Jade Steels

Underworld Trench,

Vice Admiral Xi Lang was eagerly awaiting for his troops to finish digging the path to the North Hills. He was sitting cross legged in mid-air as he looked across at the beautiful brunette water race soldier that was bringing him an update on the progress towards the distant human bases.

The human bases were hundreds of miles away, but with the law of earth and the law of wood in his cultivators plus their eighth grade metal [Jade Drilling Steels] he figured they'd reach the human's main base by tomorrow.

The main defenses in Forbidden City were based in the air, and completely unprotected from a ground based attack. The Fan Sect Sun Warship was just a small part of the human's supply network. The only thing Vice Admiral Xi Lang was waiting for was Lin Fan to partake in the battle on the surface.

He sighed and turned around as he activated his elementalization as a strange sensation welled up his his heart. The feeling of complete terror, confusion, and above all resentment started to boil in his heart.

Xi Lang pushed his energy forward and noticed that something seemed different in the fluctuations in the air. He turned back and looked at the soldiers pulling the weapons into the tunnel and ordered them to stop.

These men were in the Apotheosis Stage, but were tasked with pulling extremely precious and heavy and valuable metals only the best blacksmiths could get. They were the type of metals that Lin Fan could only dream of for making weapons. They were a gift from Battle Arena Network in exchange for the Water Race promising a successful ending to the rising tournament winner Lin Fan.

Xi Lang instantly rushed over to the metal and flicked his spatial ring, and sucked up all the metal before he tossed out a weapon called the [concealing sphere]. He pushed it down into his troops and took a deep breath as a large surge of water burst into the trench.

The trench was full of air thanks to the cultivators generating so much heat that an atmosphere was created in the small space. Large and strange clouds had gathered at the top of the trench.

Lin Fan landed in the trench and looked around at the abandoned area.

He sighed and tapped his hand on the floor, sending out a large series of yellow streaks from the law of space. He'd yet to fully master the new sentient treasure on the law of space, but knew from Han Zhou that he should always check an area.

He sighed and noticed no vibrations coming from the law of space, and put his hands behind his head and turned around to Chen Long...

"You... you took long enough. You going to be that slow when I need you to kill people for me?"

"I'm sweating... Stop pretending I'm not fast... You just broke a hundred times the sound barrier..."

"It's not a bad speed..." Lin Fan suddenly felt a tingling in his stomach as he reached back and grabbed Chen Long. He could feel some sort of obscure force coming towards him as he grabbed Chen Long's wrist.

This feeling was from an obscure law, and he suddenly pointed his hand forward as he activated the law of fire. He began preparing a technique called [Temptation Fire Burst] as he took in a deep breath. The obscure law of perception seemed to be activating and telling him something was right in front of him...

"Chen Long... Step back will you."

Lin Fan's arm burned with flames before he stepped down and unleashed the massive flame.

The technique instantly traveled halfway across the room and into the direct location of Xi Lang. He could only do his best to defend as he activated the law of wood to create a massive shield. A large trunk shot up into the air in the middle of the tunnel as Lin Fan casually walked in his direction.

His entire body was charred and he looked back at three dead soldiers behind him. Instantly, he turned enraged as he pointed towards the tunnel and looked at his soldiers...

"Tell them to attack now! Don't let them wait!"

"Chen Long... Kill them." Lin Fan said as he got in a martial stance, and activated a large flame around his body. "Make them burn while I teach this Vice Admiral here a little lesson..."

"No problem, but just remember... Not everyone is weak." Chen Long casually stepped forward and traveled nearly a thousand meters in an instant and appeared next to the soldiers. He used a skill he got when he completely mastered the law of fire called [Fire Break Tempest]. He sighed and looked at the Vice Admiral appearing right in front of him as Lin Fan appeared on his right side.

He instantly kicked him in the side of the ribs. His entire body seemed to curl and spit shot out of his mouth before he agonizingly flew towards the wall.

"Mine... Sorry about that Chen Long."

"No worries," Chen Long cracked his knuckles and looked at the Apotheosis Rank soldiers who turned the other way and began speeding for the other exit. "I'm not fighting ten of you here... I'm sure they'll surrender or I'll just torture them so you can get points."

"You bastard!" Xi Lang said as he scrambled out of the rubble. "I'll kill you and then the war will be over!"

"Let's get this clear... I didn't want the war, and this all started because of an accident. If you just let Chen Long here become a demi-god, or sent a few girls as a gift, we could've all been friends..."

"Friends? Do you realize how long I've been wanting to crush you human scum?" Xi Lang said as he started to turn green as he activated one of the strongest skills of the law of wood. "So what if you have a pretty good demi-god body? I'll show you what happens when you mess with a real demi-god."

"You're right, I'm messing with a real demi-god," Lin Fan held out his hand and activated the law of light, "Why don't you not move so I can try out a new technique on you, demi-god?"