the coming battle. The winner of the battle was going to get a sentient grade treasure from the Battle Arena Network or a promise of comparable value.

The two main generals of the Water Race were Mar Long and Pong Long. They were brothers that had both lived for a thousand years.

They were sitting across two other generals from the Merman who fought with against them in battle after battle almost every year in this same sea.

The fact that they could come together to work to kill Lin Fan astounded the Battle Arena Network leaders. They were certain that if Lin Fan lost it would both boost their ratings and give them something of value to sell to future generations...

"So... It's quite a pretty night.... I thought Pox Ran was going to come here after Han Zhou was killed..."

"We can start with out that assassin..." The director from the Battle Arena Network said scornfully as he pulled out a map... "We need to know exactly where you're fighting, so we can get the best angles..."

"We... we plan on fighting right here..." Mar Long pointed down on a map before he turned and traced his hand in the air to the large iceberg floating in the middle of the Silver Sea.... "I imagine Lin Fan will die right here... on this iceberg thanks to the traps you help us set..."

"Our boss didn't like that asshole..." The director Kan said as gestured with a gun towards the iceberg and fired three times... "Bang... Bang... Bang!"

He laughed and fell back on his chair before he suddenly felt sick. He dropped onto the floor and grabbed his chest as Mar Long and Pong Long jumped up and pulled out their weapons...

They immediately ran outside and looked up to the sky only to see ten massive warships from the humans appearing over their territory. A large beam of spiraling light could be seen off the top of one of the warships as Lin Fan smiled.

"Fire... Mimi Fan... Let's show them what we think of their precious iceberg..."

"Sure.... However, Are you sure you want me to aim?" Mimi Fan moved a joy stick before the three cannons Glenn Kong had built followed them across the sky... "If I miss, we might kill thousands of innocent people..."

"I trust you..." Lin Fan smiled and pushed her hand down into the button before the engines in the cannons began to purr. It took just a second for three massive beams of light to shoot out of them towards the iceberg floating in the ocean.

It looked completely innocent, but Lin Fan had been doing research for days here, and landed her many times with Han Zhou to scout it. The Water Race had millions of Ascent Grade Treasures that could explode and kill anyone in Enchanted Realm with ease from a thousand feet away. If they were lucky, and got Lin Fan to land on it, they expected him to be torn to bits, melted, and then washed away in the famous war torn sea...

It took just a second for their plan to burst to bits before the beam of light burst into the interior of the iceberg.

It looked like a large glass mountain had gotten poked in the center by a small candle before a large ball of flames shot up towards the sky. A blue-white flame that was thousands of degrees instantly burst through the clouds and traveled all the way to space.

Thousands, if not millions, of small explosions went off in the mountain just during the second the explosion started. In five seconds, the iceberg had been replaced by a massive, swelling blue ball of death that swept outward and began to evaporate the famous Silver Sea.

Twenty seconds after that, the ball suddenly shrunk and left nothing but a wasteland full of thousands of dead soldiers...

"Well, that was a nice start of an attack... What's next?" Mimi Fan smiled as she grabbed Lin Fan's hand... "Should we recharge the cannons or do this the old fashioned way?"

"I think I'm going to get points the old fashioned way..." Lin Fan stepped off his foot and turned into a flash of light as he appeared in front of the four generals from the two races... "I hope you don't mind... I just put the dear director to sleep... Now if you don't mind humoring me... I'll be taking your heads...."