
Burned Lake-town

Tiberius POV


The goat's large horns slammed on the wainriders and we're thrown far from the impact, the dwarves infantry stab the wainriders that tried to get through with their long spears while forming a shield wall blocking the retreat of the wainriders. The wainriders stopped as they see the dwarves upfront while behind them are also the swords of the legions pointed at them. The wainriders know their predicament, all escape route is blocked and now they were trapped.

The unexpected arrival of a dwarven army meant their defeat is assured, the field was quiet for a few seconds before a loud laughter can be heard from the side of the dwarves.

"Haha, I did not expect a battle here!"

A dwarf with a red beard riding a boar came to the front of the dwarven army.

"I knew there would be men wearing red armors with large shields but did not expect an army of Easterlings and a servant of Sauron here."

The dwarf smiled looking around the legions and wainriders before his face turned serious staring at the Nazgûl.

"I know only one Nazgûl that has reappeared during this age and you don't look like the one that I have heard about, you're definitely not the Witch King, for another of your kind to appear here meant only one thing, Sauron has finally regained a physical form and now strong enough to summon all the remaining Nazgûl."


The Nazgûl shrieked then urged its horse forward towards the dwarf general, seeing this the dwarf lifted his large hammer and swing it at the black horse killing it.


The Nazgûl fell down on the ground and quickly got up but turning around he sees the roman prince in front of him.

"You won't escape this time!"

Tiberius slashed his sword severing both legs and it's remaining hand making the Nazgûl immobilized while dark miasma flows out from its wounds, he lifted his sword and was about to strike down on the Nazgûl's head when suddenly he heard the shout of the dwarf.

"Wait stop!"

Looking at the dwarf face Tiberius questions him: "Why?"

"If you kill it now it will just lose it's physical form and would be revive in the dark lair of Sauron after a few years."

Looking at the Nazgûl anger rise within him as he remembered the deaths it caused to his legions. If this being revive it will just cause destruction and death once more.

"So what now?"

"First let's kill all this Easterlings before dealing with the Nazgûl"

The battle continued for another hour before all Easterlings were slain, knowing they would lose the Easterlings fought without regard for their safety as they recklessly charged at the line of dwarves and Romans trying to kill as many as they can before dying.

Looking around the field Tiberius can see the men carrying off the injured while killing the enemies that were still breathing on the ground, though the wainriders fought bravely to the last man they were too reckless during their last charge dealing only minimal losses.


The Nazgûl shrieked while squirming on the ground trying to taunt the men and dwarves to kill him so that he could escape from the situation, though he will lose his physical form he knows his master will revive him.

"How do we deal with this?"

Tiberius looked at the dwarf jumping off from his pig before walking towards him, they looked at the squirming dark being on the ground before the dwarf replied.

"There are only two known ways to truly kill a Nazgûl from the white council, burn it into ashes or" The dwarf pulled down the black hood of the Nazgûl and they see a rotting face of an old man. "Sunlight"

The moment the dwarf said that they see from the east the rising sun, the moment light shined upon the Nazgûl face it shrieked.


The dark being shrieked in terror as sunlight burns its body, dark smoke came out from under its clothes while its face melts until the skull can be seen, its eyeballs dropped off from its sockets before melting onto the ground. The Nazgûl squirmed trying to find shelter away from the sun.

"Now you can kill it"

Nodding his head Tiberius slashed his sword and decapitated the Nazgûl, it's head rolled before stopping next to its body before disintegrating.

"Thank You"

He heard a whisper as the entire body of the Nazgûl disintegrates only leaving its black cloak and golden ring behind.

"You heard that?"

"What?" The dwarf looked at Tiberius curiously.

Tiberius shook his head and picked up the black cloak and the ring, he felt malice just touching them before giving it to the dwarf. The dwarf inspected them and frowned before giving it to one of his men before finally making their introductions.

"I'm Tiberius Claudius, Prince of Rome and Commander of the legion, and you are?."

"Well lad I'm Dáin ll Ironfoot, lord of the Iron Hills and cousin of Thorin, he sent me a message saying he was in Lake-town and requested aid to slay the dragon with you Romans, where is he?"

Tiberius looked at the dwarf cautiously: "You're late, we've already reclaimed the mountain and why did he not inform me about you and your armies arrival?"

"You slew the dragon already?! That's amazing, well my cousin was probably afraid that you would break your oath like the elves did and take all the wealth for yourself, but judging how bravely you fought I doubt it."

"No the dragon left after sustaining injuries, I don't expect it to return anytime soon, as for Thorin's suspicions I would have killed him the moment the dragon left the mountain."

Walking back to the camp along with two thousand dwarven soldiers they talked about the dragon, wainriders, Lake-town and Thorin. They discussed their plans for the march tomorrow and the possible battle that might occur.

Tiberius looked at the dwarf: "The Northmen and elves went to Dale, we could expect the elven king and his army to be there judging by what Legolas said."

"Ah Dale, the city of northmen just in front of the gates of Erebor, pity it was abandoned when the dragon came. As for those oathbreakers, BAH! They won't stand a chance against my kin!"

"As much as possible please avoid conflict with them, someone special to me is among them."

The dwarf paused hearing the young man, he knows that an elf and a man's relationship rarely ends well for both sides, especially for the elf who does not age. He was about to say this but changed his mind when seeing the young man determined face: "The young man would learn it the hard way then."

"Aye I'll try, but no promises! Pray that those pointy ear bastards behave!"

Nodding his head Tiberius finally breathes in relief knowing there is a chance to avoid conflict, now he just hopes the elves would not offend the dwarves who he knows have an ill will against them after their past history.

"For now we need some rest, can your men stand guard while we sleep?"

"Aye lad rest, for tomorrow we march!"


The roman prince slept in comfort not knowing tomorrow a legendary battle would occur that will make all middle earth tremble as a new power rise on the north and also would make a certain dark being not from this world notice the hidden potential of the young prince of Rome.