Beggar King

Misty Mountains

Tiberius POV

Two hours after the battle the legionnaires can be seen setting up camp and cleaning up the field, the dead are separated, severed body parts and corpses of goblins and orcs are tossed to a pile where they are left to be eaten by scavengers while the corpses of romans are buried in mass graves as surviving soldiers pray for their comrades who fell in battle.

The stench of blood around the air attracted vultures as they circled around the sky and landing down on the pile of corpses where they dig out the eyes of the corpse and rip out the intestines.

I watch my men drag more bodies of their comrades to the graves and my heart aches as we lost a legion of men in battle in this strange world.

"How many casualties?"

"Around ten thousand your majesty, we lost too many soldiers after our rear was attacked by those giant wolves and orcs." Garen speaking up

"They're wargs not wolves"

I looked at Thorin who said that and my anger rise as I remember what happened.

"That big one, Azog is their leader right?, that orc was looking at you! They were hunting you right?! Once again you lured danger to my men and I lost a legion of men fighting those monsters! They will be back and probably bring more of those orcs! Why should I not give you and your companions to them tied up Huh?!!"

"I will compensate your losses." He says to me while gritting his teeth.

"COMPENSATE? Who the fuck you think you are?! Do you know how long it is to train a legionnaire? And how much it cost? My legion lost a lot gear in that battle and I don't even know what to do with those scraps of metals in this god forsaken nowhere."

"I'm Thorin Oakenshield rightful king of under the mountain, grandson of Thrór who was the king of Durin's Folk I pledge in Valar's name I will compensate all your losses and more.

"You a king? you don't look like one."

"As gandalf said before we lost our home from the evil dragon Smaug who was attracted to the treasures of my people. The dragon hoarded all our wealth to himself to make it as his bed."

"So your a king in exile? You're a beggar king then."

"If you and your army help me take back lonely mountain, I promise that half of the wealth of Lonely mountain that my people has amassed for centuries will be yours. My people are the best blacksmiths in the world, we will forge the most excellent steel and armors to your men."

I looked at him and ponder over his proposal: "We don't know where we are and I'm sure this isn't our world anymore after what I've seen, no creatures like goblins, orcs, wargs, and giant eagles exist in any records of rome, that rift in the sky and the light that blinded us must have done something to me and my legions and we need someone to guide us in this strange world." I think over his proposal and look to Garen my advisor.

Garen nods his head he as understands our situation.

"You sure that mountain is full of treasures?" I looked at Thorin

"Yes, an ocean of gold and gems awaits you if you help us."

"Deal!," I reached out my hand and we shook hands

What they don't know is this pact is a historic moment that will mark the rise of Rome in this world and change the fate of middle earth.