Rising Soul Metal

Lin Fan walked into the Fan Sect workshop and opened up the blueprint as Princess Mane sat on a chair next to him.

Her two Night Queen sisters were sleeping and recovering from the blessing they gave to Lin Fan. He was preparing something for them to reward them soon, but right now had to spend most of his time working.

He opened up the blueprint to something he designed called the [Star Island Swords] as he put some crappy low tier eight vein metal next to him as well as his new sixth grade diamond hammers. He was going to make some swords for his soldiers in the Ocean Realm that would make them invincible in battle against anyone at their rank.

He was also constantly planning, and waiting, for news back from one of his platoons. He sent them to get supplies from a human town called Light Ocean City, but they'd yet to come back. He pushed aside his worries and picked up the two hammers as his legendary blacksmith aura started to cause the shop to shine.

Princess Mane walked over to him in her short pink skirt with a red sweater on as she watched Lin Fan begin to work. She gently pushed her chest into his and hugged him as tight as she could.

Lin Fan put his left arm back and smiled as he grabbed Princess Mane's hand as she started to heat up. She had been desiring to see Lin Fan for so long, but at the same time wasn't as important as Su Fan or Mimi Fan in his life.

She was just a girl that needed a favor from him, and payed him back what she was owed in the form of giving him the Night Queen blessing from her sisters. Now that she had completed the promise, her body ached for acknowledgement that Lin Fan loved her. She bit her lip and ignored Su Fan and Gue Fan who were watching on with tinted red skin.

She felt like she deserved Lin Fan right now.

She wanted him to take advantage of her right now, but didn't dare take him away from the work he needed to finish. The soldiers were already under geared compared to the rest of the troops from the other races.

The humans had hardly any blacksmiths compared to the other races past the seventh rank. Lin Fan was barely in the eighth rank, but the difference between him and most of his colleagues was night and day.

He began using the [lion triplet method] and started to work the metal as Princess Mane backed up and looked at Lin Fan. He looked at her and smiled before he tossed her a key and pointed to his room.

"Why don't you go back there and get some rest. I'll meet you in there when I'm finished. You have circles under your eyes, Princess. I care about you enough to put you to sleep later."

"I-I'm really allowed to go in there?" Princess Mane's legs quivered as Lin Fan smiled and put down the hammer. "You don't not care about me? What about all the ways I hurt you by making you save my sister? You could've avoided this war!"

"No war falls on one girls shoulders, especially not one trying to save her sisters, and especially not when she's the reason my strength has improved so much."

"I-I really like you," Princess Mane bit her lip, "I know that we're all yours, but I want to be one of your special ones. I don't care what you have to do to me! tear of my clothes right now if you want!"

"Kids are watching." Mimi Fan was still dancing with her hammers, but had followed Lin Fan to the shop. She was preparing to make some designs of her own. "I'll watch you later okay? After I finish this design, I can pay you back for all you've done."

"You're-you're too forgiving. I'll make you hit me later," Princess Mane turned and slowly walked off. She couldn't help but smile as she walked to the bedroom. She slightly bowed as she passed by Su Fan as she smiled at her and gestured her to go in.

It was almost like she didn't mind sharing Lin Fan.

Princess Mane took a deep breath and made her way into the room as she took off her red sweater. It was finally her turn, really? As long as something didn't happen right now, all she had to do was wait the night.

She smiled and closed the door slowly as Lin Fan opened up a [blacksmith legend tome] that he'd found in one of the weaker demi-gods rings he killed. It was a psuedo sentient grade treasure, and didn't have to be hacked to be learned.

[Blacksmith Legend Tome has information on the fire smith hammering technique, the black gold blacksmith aura, and the ocean's awakening hammering technique.]

[Would you like to begin downloading... Time till completion ten minutes]

"Ten minutes...? Well, compared to trying to learn a sentient treasure ten minutes is nothing." Lin Fan accepted the option and took a deep breath as he started to feel a swelling of information enter into his body.

He hadn't been able to create any new weapons or armors in almost seven months because of how hard he focused on training and learning the laws. Now that he was finally using his anvil again, he almost felt like the world made sense. Things only made sense when you found something you really enjoyed, and his hands couldn't stop refining the metal.

"There is a small chance one out of these hundred swords will be in the ninth rank."

"If I get lucky enough to make a sword that causes two tribulations, I promise to reward Princess Mane with every ounce of my happiness..."

Lin Fan slammed his hammer down over and over again as he contemplated how to get to the ninth grade of rising soul metal. He felt like it would be possible as long as he just remembered the basics and didn't slack.

He smiled, and completely lost himself in the process.

At the same time, in a small village, five human demi-gods were trying their hardest to make their way to the Fan Sect.

Behind them, was almost an entire army of demi-gods from the Dragon Kin.

"It's only fifty miles away! Hurry! If we hurry, we stand a chance of making it to the Fan Sect!"